13| Just like old times.

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Walking in the door is like being blasted with warm air. Almost overwhelming, although it aids in shaking off the cold.

"The manager told me that it'd be okay for you to hang backstage when I go on. The reason I even asked was because I worry about you. If anyone in the audience happened to recognize you from that fight... they'd most likely want another round of smashing your teeth in."

Coriolanus looks flustered, embarrassed that she'd seen how he got whacked by some guy.
-while in uniform, too.
He'd really hoped she didn't see that... or... at least, had forgotten about it by now.

"I don't need protecting" he thinks to himself, although he surely did when Billy Taupe had him by the neck. If she had run away and not came back... he'd be dead- and he knows it.

The urge to be perfect- it erodes his soul every time he fails.
It has been three times his life has been saved by Lucy Gray, yet, he believes that he's yet to make it up to her. "What was that... the thing she whispered in my ear the other night?" He asks himself, scratching his chin- as if trying to decipher some sort of secret code.
Unbeknownst to him, there was no secret code or hidden meaning behind what she'd said. Simply that he has made things up to her. Just as he admitted he was no longer bound to being 'Capitol' and rather, proclaiming himself to belong solely to Lucy Gray- in any sense of the word, in any sense of 'ownership' to a person. The idea somehow soothes him, in stark contrast to how he would have felt just weeks ago under Dr. Gaul. Having been only willing to take on the role of apprentice if it meant more power for him. How he'd leave anything... or anyone... to move closer to ultimate power.

Only now does he see the deeper meaning to those previous goals. Those meanings being centered around gaining control over what he was unable to, throughout his life. Realizing then that his biggest fear is the unknown, the inability to control the situations he'd been thrust into. Trauma had only strengthened his lust for power.

It's owed to Lucy Gray that he was served such an eye-opener. She'd taught him to roll with the punches- both figuratively and literally- and keep going even when things aren't going as planned.


Coriolanus realizes that he had not answered her when she explained why she wanted him backstage. "Stop being an asshole and listen to her!" He mentally berates himself, followed by choking out the words "Okay. Come see me if you need anything." with a wave and a slight smile. -and then he goes.

He finds home in what is presumably the only real chair in the whole place. Such luxury.
Closing his eyes for a minute until he's startled awake by Lucy Gray standing there, talking to him.
"I don't know if I can do this... without the Covey to back me up? Sure, I can play guitar, and I have been since I was old enough to walk... but the Covey were always there. It has always been Lucy Gray Baird and the Covey, not just me." She says, admitting to being wracked with stage fright.

"Even she gets stage fright?" Coriolanus wonders

"If they don't like me, how will we pay for supplies?"


Coriolanus tries to think of something... some way to help her spirits.
"Your voice moves people, Lucy Gray. Everyone in the Capitol adored you and your singing at the Reaping. If a voice could kill, you'd have won the Games without lifting a finger. Hell, you moved me and I wasn't even there in person to witness it. All I was able to see was through a small screen, and yet, my mind was flooded with 'Wow- that's my tribute!' You had me sort of afraid with your rebellious nature, what if you didn't like me as a mentor? I worried a lot about that. Sure enough, you are a true-born victor, nothing suggests you won't win here as well. Sing from the heart. I believe in you." He says, giving her a comforting pat on the back, which transitions into a long, tight hug.

What was that? A Coriolanus Snow Ted Talk..?
Oh yes it was! *audience boos* "YOU STINK!" "SIT BACK DOWN!" Okay... okay... I'll shut up now. :^[

"Thank you." is all Lucy Gray says before disappearing past the curtains and onto the stage. Like that, Coriolanus is left alone again.


Realization doesn't take long to set in... he's sitting in the very room where everything went down that fateful night. Billy Taupe, Spruce, the mayor's daughter... it all happened here. Something comes over Coriolanus-


Even with it being in the past, the fact that he's back here- it awakens the memories... the flashbacks. Gun blasts ring throughout his head, he sees the mayor's daughter drop dead on the hardwood floor- Billy Taupe taking a slug in the stomach- and to survive that!? It freaks him out even more.


Coryo flops down onto the chair and closes his eyes, silently pleading with himself to make it stop. Meanwhile, Lucy Gray sings on stage, merely ten feet away from where he's having a mental breakdown- but she's oblivious. The impulse to run out and cling onto her, to sob on her shoulder, it's tempting in itself, despite it not being an option. Leaving him no choice but to sit there and try to drown out the pain that comes to him in waves. The tattooed lady enters the room and smiles, probably thinking that he's ecstatic to be together with Lucy Gray, listening to her voice that's almost enchanting. Although it's the truth, the apparent PTSD will do anything but let him enjoy this experience.
He waves for the woman to come to him, then digs around at the bottom of his coat pocket, retrieving a crumpled piece of paper money. "Would this cover a bottle of that strong stuff?" Coriolanus asks. She doesn't speak but takes the money and leaves.
"Did she just rob me?" He starts to wonder, but is relieved to see her jog back into the room with a big bottle of the infamous white liquor. With a nod, he gives his thanks and pops open the vile-tasting 'medicine.' It goes without saying that he goes to town on it - in a desperate attempt to drown out his surprise spell of unease.

The sensation melts away little by little with every sip. It's an odd combination of pleasure commingled with the painful burn, definitely an acquired taste.
"I'm not letting this become a habit" Coriolanus reminds himself, knowing well of the risks, having seen what alcoholism does to people- ruining lives... even in the Capitol.

Besides, it tastes absolutely terrible. Only being worth drinking for the sensation of bliss that muffles the bad memories and gunshots that ring throughout his conscience; eventually fading to silence. Sleep.


Not long after:

Coriolanus is snapped out of his little nap by a gentle pat on the shoulder. He finds himself slouched down in his chair - which appears to be the only real one within these four walls.
"Rise and shine!" Lucy Gray coos with a smile, packed full of so much warmth and love that he can feel it manifesting within him.

"I see you've been 'indulging' to keep yourself busy." she says, noticing the bottle Coryo is clutching
"-but I have to ask... did you save some for me?"

Having expected disappointment, he's surprised by her reaction. With that, he feels a bit like a fool - not only for being wrong, but from realizing how drunk he is from having only drank a quarter of the bottle. Coriolanus hands the bottle to Lucy regardless. Besides, she's earned it.

"Nice." She responds, taking it and having a quick sip.
"Guess what"

"What?" He joins in

Lucy Gray pulls out a fistful of money
"We can go shopping now"


It'll most likely be a three-parter now that I think about it. The next chapter ought to be a pretty interesting one, so I at least hope it gives you something to look forward to. (I try and keep every chapter between 1000 and 1500 words, not too long, not too short, to make them easier to read. Let me know if you'd rather them be longer or shorter, after all, it's about what the readers want- I'll oblige.) -Skinttt

Snow *Sometimes* Lands on Top | an alternate, fan-made, Hunger Games storyWhere stories live. Discover now