Chapter 8- I'll make you so proud of me

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TW/ death

A year a go barbara had another miscarriage along with lots of negative tests- this was her second miscarriage but was her third pregnancy- They had lost all hope and stopped trying. Barbara was now 32. Adam was 34. Their life's still hadn't changed; no kids, nothing they actually wanted. Just fear. One day, Barbara and Adam were dancing around when the floor gave out. They both fell through as their life flashed before their eyes, resulting in their tragic death.

The next couple of days were extremely different, and to say they didn't enjoy change they were struggling with it a lot. This was until they openly discussed everything that had happened in their life. They didn't want to waste their afterlife, so the new Maitlands 2.0 had decided to change their attitudes for their own well being.

They had just met this teenage gothic girl, who was like a daughter to them now everything had settled down. Although, Barbara still cried almost every night. She never cried in front of people. Barbara, only cried alone and in a dark part of the attic.

The maitlands were trying to enjoy as much time as they could together, even though it was difficult since everyone had forgiven the demon for all the chaos he'd recently caused.
Lawrence would just burst in whenever they were trying to have time to together and he had no respect for their or anyone else's privacy.

The last time Barbara and Adam finally had some alone time beetlejuice simply let himself through the clearly locked door. He just walked through it and didn't care. He was more occupied on the fact the toaster was on fire than what they were doing. Things like that really annoyed the family but they always tried to stay calm.

It was now Valentine's Day. Adam and Barbara were trying to have a romantic night, like the Deetzs were. When suddenly, Beetlejuice asked the ghost couple about the plant that said 'Mia Maitland' on it. Everyone else knew but the demon.

The Maitlands explained to him that it was their sleeping baby girl he tilted his head hearing this and got confused "You know she's probably just in the netherworld, right? She won't be that old either. Times different there" He looked between the ghosts.

The ghosts looked at eachother having some hope. Then Barbara asked "what about miscarriages? Will those babies be there?" She tilted her head and Adam rubbed arm. It was the first time he'd every herd Barbara say anything about this topic without crying, he looked so proud of her.

Beetlejuice shrugged "Maybe. But if not you can just adopt another baby.. " he meant it all in a nice, caring way, but his tone didn't match this. He sounded confused by everything.

Adam interrupted for a brief moment  "and how would this work exactly?" He asked extremely unsure about everything. What if this was a plan to trap them in the netherworld?!

"You guys would go to the netherworld office, I'll take you guys because the woman in charge is sexy. Sexier than you, sexy." He winked at Adam "Anyways, then you go through I'll help you back here. Trust me the netherworld is no place to raise children. Unless you want a mini me." He waved at barb and smirked laughing. "So, you guys in?" He asked "for going to find your dead baby..?" Beetlejuice said without thinking about the way he said that.

Barbara looked at Adam "let's do it.." she said

"But Barbara what if-" Adam got cut off

"Adam, what do we have to loose? Nothing. What do we have to potentially gain? Everything we've ever wanted. We lived in fear always saying 'what if' and that stops today." She said sternly but sweetly "we'll do it." She turned and looked at beetlejuice.

"Okay, well come! I haven't got all day."Lawrence grinned and tapped his wrist as if he was wearing a watch.

"Barbara.." Adam said shakily

"Let to it!" She took his hand and they followed Beej into the netherworld.

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