~ Eight

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                • Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

                               Nobody's POV

Greg followed his wife back into the house, calmly calling after her.

Greg: Baby, please just hear me out.

Dorinda kept walking, heading into the living room with her youngest children.

DJ: Mom, can we go to the park?

She paused for a moment, then smiled.

Dorinda: You know what, baby? Yes, we can. Go get your shoes.

DJ: Yes!

The boy yelled, running out of the room to get this thing. Dorinda grabbed Kashmir, who was sitting in front of the television in a trance.

Dorinda: Come on, pretty girl, let's go get ready.

Greg: Isn't it time for their nap?

Dorinda: It's fine; maybe you should go back and tell our son more trifling things you've been doing behind my back.

Greg: Babe, it wasn't like that; I did it to protect you.

Dorinda scoffed, rolling her eyes and making her way towards the stairs. Greg stood there, taking a few deep breaths. Lately, he had been feeling an increased desire for a drink. He walked upstairs, hearing Doe's voice coming from their bedroom.

Dorinda: I can't believe your dad would do that, his actions never cease to surprise me. Just when I think he has changed, he proves me wrong by doing something like that.

To Greg, that felt like a punch to the gut. He spent over ten years striving to improve himself as a man, spouse, and parent. Although alcohol used to control him, his love for Dorinda was stronger than anything else.

Greg: That's how you feel?

He cleared his throat, directing her attention to the doorway.

Dorinda: I don't want to talk to you right now.

Greg: You don't think I've changed?

Kashmir: Daddy, fly!

Kashmir raised her arms, signaling to her father that she desired to be lifted and twirled in the air. He understood and came closer. Meanwhile, Dorinda stood up and walked towards her vanity, where she proceeded to put on her makeup.

DJ: Pop, are you coming with us?

He asked as he sat on the bench in front of the bed, picking up the remote and turning on his cartoons.

Greg: No son, your sister and I are going to stay here.

He looked up at his wife, but she said nothing.

DJ: Aww, mama, are you doing your makeup?

Dorinda: Yes, I am. Why?

DJ: Because now I have to wait forever.

Dorinda: I'll be quick, baby.

Jay: Did I miss the company meeting?

Greg: I forgot you were here.

Dorinda: Oh, your sandwich I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'll go make it before we leave.

The woman stood from her seat, but her son wasn't going for it.

Jay: Nah, mama, it's cool; I'll be fine. Finish doing your thing; I'll make it.

Dorinda: Are you sure?

Jay: Yeah, DJ, do you want to help me?

DJ: No, I'm watching this.

Greg: Boy, go with your brother.

DJ: Ugh, fine.

Dorinda: Don't burn my house down, boys.

Jay & DJ: We won't!

Greg closed the door behind them. Dorinda usually kept her tone in check, but he knew this was a different situation.

Greg: I'm really sorry. What I did was wrong, and I broke our trust. Can you forgive me?

Dorinda: Greg, I said I didn't want to talk about it right now.

Greg: I'm not asking to talk about it; I'm asking for your forgiveness for what I did.

Dorinda: Okay.

Greg: So, do you forgive me?

Dorinda: No.

Greg was kind of taken aback. He'd done worse and been forgiven; what was so bad about this time around?

Greg: Girl, stop playing; come on, give me a kiss.

He walked over to the vanity, trying to place a peck on Doe's lips, but she quickly turned away.

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