~ Six

195 8 2


• Saturday, July 29th, 2017

As Dorinda sat at the table with her husband and in-laws, her stomach began to turn. Because she was constantly zoning in and out, the woman wasn't sure who started the conversation about children, but she truly wished they hadn't.

Gabe: Yeah, so Gianna's doing really well at M.I.T., and you know Gabe Jr. and Gracie are graduating in a few weeks.

Gabe was Greg's younger brother. They were "Irish twins," their birthdays being only eleven months apart. He and his wife, Lena, owned a trucking and landscaping company. They were a bit portentous, but still very loving.

Greg: Have they decided where they want to go yet?

Lena: Gracie's trying to decide between the University of Chicago and Georgetown, and Gabe's already set on the University of Michigan.

Gabe: He's not set on it yet; he's still keeping his options open.

Lena: Eh, I think he's pretty set on it.

Gabe: Anyway, how's Jay? Is he ready for next season?

Greg: Oh yeah! It's his junior year, and he's playing center this season.

Gabe: That's what I'm talking about; that kid has what it takes to go pro, I'm telling you, brother.

Greg: I know, but he's stuck on this political science shit.

Lena: You know he's always wanted to be president.

The Cole's, with the exception of Dorinda, all laughed. Greg caressed his wife's thigh, sensing that she was uncomfortable with something. He leaned into her and asked.

Greg: Is everything alright, baby?

Dorinda gave him a weak smile and nodded.

Greg: You sure?

Dorinda: Yeah, I'm fine, Hon.

But she wasn't fine. Dorinda hated discussing children with close friends and family because she just knew that they were all thinking about Nikki and her "lifestyle" the whole time.

Lena: D, Have you given any more thought to joining the book club?

Dorinda: Huh?

Lena: Book club. I told you it's actually really fun, and we read the best books, and our conversations are always interesting, which opens your mind to other people's perspectives and their interpretations.

Gabe: It's just a bunch of women who meet every two weeks to gossip about everything under the sun while pretending to read Recitatif.

Lena: Oh, please, yet you're the one who can't wait until it's over so you can know the tea. And for your information, we're reading Faux Fight by Joanne Tate.

Gabe: And it's boring.

Lena: No, it's not; it's actually a great story about a woman named Falon and her life story. All her struggles with sexual abuse, domestic violence, and this crazy drug addiction...

The room instantly became silent, as if all the air had been sucked out of it. Lena looked at Gabe, Gabe looked at Greg, and Greg looked at Dorinda, who was looking at the ground.

Dorinda: If you'll excuse me.

Doe got up and walked to the bathroom. She closed the door, making sure to lock it behind her, before putting down the lid and sitting on the toilet.

Dorinda: Lord, why?

She could feel the tears coming down her face, and her mind was already racing thinking about Nikki and where she could be. The girl hadn't called, texted, or even emailed in over six months. She'd blocked both her mother and aunts on Facebook and must've changed her phone number because whenever Doe called, she didn't answer. After a few minutes, Dorinda got up, trying to compose herself, before going back to the table.

Greg: Baby, are you alright in there?

Greg asked, giving the door a light knock. She opened it up and gestured for him to come inside. He did, shutting the door behind him.

Greg: You good?

Dorinda said nothing; she just pulled him into a deep kiss, cupping his face in between her soft hands.

Dorinda: I love you.

Greg: I love you too, babe. Is there anything I can do for you?

Dorinda: Can you bring Nikki back home?

Greg sighed, shaking his head. He knew that was the problem; any mention of drinking, drugs, or anything else similar to that, Doe was triggered.

Greg: Doe...

Dorinda: I know, I just wish she'd call sometimes or just send a text so we know she's good.

Greg: She's fine, baby.

Dorinda: You heard from her?!

Her voice got super high, and her eyes got super wide as she waited for his response. Greg knew his wife would want to know the details of his conversation with Aaliyah earlier today, but he also wanted to spare her the pain of the information at the same time. Her only daughter got married without her being there, and to a deadbeat bum, just to add insult to injury.

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