~ Ten

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                       •Friday, August 3rd, 2017

                                Dorinda's POV

Dorinda tiptoed out of bed, making sure not to disturb Gregory, Kashmir, and DJ who were still fast asleep. She grabbed her cellphone and walked into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door. Quickly dialing a familiar number and waiting for a response.

Dorinda: Please be awake.

Kelli: Grace, it's six o'clock in the morning.

Dorinda's middle name was Grace, however, to Kelli, it served as her first name. Initially, Doe disliked it when they first became friends, but as time passed, she grew to embrace it.

Dorinda: Wake up, Kel; I need to talk to you.

Kelli: Alright, hold on; give me one second.

There was a fifteen-second pause before Kelli came back and asked:

Kelli: What's happening?

Dorinda: Nikki's back!

Kelli: Oh wow...

Dorinda: I know; she's been clean for about eight months now, and she said that Dion's got a good job and they've got a nice three-bedroom apartment in Cincinnati.

Kelli: What kind of job?

Dorinda: Construction, I think; I don't know; I'm just happy she's home; she looks so good and healthy; you know what I mean; she's a little chubby now, like when she was a kid.

Kelli: You really think she's clean this time? I mean, she went to a treatment facility in Ohio already, and it didn't work out.

Dorinda: She didn't go to rehab down there this time; she said she quit at the beginning of January; just went cold turkey.

Kelli: Mhm.

Dorinda took a deep breath. This is her best friend in the entire world (aside from Karen), so she should be happy that Nikkia was finally home (she'd known the kid for about thirteen years), but just like Greg, Kelli was letting her skepticism get the best of her.

Dorinda: It was a little awkward though; Nik and Greg are so tense around each other; she didn't tell me all that until he left to go pick up some food, and as soon as he got back, she went right back to being withdrawn.

Kelli: Did she say anything about custody?

Dorinda: No, she just talked to Jay and played with the kids for most of the night. DJ told her about his birthday party, and she said she'd come!

Doe's voice was filled with excitement as she said that last sentence. But once again, Kelli had to be a Debbie Downer.

Kelli: And that'll be a shitshow. You remember his third birthday, her, and that guy she was with, Korey?! They came to the house higher than the sky and destroyed that baby's party, his cake, and his gifts, all because Greg told them to calm down or they would have to leave!

Dorinda: I'll talk to you later, Kelli.

Kelli: Why? What's going on?

Dorinda: I just called you because I wanted to hear some positivity. If I wanted someone to be negative or analyze everything I'm saying, I'd call my mama.

Kelli: How is Mama Mattie?

Dorinda: She's fine; she'll be at the party Sunday.

Kelli: That's good. Look, I didn't mean to be "negative." It's just hard for me to believe.

Dorinda: I don't know why.

Kelli: Maybe because I've watched her put you through so much chaos that it's hard to imagine Nikki's really clean and changed for real this time.

Dorinda: You, Karen, Greg, even Jay—that's all I hear: "what she put you through." If I can move on and forgive her, why can't y'all?

Kelli: It takes time, Grace. I'm just now forgiving Greg for all the mistakes he made in the past.

Dorinda: Don't start with that; I don't need it right now, Kel.

Kelli: I know you don't. How's Greg doing with her being there? Have they gotten into it yet?

Dorinda: No, I told you they're awkward around each other, not saying anything just staring and making faces when the other looks away. I did managed to get her to spend the night though.

Kelli: Why?

Dorinda: Since she's my daughter and I haven't seen her in more than a year, Jesus, it's really hard to comprehend why you and Greg can't seem to get along; the two of you are practically identical.

Kelli: I'm going to choose to ignore that.

Dorinda: Why, I'm telling the truth, Kel.

Kelli: Listen, it's six in the morning. I'm tired, and you're comparing me to a alcoholic and-

Kelli didn't finish her sentence, but the damage was already done.

Kelli: I'm sorry; I meant to say I don't want to be compared to someone who's made the mistakes that he has.

Dorinda chuckled. Kelli wasn't wrong; at one point in time, Greg was a drunk, among other things. However, it still stung to hear it.

Dorinda: Mhm.

Kelli: I know he's, ugh, changed.

Dorinda: Nice touch of sarcasm there, sis.

Kelli: I'm being serious; I see it in the way he treats you now. I just wish he'd done that before. I don't understand how you were able to forgive him and move forward.

Dorinda: If you live in the past, you've got no future.

Kelli: You love those Facebook quotes.

Dorinda: He messed up, but I can't keep punishing him forever. I decided to stand by him and support him through thick and thin. Of course, I still get angry when I think about the things he's done. But again, I made the choice to stay. Why waste time dwelling on things that are beyond our control?

Kelli: You're a saint, Grace.

Dorinda: No, I'm not; I'm just a fool who fell in love.

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