8| A District 12 Morning

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It is near dawn when Lucy Gray opens her eyes. "It's probably best we get an early start" she thinks to herself, carefully scooting out from under Coriolanus's arm that remains around her.

Fresh water.
-A necessity now that both of their canteens are nearing empty.

Having almost forgotten her... nakedness... she reaches for her clothes and quickly dresses. Not a pleasantry with the cold District 12 air.
(District 12 is based around where I live and I will attest to the fact that the mornings here are no fun. Really. Ask anyone.) -Skinttt

Having gotten dressed, she gathers both canteens and a plastic bottle to take to the nearby stream. Luckily, last night's rain helped to bring the water level up, making the collecting process a whole lot easier.
Lucy Gray quickly heads back to camp, hoping that Coriolanus is still asleep on their bed- not wanting him to fear that she'd ran away again. After leaving the water, she checks the traps to see if anything went for the bait. Nothing yet. Still no reason to worry, though, most of the small animals are more active in the daytime.

It's a funny thought that the trip has already been so successful. Coryo has come out of his shell, they've had food, water, shelter, and not to mention the feeling of security that having a partner brings.


Being away from the Capitol has made a big impact on Coriolanus. All the turmoil in District 12... that's in the rearview, too. "I wonder how long it's been since he slept so soundly.." Lucy Gray thinks to herself as she looks over at the peaceful ball of blankets
"I know it's been a while for me."


Getting the fire started again proves to be a bit of a challenge. Soggy logs don't make the best firewood after all.
She crawls back under their overhang, or rather, 'Humble Abode' and retrieves some extra logs she had stowed away. The clatter of the wood causes her to panic- "No no no! I don't want to wake him up!" -but he proves to be a tough sleeper and doesn't even stir.

After using her trusty lighter, veering away from the tedious, traditional way, she gets the fire started. Would have waited longer, but the sooner the water is boiled, the sooner she can have a drink- which sounds quite nice. So, with the thought- and a dry tongue- Lucy Gray removes the lids and places the metal canteens along the base of the fire.


As they cool, she returns to the 'Humble Abode' and reclaims her place beside Coriolanus. "Sleeping in can't hurt- right?"
Lucy Gray scoots back in under his arm, basking in his warmth before falling asleep.

Not long after, Coriolanus awakens and realizes that Lucy Gray remains beside him on their bed. He turns his head and sees that the fire has been started and freshly boiled water sits not far from it. "How did she-?"
"Early birds get the seeds, I guess" He mumbles, still only half awake.

A dilemma arises- Coriolanus refuses to move too much, not wanting to disturb his songbird that sleeps so soundly beside him. But, it doesn't take long to come up with a solution. "I'll just stay here." -and so he does. No longer tired enough to sleep, he silently admires Lucy Gray - continuously asking himself how he managed to catch such a perfect person. How most of the people his age in the Capitol were repulsed by him, such a stark contrast to how things are with her. The whole Snow family, mostly a joke amongst those people... Seeing through the charade- how they pretended to be rich in order to fit in. But why?
Why are things so different here in District 12? Is it because of how he can relate? Knowing how true hunger feels? Or, how it feels to have eyes on you, constantly... waiting for you to make the smallest mistake so they can pounce on you?
"Maybe I'm not the opposite." -a thought that frequents his conscience.

Laying there beside Lucy Gray, it inspires him. "I need to go back and make things right."

Having slipped poison to Dean Highbottom before leaving, it's possible that he could be gone. If true, it can only mean one thing: his biggest opposition is no longer in power.
The Capitol could be his. Panem could be his.
Snow always lands on top. Snow always lands on top. The monotonous phrase repeats over and over within him.
"Nothing! -and I mean nothing, will stand in my way of giving Lucy Gray the life she deserves."
But there's one problem... how? How exactly does he go about this 'master plan' ?

Yikes! Gutsy, no?
Where there's will, there's a way.

"Coriolanus?" A whisper calls for him, he snaps out of his episode of complex thinking

"Oh, you're finally awake!"
"Sooooo... how did you sleep?" Coryo asks, holding a friendly smile on his face

"Pretty good." She replies as she stretches, then breaks into a fit of laughter

"What's so funny?"

Lucy Gray collects herself before answering
"You know you're naked, right?

Coriolanus's smile turns into a semi-confused expression before realization hits him. Embarrassed, his first response is to fully cover himself with the blanket.

"You moron. Here's your clothes"
She tosses the pile of clothes his direction- hitting him in the face before he could get his arms out from under the covers. Only rousing more laughter out of her

"Gah! Why am I naked?" He removes the uniform from around his head, then, the memories from last night come back to him
"Oh- never mind."


"Uh-huh, now, get dressed and we'll go for a walk." Lucy Gray changes the subject, still red in the face from the awkward situation

"Yes ma'am."

"You don't have to call me ma'am, you know?" She says with a sly grin "You're funny but we're equals. Plus, ma'am makes me sound like an old lady... or teacher... or literally any form of authority."

Coriolanus meets her gaze with his own, giving an affirmative nod

"Hurry up!"


"Uhhh- yes... Lucy Gray Baird." He comes up with a new version

Nothing comes to mind in response - she facepalms, but it seems as though he got the hint because he finishes getting dressed and gets up.

"You hungry?"

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