1| The Lake

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Author's note: I'm aware there is no cover art for this story, but I'll have something whipped up for it soon. For now, I hope you enjoy chapter 1.


"Do you think you'll miss home in 12?" Coriolanus asks, trying to break the awkward silence

"It's not home, but I know I'll miss the Covey and all the music."
She pauses
"...but District 12 and the thought of what might happen... y'know, if anyone decides to act against the Capitol. It only makes me want to run further - and faster."

Coriolanus sighs in agreement
"I used to think the Capitol was the good guy side, and that District people were some sort of savages that deserved to be punished."

He takes a breath

"-and now, after I've seen what it's like with my own two eyes... I feel like a damn idiot."

Lucy Gray chuckles at the thought of Coryo's ego deflating at a harsh truth

"Had to find out the hard way, no?" She teases, punching him in the arm as she walks beside him

"I don't know if I've told you what happened with one of my classmates back in the Capitol... but that retched Dr. Gaul‐ the science teacher - head gamemaker- tried to kill my friend in the lab. Right in front of me, too. She didn't even do anything to deserve what happened."

He scratches his head and chokes on his words a bit as the memory of Clemensia being bitten by all those snakes replays in his mind

"It was sick... Those snakes from the arena- she tested them out on her. As soon as the first one sank its teeth in, her eyes rolled back and her skin turned every unnatural color imaginable."

"Geez." is all Lucy Gray manages to mutter as she tries to picture the girl changing colors.

"I-I thought for sure they'd killed her but a few weeks later, I saw her- she was different. There were scales, her eyes resembled those of a snake, and her voice was eerily unrecognizable.
She remembered me... our eyes met in the mentor's lounge... but for a few days, she gave me the cold shoulder like it was my fault."

"Did she ever talk to you again?"

Coriolanus twiddles his thumbs
"Well... yes."

"It wasn't until one night when all the mentors got together. After everyone was asleep, we finally got a chance to talk about everything. I told her I was sorry. Seemed like she understood, and she said the scales were slowly going away."

Lucy Gray takes interest
"So the Capitol's sick science experiments are only temporary... huh- seems like they might not all be so cold-hearted after all."

"I don't know about all of them... but I guess she was lucky."
"-not about the whole getting coaxed into reaching an arm into the snake bin, but for the scales falling off. She was hiding them."

"Oh." She replies
"So much for a glimmer of optimism-"

"That's why I'm not going back... for a while."
Coriolanus admits, nervously, and for good reason seeing as Lucy Gray isn't too happy about what he said

"You mean you're only running away with me for a while? Until it's not convenient for you anymore?"
She scoffs, kicking a clump of dirt as she walks

"No! No-no-no! That's not what I meant. I mean- I've got family back there that I didn't get a real goodbye from. If I go back, it's either to visit, to rescue them, or to try and end the Capitol's reign over the Districts." He elaborates.

"...and HOW do you expect to do that last thing?"
Lucy Gray tries to poke holes in his story, unsure if he's serious.

"Well- the Capitol is weaker than they let on. If they had as much control as they claim, then how come they allowed the tributes to kill that girl at the zoo?"

"...or, or- why do they have to keep such a tight grip on people if they're really that strong and sophisticated??"

"Maybe you have a point." She says, taking his hand
"Enough of all the negatives. We're here now... again. This time you better not try and shoot me."

"Look, I'm sorry about the whole thing with the Peacekeeper gun. I was scared. I wasn't in my right mind and it seemed like you caught onto that and left. The snake surprise you left me- well, I still have the scar from that. I shouldn't have shot at you. Now, there's not a word I can use to truly say how sorry I am. Adrenaline and fear do funny things to people."

Lucy Gray hugs him and covertly checks each of his pockets to ensure there's no nasty surprises
"I forgive you. DON'T make me regret trusting you."

He hangs his head in shame
"I will make my very best effort to earn back your trust, madame Lucy Gray."

His odd response draws a laugh out of Lucy
"You do have a strange way with words-"

Both of their faces turn a distinct shade of red
"Do I?" Coriolanus asks with a sly grin

"Yes, Capitol boy- you do. Now... let's find something for dinner before sunset."


Hunting for food is still such a new concept for Coriolanus. Although, to him, it can't be any worse than the mere crumbs he was raised on.
Having to hide his exposed ribcage while others devoured food so carelessly- wasting more of it than anything.
So, eating from nature has to, at least, prove more rewarding than eating from a garbage can.

Back to reality, Coryo and Lucy Gray approach the shack by the lake- hand in hand- and unpack the few blankets he was able to sneak off the base.

"An old friend of mine taught me how to set some small animal traps... want me to show you?"

"Sure, can't hurt. I don't want to be entirely useless out here" Coriolanus says, dumping his gear out from his bag- neatly organizing it on the floor

"Don't you worry a thing, I can make good use of you yet." Lucy Gray taunts, in the most friendly way possible, causing Coriolanus to blush again

"C'mon, you can start by finding some long sticks and sharpening them with that knife"
She says and points to a utility knife in his pile of stuff

"Just don't shank me with those sticks, Lucy Gray" He jokes, but the anxiety remains in the back of his mind

She claps back with "Just don't shank me with that knife, Coriolanus Snow, pretty boy, Future President of Panem."

They both smile

"Chop chop, boy, get to work!" Lucy Gray gives her best drill sargeant impression

"Yes Ma'am."

and they're off

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