~ Eleven

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• Friday, August 3rd, 2017

Jay's POV

Jay: How much stuff do you have in storage?

Nikki: Not a lot.

It was early in the afternoon, and the siblings were in their mom's car, heading towards the storage unit Nikki had downtown.

Jay: So why'd you ask Mama to use her car?

Nikki: To get on your father's nerves, duh.

Nikki laughed, picking up her phone to change the song playing through the car stereo.

Jay: That's not funny; I'm staying down here for another week or two. I wanted peace and stability.

Nikki: I don't even want to be here; if it were up to me, I'd be heading back to Ohio with my kids as we speak. But I'm going to get them back the right way.

Jay: Do you even want them back?

Nikki: What?!

Jay: Be real with me, sis. Do you actually want those kids back, or is that what you think you need to do?

Nikki made a series of five different faces before saying;

Nikki: Both! I want my kids back because I love them, and because they're mine, they belong with me and their daddy; it's only right!

Jay: How? I mean, you gave birth to them, yes, but Mama and Daddy have been and are still raising them, so...

Nikki: Damn, whose side are you on?

Jay: There are no sides in this Nikki; it's about what's best for the kids.

Nikki: Mhm, I see he finally got you too, huh?

Jay: What, bro?

Nikki: Greg, he finally got you on his side, just like Mama and everyone else.

Jay: Mama roots for you more than anything; she didn't want Pop to file that custody case, and she actually wants you to get the kids back, but you need to prove that to her and especially to him.

Nikki: First of all, I don't have to prove anything to anyone except God and my kids. Second, Greg drank like a fish for years, okay? How many times did he screw up?

Jay: Why do you keep calling him Greg?

Nikki: The title of father has to be earned; just because you have a child doesn't make you a parent unless you act like one.

Jay couldn't help but roll his eyes. Maybe his father was right—those drugs had fried Nikkia's brain.

Jay: You don't see your own hypocrisy in that logic?

Nikki: We were talking about Greg, not me.

Jay: No, we were actually talking about you until you switched the topic to Pop. I asked if you really want the kids back or if you feel like you have to try to because if you don't, that would make you look bad like you never wanted them back.

Nikki: Jay, just stay out of it; it's not even your business to be in.

Jay: Yes, it is, especially since I'm in the middle.

Nikki: You put yourself in the middle; you always have; you play both sides.

Jay: I told you I'm not on anyone's side. Actually, you know what? I'm on DJ and Kashmir's side. I want what's best for them. And Nik, I'm telling you, uprooting them from the only people and home they've ever known is not a good idea.

Nikki: It has to happen sometime; it's better now. While they're young, Dion won't remember too much, and Kashmir won't remember anything.

Jay: Are you even prepared to have them full-time?

Nikki: I told you we've got an apartment; they both have their own rooms with furniture. I'm just waiting for them to come so to pick out the decorations.

Jay: Forget furniture; I'm talking about actually being a mother. Teaching and raising them. DJ's starting school in September; can you handle that? Getting him up every morning, packing his lunch. What about Kash, are you going to watch her full-time or put her in day?

Nikki: Why don't you let me worry about that, okay?

Jay: They got into it the other day because of you. Pop was upset, and Mama defended you, like always.

Nikki: I don't need her too. Once I get my kids and we're out of here, Mama won't even have to worry about me "defending" me anymore.

Jay: You know she'd never let those kids out of her sight like that right? She'll be driving to Ohio once a week.

Nikki: No, the fuck she won't. I'm going to raise my kids. Mama can come visit on holidays, but that's it, and not every holiday either, every other one.

Jay: That's so messed up, Nik, you can't do that!

Nikki: Once again, it's not your business.

Nikki pulled in front of the storage unit and hooped out the SUV. Jay sat there, trying to figure out what he should say to her. Despite the enormous amount of love he had for his sister, he couldn't let her take those kids. She might be sober, but she's not in the right mind to take care of them.

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