Chapter 1-The night we met I knew I..needed you so.

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Barbara was out enjoying herself with her friendship group- a bunch of constantly drunken 20 year olds. (Except for Barbara. She was only 19) They all had their own fake ids and unique ways to get what they wanted.

Barb had black eyeliner on, her hair straight, black (very high) high heels. Along with that she had a tight, black, short dress. All the girls were wearing similar dresses and looked the same.

Barbara had done some shots before her name and her friends name got called up for Karaoke. The night was becoming a colourful blur but she loved it.

One thing about Barbara is that she always  worried too much about things in Highschool and now she was in college she could be a different person. Little did she know these people weren't a good association, she was still little and naïve Barbara underneath this new mask of a person.

Barbara and her drunk friend screamed the lyrics to their chosen song. A young clean young man walked in. He was around early twenties and wasn't the sort of person you'd expect in a bar. He was accompanied by three other friends and they had sat down at a sticky table, which they'd asked the waitress to clean. All the boys had ordered and received their pints of beer as they shouted over the singing, trying to communicate.

Barbara was quite a good singer but she was trying to fit in so she was trying to make it sound bad. Which wasn't really working, since she had a lot of vocal training over the years.

A few hours passed and it was now 2 in the morning. Barbara was coming back to her table (from the bathroom) but no one was there. "Guys?" Barbara looked around and went to the bar asking if they had seen the group. Barbara then made her way to Adams table. They didn't know each other, this was the first time they'd met.

"Hi, sorry have you seen a big group of people?" She asked the guys, which they responded by shaking their heads.

Barbara began walking away to go outside and Adam looked at the boys "shouldn't we make sure she's okay?" Adam asked as he looked around the group of drunk boys. They all shook their head in response and one of them said "nah. She'll be fine." They all held their glasses up and laughed- all, but Adam. Adam stood up. He hadn't had much to drink  and he went to go find the poor girl.

Barbara sat on the side walk outside the bar, with her head down, crying into her palms as she tried to hide her face. She was struggling to walk, to think, to even speak. She was so lost, like a stray puppy that wonders the streets but the only difference was she couldn't walk very well right now.

Adam came out and shyly said "hi."

Barbara got abit startled and quickly wiped the tears off her cheeks as she kept her gaze on the road. "Hi.." she spoke back to him

"Are you okay? Have you been left alone? Is there anyone you need to call? I have a phone."  Adam asked in concern

She shook her head at everything and the shrugged "I just.. they probably just.. they probably had an important reason to go.." her voice broke.

"I'm Adam, and you are?" Adam sat next to her and put his hand out to shake it.

She shook his hand gently, her hands were so much smaller than his. "Barbara.."

"And how old are you Barbara?" He asked softly really just wanting to help her and not wanting to freak her out.

"19.." she said shamefully because she didn't want to get in trouble for underage drinking.

"Oh.. how did you get I- never mind. I'm 21."He paused "how far do you live from here? Maybe I could walk you back home.." he suggested

"I only live up the road.. it's like a 15 minute walk.. oh-" she began crying "but I have to climb up that stupid tree!" She whined and dropped her head onto Adams shoulder as he began to hush her and held her in his arms till she calmed.

After a while they began walking Barbara home. He was holding an arm around her to support her while she carried her high heels in her hand. She was a lot smaller without them on, which made Adam giggled but he didn't say anything of course.

Adam had gotten her home after a while "so you want me to help you up there and then I'll go?" He asked and she nodded back.

He helped her climb up the tree and was about to go but she pulled him back through the window and kissed him. She pulled away and began apologising instantly "sorry, sorry, sorry! Oh I'm so stupi-" Adam cut her off by kissing her softly. Barbara was on her tiptoes as they melted deeply into the kiss. It just felt..normal. Her hands were wondering along his shoulders, neck and back. Whereas one of Adams arms wrapped around barbaras waist and the oposite had a hand in barbaras hair.

Once they pulled away, they stood there staring into each others eyes and smiling.  Eventually he wrote his number down for her to call him. He also left a little note saying he had a nice night and enjoyed meeting her.

They shared one more kiss goodnight then  he proceeded to climb back down the tree.

This night was probably one of the most wild nights of Adam and Barbaras life.

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