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¿No sabéis quién soy?, mmh, esperaba más de vos

No hay botín que yo no alcance, ni mar que me cause pavor

Muchos casi me logran capturar; nunca han podido

¿Queréis oír mi historia?, ¡aguzad el oído!

"The problem is that people don't value good people, they use them"

WHEN they lowered a boat to put Dede on the ship, the boy was already pretending to be fainted, even when they grabbed him roughly, he didn't make a sound.

(Bro, watch out) ─he internally complained, careful not to move.

Captain, here's the boy ─they threw Dede onto the ship's wet deck, making him roll, before someone touched his cheek with a boot.

Wake up, whitey ─Alvida growled, to which Dede rose to his full height delicately, giving a soft tap to the ground, identifying each figure around him─. Open your eyes ─ordered.

When Dede opened his eyes, everyone let out a startled sound.

Good morning, afternoon or evening, captain ─Dede smiled gently─. My name is Whittaker Kaede, nice to meet you ─he bowed slightly to her.

The kid has manners, I like him ─agreed Alvida─. Tell me what's wrong with your eyes.

I have been blind since I came into this world, captain ─it wasn't really a lie─. But my other senses are in perfect working order, I would even dare to say that I am good in any area, captain.

Suddenly, Dede [or Kaede] perceived a change in the air behind him, so he crouched down, leaning on the ground and raised his leg at a 90º angle, hitting the pirate who had tried to attack him. Sensing a gun sound to the left of him, he blocked it by bending the man's arm as he kicked forward, where another pirate was trying to stab him with a sword.

Well, well ─spoke Alvida, stopping any movement, since Dede kept the revolver at the back of one's head and the sword against the neck of the other, both on the ground, while pressing her breasts with his bare feet.─. Bienvenido a la tripulación, Whittaker.

It's a pleasure, captain Alv-

SHIP! SHIP IN SIGHT, CAPTAIN! ─he was interrupted by someone looking ahead.

When they turned their heads, they saw [except Kaede lol] another pirate ship, much smaller than Alvida's big pink ship.

GO FOR THEM, PIRATES! ─was the only thing Alvida said─. Kiddo, stay here and defend if anyone other than this crew steps foot on deck ─he said, patting Dede on the back.

And in less time than expected, they were already bombing each other.

PREPARE THE CANNONS! ─shouted one of Alvida's pirates─. FIRE!

And the cannons of the swan-shaped ship began to launch balls with pink sparkles that exploded with glitter when they touched the opposing ship.

Over and over and over and over again.

Grab it all! ─Alvida ordered─. But leave the crew to me... ─she paused dramatically, in which Kaede rolled his eyes [it's not like they'd notice, anyway]. You have to show them the face of horror...

How dramatic, did you see? ─Kaede looked down at Koby, who was standing next to him, trembling.


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