~ Seven

176 14 7

• Monday, July 31st, 2017

Nikkia's POV

Nikki: Ugh, he gets on my fucking nerve!

Nik yelled, slamming her phone down on the counter. She quickly picked it back up to make sure it wasn't broken.

Dion: You good, bae?

Her husband asked from the living room.

Nikki: Yeah, I'm going outside for a smoke; I'll be back.

Dion: Alright.

Nikki made her way to the apartment balcony and lit her cigarette, trying to calm down. Her father was the one person who always seemed to get her out of character. All he did was judge and never listen to anyone but himself. Nikki dialed her best friend's number, hoping she would answer.

Aaliyah: Hey Nik, hold on, I've got Cassie on the other line; I'll add her to the call.

Nikki: Alright.

Aaliyah: Are you there?

Cassie: Yeah

Aaliyah: Nik?

Nikki: I'm here.

Aaliyah: Good, so what's up, Nik?

Cassie: Right, are you still coming down this week?

Nikki: Yeah, I just got off the phone with my dad; ugh, I can't stand him and his bullshit.

Aaliyah: Hey, be easy on Unc; you know he just wants the best for you, sis.

Nikki: No, the hell he doesn't. He just wants me to do whatever he wants! like my mama does, I swear she should've left him when she had the chance.

Cassie: Wait, your mom was trying to leave your dad. When the hell did that happen?

Nikki: A few times, see, y'all think that man is perfect, but I know the real him; he was a drunk damn near my whole childhood; it wasn't until my mom filed for a separation that he got clean and went cold turkey.

Cassie: Damn I didn't know that.

Nikki: Yeah, I told you he ain't so perfect.

Aaliyah: No one is. Look, Nik, I know Unc made some mistakes; heck, I witnessed some of them myself, but he's changed and he wants to be there for you, he's a dope-ass granddad to your kids.

Nikki: The same kids he's trying to take from me?

Aaliyah: He's not trying to do that; he just wants what he and your mama think is best for them, friend.

Nikki: Mhm, your ass sounds just like him! And my mama doesn't have anything to do with this; she probably doesn't even know; he keeps her in the dark about everything. You know that Nga blocked mine and Dion's number off my mom's phone?

Cassie: Why? That's messed up.

Aaliyah: How do you know that, Nik?

Nikki: Because every time I call her, it goes straight to voicemail, and none of my texts go through. Just like the last time, I didn't say anything because I was trying to keep the peace, but he couldn't just cut me off from my mother.

Aaliyah: How do you know she didn't have your number blocked herself?

Nikki: My mama would never do that; besides, she doesn't even know how to use her phone like that anyway. The only games she has are Candy Crush and Scabble. It takes her 10 minutes to send a single text message.

Cassie: Ha, my mama feels the same way too.

Aaliyah: Mhm, not mine; if I don't text back within a few minutes, she sends me an email.

The three women laughed and continued their conversation about random things for the next hour, somehow circling back to the topic of Nikki and her family.

Cassie: So for real, Nik, what's your plan? You know I support you getting the kids back, but I kind of need to know how you're going to do that.

Nikki was silent. She didn't have a plan, at least not yet anyway.

Aaliyah: Nikki, are you still there?

Nikki: Yeah, uh, I don't know yet, but I mean, they're my kids; if I want them, I can just walk in and get them.

Cassie: Uhh...

Aaliyah: No, friend, you can't do that.

Nikki: Why not?

Aaliyah: Because your parents already have custody and guardianship rights over them, right?

Nikki scoffed, replying,

Nikki: Mhm, sadly.

Aaliyah: Yeah, so if you take them, they could charge you with kidnapping.

Nikki: Girl, you sound crazy. My parents wouldn't go that far; even my dad, he's not that crazy.

Cassie: Liyah might be right, though, sis; if they have custody, taking them isn't a good idea.

Aaliyah: Right, Nikki, they love those kids, like I'm serious. They won't just let you do that. I think you need to just get a lawyer and go about this the legal way—the right way.

Nikki: I shouldn't have to go through hops and tunnels to get my children; I pushed them out!

Cassie: Listen I get it, I'd lose my mind if I didn't get to be with Camden every day.

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