~ Twelve

135 13 6


• Friday, August 3rd, 2017

Nobody's POV

Dorinda: Dion, get over here!

DJ abruptly halted and spun around, retracing his steps towards his mother. Just like everyone else, he was aware of Dorinda's gentle nature, but when she raised her voice, he paid attention.

Dorinda: Why would you say that to Nikki? She loves you, DJ.

DJ: No, she doesn't; I haven't seen her since I was little, and I never see Dion. Why do I have his name if I never see him?!

Dorinda: I told you, Nikki and Dion have things to figure out; they're not all put together just yet.

DJ: What does that mean? You and Pop always say they have things to work on, but you never say what they're working on. I'm basically six years old; you can tell me.

Dorinda: Regardless of anything, haven't I taught you manners? That's not how you talk to any adult, ever.

DJ: I wasn't being rude; I was telling the truth.

Dorinda: It's not what you said; it's how you said it. She's an adult who you will treat with respect, understood?

DJ: Yes, ma'am, but can you please just tell me?

Dorinda: Let's wait until your father gets home.

DJ: Why can't you tell me alone?

Dorinda: Because this is a family conversation.

DJ: That means it's bad. Last time you said we were having a family conversation, you said I was going to daycare.

Dorinda: You are too much sometimes, boy. And it's not necessarily good or bad, but it's a lot to unpack, so we'll do it together as a team.

DJ nodded, not really getting why he couldn't know the truth right now but knowing that he'd figure it out soon.

Dorinda: Good, now, watch some TV, and when Daddy comes home, we'll all talk, okay?

DJ: Okay, oh, can I watch Deadpool?

Doe kissed his forehead, getting up from the couch.

Dorinda: What's that?

DJ: You let me watch it before; I watched with dad.

Dorinda: Okay, yeah.

DJ: I'm going upstairs in your room then.

Dorinda: Take your shoes off before you get on the bed.

DJ: Okay.

Dorinda smiled as she shifted her focus to the other child, who seemed to be in distress, realizing Nikki was no longer at the table but swinging on the hammock across the yard. Despite not wanting to disrupt Nikkia's peace, Doe understood that a conversation was necessary.

Dorinda: Be stern, be strong, be stern, be strong.

She repeatedly whispered to herself. Just as she made it to her oldest daughter, her oldest son yelled for her attention, from inside the treehouse.

Jay: Ma, you coming up?

Dorinda: Give me a second, Mooh; I want to have a chat with your sister.

Jay: She's miserable; don't worry about her, mama.

Dorinda: Do I have to give you a lecture about kindness?

Nikki: Can you give him a lecture up there? I'm trying to get some rest.

Nikki asked, slightly raising her sunglasses to look at her mother. Dorinda smiled at her and said,

Dorinda: We need to talk Pooh.

Nikki: No, mama, leave me alone.

She put her shades on fully and shifted her body around so her back was now facing Doe.

Dorinda: Nikki I said we need to talk; now face me and take those shades off, please.

Nikki: Dorinda, didn't I tell you no? Leave me alone.

Dorinda: Excuse me?

Jay: Mama said she wants to talk to you; you better turn around answer her!

Nikki: Gregory you better leave me alone before I climb up there and whoop your ass, little boy!

Jay made his way down the steps of the treehouse, moving closer to his mom and sister.

Dorinda: Jay, just let me talk to your sister; go inside and get something to drink, okay?

Jay: Mama, no disrespect, but no, I can't; I'm not going to go inside while she stays out here and disrespects you, for no reason.

Nikki sat up in the hammock, lifting her shades, finally giving Dorinda and Jay her attention.

Nikki: Mind your own fucking business.

Dorinda: Stop cursing at him; in fact, stop cursing, period.

Nikki: Don't tell me what to do, Dorinda.

Jay: Imma tell you one more time, show my mama some respect.

Dorinda: Nikki, you hurt DJ's feelings earlier and mine. Now I know you're upset and angry, but

Nikki: You don't know anything about the way I feel! Nobody ever stole us from you and my father. And nobody ever tried to turn us against y'all, but you've done it with my kids. You and your husband have filled my baby's head with lies, and now he doesn't even know that I'm his mother; he thinks you're his mother.

Jay: That's because she is.

Nikki: Oh Jay, please shut up. How would you know? Haven't you been in school, huh?

Jay: Yeah, I'm away most of the time, but unlike you, I call and visit whenever I can.

Nikki: I tried calling Greg, but he blocked me, and you only come home because he pays for your tuition. Once you learn how to be a man and stand on your own, come talk to me.

Jay: He paid for your education too. Remember, you went to college for three years; not that someone would know based on how you act.

Dorinda: Gregory, go inside.

Jay: But ma-

Dorinda: NOW!

Without a word, Jay walked away, leaving the women alone.

Nikki: Good, now I can get some quiet.

Nikki attempted to put her sunglasses back on, but Doe stopped her, snatching them from her child's face and holding them in her hand.

Nikki: Give me my shit!

Dorinda: If you curse one more time,

Nikki: You need to leave me hell alone. I told you I don't want to talk; I came over here to be alone, damn!

Dorinda: And I don't give a shit! See, I can curse too. Now sit up and talk to me like an adult...please?

Nikki sucked her teeth, though she couldn't help but listen. Hearing her mother's voice crack as she said, "Please,"  tugged on the small amount of heart Nik had left.

Nikki: What is there to say, ma? I want my kids, and you're trying to take them away.

Dorinda: No, baby, I'm not. You disappear for months; this time you've been gone for a year, and as much as I hate it, life goes on still.

Nikki: Your husband blocked my number off your phone; I bet you didn't know that, huh?

Dorinda: Actually, I did. I found out a couple days ago, and I was really upset with your father. What he did was wrong, no matter how pure his intentions were.

Nikki: Pure intentions? Ma, his intentions were to cut my contact with you and my kids!

Dorinda: You barely called before that anyway! I called and texted you so many times and never got a response, and the rare times I did, it was because you needed money. Never asking how I am, and certainly never asking about the two children you brought into the world.

Nikki was a little stunned. First,  her mother cursed back at her (something she rarely did), and now she was calling Nik out on her shit in a way she never had.

Nikki: Well, now I'm good; Dion has a job that pays well; we have a big apartment; and we both have cars.

Dorinda: How long have you and Dion been back together? The last time we talked, you were still with Zach.

Nikki: It's been a minute; anyway, we're married now, so the past is all behind us; nobody else matters.

Dorinda: ...Married?

Nikki: Yup, you didn't notice my ring?

Nikki lifted her left hand, showing off her small but still relatively pretty ring.

Dorinda: Wow.

Nikki: Yeah, May 25th is the is the best day of my life.

Dorinda: That's, uh, wow.

Dorinda shook her head, trying not to burst into tears. This was her firstborn, her baby girl, and she got married without her being there. When Nikki was growing up, she and Doe loved to play "Wedding." Dorinda would tell her about her own wedding and Nik would describe what her perfect wedding would be like. It was one of their favorite games, and it was a day Dorinda dreamed of, but now that dream is dead. After softly kissing Nikkia's forehead, she made her way inside to start making dinner. As Nik sat there alone, a rush of gulit ran through her body. Marrying Dion was a wild decision. They went to Vegas with some friends; about fifteen shots and a couple lines of cocaine later, they were married. And yeah, their relationship could no doubt be toxic; but he was the father of her children; well, he was definitely the father of Kashmir at least...

Thoughts 💭???

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