~ Five

187 13 1

•  Saturday, July 29th, 2017

Greg: DJ, it's time to go, little man.

DJ: Okay, Pop, I'm coming!

DJ came out of his room, down the stairs, and right to the front door, where his father was standing.

Greg: You ready?

DJ: Yes, sir, are you ready?

Greg: Yeah, let's go tell Mommy and your sister; we'll see them later.

He ran down the entryway, seeing his mom and sister sitting on the living room couch, playing with some of Kashmir's toys.

DJ: Mommy, we're leaving; I'll see you later.

Dorinda: Okay, baby, I love you. Be good for your poppa, alright?

DJ: I will, and I love you too, Mommy. Later, Kashie, I love you.

Greg: I'll see you later, baby. Do you remember my brothers coming over for dinner tonight?

Dorinda: I know it's 7:00 o'clock, right?

Greg: Mhm, hm, give me a kiss.

They shared a couple of light pecks before Gregory broke away, smiling. Dorinda reached for his hand, pulling him close in order to whisper in his ear.

Dorinda: Baby?

Greg: Yeah?

Dorinda: Can you please just have a good time with him?

Greg: Okay, I will.

Dorinda: Promise?

Greg: I promise, D.

They shared another kiss before DJ and Greg left for their father/son day. When they made their way into Target, the father could tell his son was excited, and so was he. It had been a while since the two of them went out and did something fun together. That's why he told Dorinda to let him take DJ out instead of her.

Greg: Where do they even keep the birthday invitations?

DJ: Probably where they keep the birthday cards, since they're like the same thing.

The boy shrugged. Greg agreed, and they walked down the aisle until they found the greeting card section.

DJ: Ooo, look, they've got Sonic the Hedgehog ones, dad! Can I get these?

Greg: Yeah, but you don't want to look any more?

DJ: Nah, it's okay.

Greg: Okay, Are you sure those are the ones you want?

DJ: Yes, sir.

Greg: Alright, come on, let's go get some snacks before the movie starts.

DJ: What movie?

Greg: Captain Underpants.

DJ: Really?!

Greg: Yeah, so come before we're late, man.

DJ grinned before quickly walking towards the snack aisle. Greg followed behind him but was stopped by something he knew his son would love. After picking out snacks and getting DJ a new nerf gun, they were at the register, checking the last of their items.

Greg: I know you said you liked these.

He said, he was holding up the Sonic the Hedgehog invasions.

Greg: But I thought you'd like these better. What do you think?

He asked, taking Lightning McQueen invasions out of the cart.

DJ: No way! Where'd you find those?

Greg: In the birthday isle, I figured you didn't see them.

DJ: I didn't; can I get those instead, please?

Greg: Yeah, you want to get something to drink from the freezer over there before I pay it out?

DJ: Yeah, do you want something?

Greg: Get me some red vitamin water.

DJ: Got you.

When the kid returned, he asked his dad:

DJ: How come you buy the snacks here instead of at the movie theaters like Mommy does?

Greg: Because the movies have the same kind of candy Target has, yet it's five times more expensive to buy it there than it is here.

DJ: So how come Mom doesn't buy it here?

Greg: Because your mama's a woman, that's how they get down, man.

He said he was laughing. DJ laughed too, not really getting the "joke" but not wanting his dad to laugh alone. They were about an hour into the movie when Greg had to use the bathroom. He stood up, reaching for his kids hands, but the boy wasn't going for it.

DJ: Dad, I don't have to pee.

Greg: I'm not leaving you here by yourself, man.

DJ: You sound like Mommy...corny!

He said folding his arms, but he was still not breaking his attention from the film. Greg stood there for a second. He knew his son was right, and in no way did he want to be the helicopter parent his wife was.

Greg: Alright, just sit and watch the movie; don't move.

DJ: Yes, sir.

DJ sat back, stuffing his mouth with popcorn. Greg entered the bathroom, walking to the nearest toilet to relieve himself. As he grabbed some paper towels to dry his hands, Greg felt his phone begin to vibrate in his pocket. A look of joy and surprise came across his face.

Greg: Aaliyah Jones, what do I owe for the pleasure?

Aaliyah: Hey, Uncle Greg, How are you doing?

Greg: I'm good LiLi, how are you doing?

Aaliyah: I'm good, Unc, so, um, well, I was calling you because...

Greg: Let me guess, is my daughter back in town?

Aaliyah was hesitant before responding with a yes.

Aaliyah: She claims that you and Auntie D filled chargers on her and Dion...

Greg: That girl is always coming up with some kind of story; we didn't press any charges against her. LiLi, Aunt Doe, and I filed a motion to legally adopt the kids.

Aaliyah: You did?

Greg could hear the shock in Aaliyah's soft-spoken voice, but he wanted to know why. It wasn't a secret to anyone that the children had been raised by their grandparents their whole lives, so why was adopting them shocking?

Greg: Yeah, earlier this week.

Aaliyah: Oh, um, have y'all spoken to Nik lately?

Greg: No.

He answered flatly. It's been almost a year since he'd seen Nikki and almost six months since they'd spoken.

Aaliyah: Well, I've been talking to her these last couple weeks, and she's doing a lot better. She says she's 5 months clean, and so is Dion.

Greg: Mhm.

Aaliyah: She told me not to tell you, but

Greg: But what, LiLi?

Aaliyah: Um...

Greg: Aaliyah, please don't tell me that girl is pregnant again, please!

Aaliyah: No! Well, not that I know of, no.

Greg: Thank God!

Greg walked out of the bathroom, remembering that DJ was in the theater by himself.

Aaliyah: She and Dion got married...

Greg felt a tightness in his chest, the same tightness he felt when the phone would ring in the wee hours of the morning, thinking it was the hospital calling to say Nikki was hurt or worse.

Greg: Are you kidding me?!

Aaliyah: No, but please don't tell her I told you; we just got back to being close again, and I don't want to ruin that.

The man took a deep breath, trying to process this new information.

Greg: I won't. Listen, I've got to get back in here with DJ; that boy probably had popcorn everywhere. I appreciate you calling me, Niece.

Aaliyah: You already know Unc; tell Auntie and the kids I said Hey, and I love them.

Greg: I will, but how about you start coming again and tell them yourself?

Aaliyah: Soon, Uncle Greg, I promise.

Greg: Alright, imma hold you to that. I love you, girl.

Aaliyah: I love you more, bye!

Greg hung up, shaking his head as he went back inside to finish the movie with DJ.

Thoughts 💭???

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