~ Nine

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                   • Thursday, August 2nd, 2017

                                 Nikkia's POV

After two nights of partying and catching up with Aaliyah, Cassie and some of her old friends, Nikki was exhausted, but she came here on a mission, and she was determined to see it through. After fixing up her semi-messy hotel room, taking a shower, and dressing in one of her favorite track suits, the 27-year-old was ready to start her day.

Nikki: Lord, I know I'm not perfect and I've sinned, but please, please, if you let me get them back, I promise I'll do everything I can to make it right, in your son Jesus name, Amen.

And with that, the woman started her car and began her journey to meet the man she hoped would represent her as her lawyer. After calling him yesterday, he agreed to meet with her and review her case.

                      • Fifteen Minutes Later

Secretary: Good morning. Are you, Ms.Cole? ?

Nikki: Yes, good morning. How are you?

Secretary: I'm doing well, and yourself?

Nikki: Well, I'm meeting with a lawyer, so I guess things have been better.

The two ladies shared a polite laugh before the secretary walked her down the hallway and said,

Secretary: He can be a bit brash, but I'm telling you, he's the best.

Nikki: I hope so; I have to get my babies back.

Secretary: You will, and I'll be sure to pray for you at Mass tonight.

Nikki: Thanks; that's really sweet of you.

The woman grinned and swung open the door, showing a handsome, dark-skinned man with the shiniest bald head Nikki had ever laid eyes on. He was lounging in his seat, chatting on the phone.

Secretary: Mr. Anderson, Nikkia Beach is here.

Mr. Anderson: Great, please come in.

His voice was deep yet soft.

Mr. Anderson: Okay, I've got to go now. I'll see you at home, sweetie. I love you too. Bye.

He stood up, walking over to the door and extending a hand to Nikki.

Mr. Anderson: Nikki, hi, Harper, good to put a face to the voice.

Nikki: Same! It's nice to meet you as well.

Harper: Yeah, please sit. Can I get you anything—water, coffee, tea?

Nikki: Water is fine; thank you.

Harper: No problem, Candace. Can you get us two waters, please?

"This shit is nice as hell," Nikki thought to herself while taking a seat and looking around the room. The room was not only spacious, well-furnished, and had a great atmosphere. This guy had photos not just with the Governor of Michigan, but also with Michelle and Barack Obama! If first impressions really were that important, Mr. Harper definitely aced it.

Harper: So, your parents, who are your children's legal guardians, filled out a petition for adoption last week.

Nikki: Yeah, well, really, my father did, but still.

Harper: Is your relationship with him strained?

Nikki: Definitely; he's controlling and wants me to just follow whatever direction he wants me to take. And I have to admit, my mom is amazing in every other aspect, but when it comes to my father, it's like she's completely oblivious to everything he does.

Harper: Yet you signed over guardianship of your two children to them?

Nikki: Excuse me?

Harper: These are questions your parents attorney will ask and ones the judge will want answered.

Nikki: I mean, they are still my parents. They have their issues, but they aren't monsters or anything like that.

Harper: Listen, I spoke to David.

David was Cassie's sister's husband. He and Harper went to Duke and were in the same fraternity together.

Harper: So as a favor to my brother, who never asks for favors, I'm already compelled to take your case just because, but I'd like to know the story.

Nikki: The story?

Harper: Not necessarily your life story, but I need for you to clarify why you decided to leave your seven-week-old son with your parents almost six years ago, and then four years later, did the same thing with your daughter and gave them custody when she was five months old?

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