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I'll sail my ship on my own

Straight into the eye of the storm

And when I conquer it all

Will you still be my friend?

"This is a world... of pirates"

IT'S not very normal that when a truck hits you you wake up in the middle of nowhere.

Well, for Dede, it is.

He just didn't understand why he couldn't see anything.

As if he were blind.

When he raised his hand to his face to tear off the blindfold that was surely blocking his sight...

There was nothing covering his eyes.

So this is what it feels like to be blind... however ─he stood up somewhat shakily, since he seemed to be on a board... in the middle of the sea─, I can feel everything, as if by not having sight the other senses were working ten times more than normal.

Running his hand over his sides, he recognized that he was wearing a long t-shirt, jeans that reached his knees, and was barefoot. However, he brought his albino eyelashes together, squinting his completely white eyes, without pupils, upon hearing a foreign voice in his head. He didn't know who he was, and couldn't even tell his gender.

[Ohohoho~ young Dede, you must prepare for his next adventure] ─he practically felt that person's smile─. [I'll give you a quick summary of what will happen...]

Won't you tell me how I got here or why?

[It's not time for that yet, little snowball]

Why do you call me that? That nickname is too long, change it.

[Shut up now, please] ─the person snorted in annoyance─. [If you don't shut up, I won't be able to tell you what's happening, uhm]

(Deidara 2.0 wtf-)

[Shut up, brat! Uhm] ─they clicked her tongue and took a paper out of their pocket─. ["We hereby declare that the first creation nicknamed 'Dede' will be reincarnated with a twenty-year-old physique in the One Piece live-action series with the devil fruit called Kami Kami No Mi with the power of god-"]

WHAT. THE. HELL. BRO- ─Dede screamed.

[Shut up] ─the person muttered before continuing reading─. ["-goddess Izanami. For this reason, it was decided to expand the senses and remove the sight from him at times as a precaution. That said, we wish Whittaker D. Kaede the best. Regards, Azar and Reincarnation"]

... Are you telling me that I'm super OP but I can't see a shit? For real?

[Tsk] ─the non-Deidara clicked their tongue again─. [You have all of Kaede's memories, plus your training, think, little prince. Anyway, they told me that he is about to start the plot and you are going to get fully involved]

Wait, what- ─his voice was interrupted as his board collided with something.

A fucking pirate ship.

Put him on the boat and put him with Koby, he'll help with the chores ─announced a feminine but somehow deep voice.

Yes, Captain Alvida! ─several voices answered.


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