~ Two

186 15 3

  • Thursday, July 27th, 2017

Kashmir: Mommy, Park?

Dorinda: Not today, baby; remember, after school, we're going out to the trampoline park with Auntie Karen and your cousins.

DJ: Mommy, can we do the go-karts again, please?

Dorinda: Yes, baby, we can do that—arcade games, laser tag, and the zip line!

Kashmir: Yay!

DJ: Oo, I can't wait! Ma, can we get toys, please?

Dorinda: If you play the games, of course, y'all can both get a toy.

DJ: Okay! , Kashie You have to play the games really well, alright?

DJ told his little sister. She nodded her head and smiled, with her pacifier hanging out of her mouth.

Dorinda: Kash, where's your cup?

Kashmir: I know.

Dorinda: You don't know?

The girl shook her head. Doe sighed before taking off her seatbelt and reaching into the back seat to search for the cup.

DJ: I saw it on the living room table, Mommy.

Dorinda: Why didn't you grab it?

DJ: It's not mine.

The boy shrugged.

Dorinda: You're supposed to help me, D. Next time, can you grab it, please?

DJ: Okay.

Kashmir: Mommy, thirsty.

Dorinda: Girl, alright, yall want McDonalds?

DJ & Kashmir: Yes!

Doe laughed as she turned into a McDonald's drive-through.

Employee: Welcome back to McDonald's. What can I get you?

Dorinda: Hi, how are you?

Employee: I'm fine.

Dorinda: Good. Alright, can I get two breakfast plates with apple juice and two orders of apple slices?

Employee: Okay, nothing else.

Kashmir: Mommy, cookies?!

Dorinda: If I get them, y'all can't eat them now; you have to save them for lunch at school, okay?

Both kids smiled and nodded their heads.

Dorinda: Can I have two packs of cookies and a medium ice tea, extra ice, please?

Employee: Alright, is that all?

Dorinda: Yes, wait, no, I'm sorry. Can I get two kids milks?

Employee: No problem, that'll be $22.89, second window, please.

Doe pulled up, got the food, and made her way to "Little Miracles Daycare Center." As they sat in the parking lot, she watched all the parents rush to get their children in the door, just at the time they paid to drop them off. That's why Dorinda was always fifteen minutes early to drop off. Plus, the kids liked to eat their breakfast in the car.

DJ: Mommy, for my birthday, can I invite Jace?

Dorinda: Yeah, remember I told you I ordered you some invitations?

DJ: There coming in the mail, right?

Dorinda: Yup, and when they get to the house, you can write down all the friends you want to invite, and then when you come to school, you can give them to your friends.

DJ: Mommy, one more thing.

It had been less than twenty-four hours since Dorinda stopped correcting the kids when they called her Mommy instead of GiGi, and they were truly pushing it.

Dorinda: Yes, Dion?

DJ: Can you and Pop get me a guitar for my birthday? I know I'm bad at school, but I won't anymore, so please, Mommy?

Dorinda: You need to behave because it's the right thing to do, not because you want something, baby.

DJ: I know that. I want to be good. I just don't like school; I miss staying home with you all the time, and Kashie does too.

DJ got out of his car seat and leaned over to his baby sister.

DJ: Kashie, do you want to go to school?

He asked, making a frown while shaking his head.

DJ: Or stay with Mommy and Pop at the house?

He said that, giving her a big smile while nodding.

Kashmir: Mommy!

DJ: See! She wants to stay home too; why can't we stay home?

Dorinda: Because sometimes me and your dad need a break.

DJ: Oh.

Dorinda: And honey, you have to practice for big boy school; remember, you're going to school in September!

DJ: That's why I should be staying home, because when I'm in big boy school, I have to go every day, or I won't get into college, right?

Dorinda: That's right.

DJ: So I should stay home until then, because after that, I'm going to miss you even more.

Dorinda: DJ-

DJ: I just want to have lunch time with you and Pop and Kashie. And go for walks, to the movies, and stuff, plus you were already my favorite teacher mommy.

Doe felt her heart drop. She knew DJ didn't like school, but she thought that was because he wasn't the star of the show. It turned out he missed family time.

• Two Hours Later

Greg heard the front door open as he closed the refrigerator door.

Dorinda: Baby?

Greg: In the kitchen, honey.

Suddenly, the sound of tiny feet became apparent.

Kashmir: Poppa!

DJ: Hey Pop, guess what I got from Walmart!

Greg: First, I'm trying to guess why you all aren't in school.

He looked at his wife, who stood there holding a pack of race cars.

Dorinda: Don't be mad, okay?

Greg: You kids go in the living room and play.

DJ: Okay, Mom, can I take my cars?

Dorinda: Yeah, here you go, honey.

She opened the pack and handed it to him. DJ walked into the living room and started playing with his Hot Wheels set. Kashmir, on the other hand, just stood there, looking up at her grandfather.

Greg: What's up, mama?

Kashmir reached out her arms, signaling for him to pick her up, which he did.

Greg: Uh, I can't believe you're going to be two soon, baby girl.

Kashmir: Two.

Greg: That's right, two.

Dorinda: Kash, show Daddy your finger.

The girl quickly stuck up her middle finger, sending the adults into hysterics.

Greg: What, baby girl, where'd you learn that?

Dorinda: We were in Walmart, and she said, "Mommy, my finger," and then she did that.

Greg: Just out of nowhere?

Dorinda: Yes, but I told her that's not nice, remember?

Kashmir smiled and slowly stuck up the finger again.

Greg: Ha! Let me see it, baby girl.

She proudly showed her father her finger again.

Dorinda: No, stop it; that's not nice, mama. Don't do that, okay?

Kash looked at her Greg, who was being stared down by his wife, in that "nigga, you know better" kind of way.

Greg: Yeah, not a nice baby girl, so, uh, why are they home anyway?

Dorinda: I think it's best we take them out of daycare.

Greg: Okay.

Dorinda: That's it?

Greg: Baby, you were the one who wanted them to go in the first place. I told you I love being home with them, especially with this one constantly growing.

He said, tickling Kash's belly.

Greg: And DJ is starting school in less than a month; I want to spend as much time with him as I can. Remember, I didn't get to do this with Nikki or Jay; I worked so much when both of them were this age.

Dorinda: Yeah, that's true.

Greg: Well, thank God for retirement.

DJ: Mommy!

Dorinda: Yes, Dion?

DJ: Is it time to go jumping yet?

Dorinda: Not yet, honey.

Greg: What time are y'all going again?

Dorinda: Three o'clock.

Greg: Oh, alright, well, Kimberly should be here in about twenty minutes.

Doe took a deep breath and replied.

Dorinda: Oh, great.

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