10| A Surprise Visitor (Love Knows No Bounds)

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Sitting around the campfire, sharing stories from their childhoods. -A pretty positive way to spend an evening.

"What was it like around here during the war?" Coriolanus asks, looking for some insight into how District 12 ended up in such a disheveled state.

"About the same as the others, by what I've heard. The Capitol wasn't too happy about the supply of coal being disrupted, nor for how many Peacekeepers were killed by rebels."


"Things were bad in the Capitol too. Almost every day, more names would be added to the list of casualties. The streets were full of death. Bodies from battles over food, those dead from starvation. We always feared we'd end up on that list- Tigris and I usually were the ones to go out looking, never did we come up with much. Some people went as far as resorting to cannibalism... eating the remains of those who didn't make it."

Lucy Gray sits there, a blank stare in her eyes as she tries to visualize the lavish society in such disarray
"You saw it?" She asks

"Yes. I was only small then. I asked Tigris why, all she said was that's what starvation does to people."
"-we were always taught that all those things we saw during the war were the sole doing of the Districts."

"I was shielded, the Covey did their best to keep me from seeing the worst of it. But- it gets you to wondering why you saw someone so often... and then never again."

Coriolanus sighs, remembering the day he found out what really happened to his dad.
"Finding out my father was killed by a rebel sniper- it gave my mind a scapegoat to pin the events on. All Districts- that's why everyone's dying... at least, that's what I thought."
"The amount of information the Capitol kept from us... it makes me wonder if they wanted us to be angry, creating an environment with no empathy or understanding between the parties."

"I don't know."
"You're here with me now. We need to make new memories together, to snuff out some of the pain we've both been through." Lucy Gray places a hand on Coryo's shoulder
"I guess that's why we have the Hunger Games. I sure do hope that if you are truly the 'Future President of Panem' you can try to make things right- or, as close to 'right' as possible in the circumstances."

For some reason, this makes him smile. He takes a moment to think.
"I will sure try. Trust me, Lucy Gray... I'll try."


"But- it's getting late. You ready to lie down?" Coriolanus changes the subject, suddenly realizing how he's covered in goosebumps.

She nods


They move all their supplies underneath the overhang and proceed to cover up.

"It's cold, Lucy Gray. Do you need another layer? You can have my jacket-" He offers

"Nah, I'm okay. I know you'll keep me warm"
Her expression turns into a faint smile- and despite it being dim- Coryo notices and immediately feels warmer.

"Goodnight, I love you." He whispers, but before he can close his eyes, Lucy Gray kisses him on the forehead and then once more on the lips.
The subtlety, mixed with the sensation of her soft fingers on his cheek- it brings an inner feeling of ease.
One more thing escapes her before she falls asleep- "Remember what I said."

As he, himself, starts to drift off, he tries to figure out what she meant- concluding that it's probably when she said about making new memories. "We've already started" he thinks to himself, throwing his arm around her before everything fades into dreamland.

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