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My axe is my buddy, I bring him when I walk,

Me and my axe will leave your head outlined in chalk,

My axe is my buddy, he always makes me laugh,

Me and my axe cut biggots spinal cords in half,

My axe is my buddy, and when I wind him back,

Me and my axe will give your forehead a buttcrack,

My axe is my buddy, I never leave without him,

Me and my axe will leave your neck a bloody fountain,

"I am ready to kill anyone who hurts you. No doubt, no mercy"

THE three pirates ran into the tent just before Kaede threw a fucking butter knife into his captain's glass tank.

When Luffy stepped out of the glass container, the albino's first instinct was to run towards him. In the process, he grabbed his prized straw hat and handed it to him, helping him sit up as the lights turned blue.

Kaede readied his katanas and watched as Zoro tried to slash Buggy to no avail. The clown laughed mockingly and maniacally at them as his body parts began to detach and spin around him at a rapid pace.

The four of them backed away one after the other as they tried to think of what to do.

How am I supposed to cut a guy who's already in pieces?

This was not part of the plan!

Fucking ungrateful clown ─the four of them did everything possible to dodge the body parts that attacked them, without success, ending up bruised on the ground as they struggled to get up.

As Dede stood up, he smelled the dry dampness [internal joke, sorry] of a pile of boxes next to him, waiting to be opened, and his eyes met Luffy's.

As he remembered from the series, his captain had Buggy's hand detached, choking him. The blind man quickly pointed to the boxes and the clown pirate's detached hand, making Luffy realise what he was trying to do and nod [or try to].

Nami! The boxes! ─Kaede stood behind the boxes and closed each of them the moment any of the three threw a part of the clown's body.

What have you done to me?!

Luffy looked up from examining his hat, a smile on his face as he answered the clown's question.

Cut you to size!

Damn you, you psycho clown ─Dede said between his teeth, throwing his hand with all his strength [spoiler: a lot] at Luffy, who kicked him towards another box where Nami closed it.

One Piece will never be yours! You're just a sad, lonely brat wearing someone else's hat!

The albino listened with a mocking smile as Buggy tried to dissuade the straw hat boy from finding the one piece.

My captain knows exactly who he is.

Dede really admired him.

They turned to look again at Kaede who was getting up with difficulty.

That's right ─he smiled─. I'm Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm going to be the pirate king! ─he stretched his arms back─. Gomu gomu no...

No, no, no, no. Wait, wait. We can talk about this-


After Luffy had thrown the pirate clown out of the tent, he took the map and handed it to Nami, who seemed surprised to say the least. Coloured lights were displayed above them, each with the colour for which they were best known.

Just as Zoro was about to leave, Luffy stopped him.

We still have one more thing to do.

The four of them worked together to remove the villagers' chains, Dede giving gentle, reassuring smiles with his eyes closed every time someone moved away from him or made a frightened sound after he had released their chains, acknowledging that they would still be wary of them.

We don't have much ─the town mayor held up a small box filled to the brim with what was left of his supplies─, but please take this as a token of our... our gratitude.

As much as the captain and angel couple wanted to grab maybe an apple, or an orange, they knew that the villagers needed it more than they did.

Halfway back to the ship, Luffy turned around with a cheeky smile.

Well... Maybe just a little bit!

Kaede shook his head with a smile as he ruffled his hair, grabbing his hat so they could fix it on the ship and they continued their interrupted journey once more.

Hey, Dede ─the orange-haired girl looked at the albino, who was sewing the straw hat while she leaned against the wooden wall─. Can I... do it for you? ─Kaede realised that the girl meant it as an apology.

For trying to escape when she could.

For Luffy.

The albino handed her the straw hat with a toothy smile, to which Nami thanked him quietly, before heading over to where Zoro was sitting with his eyes closed.

Are every day going to be this crazy with you? ─the swordsman questioned.

Luffy turned to look at the group, a smile on his face.

Shanks always said... that if the path you choose seems too easy... It's the wrong path!

Zoro's eyes widened at his words. He looked briefly at the sea before coming into contact with the white eyes of the albino next to him.

This Shanks guy sounds interesting.

Yeah, he is.

Next stop: the Grand Line! ─Luffy announced excitedly, with Kaede ruffling his hair in the process.

[Extra sponsored by the voice of the prologue, aka: not-Deidara]

Ne, Zoro ─Kaede turned towards him, rolling on the bed.

... what? ─he murmured, still with his dark eyes closed.

What Shanks said... you won't be able to do it.

Huh? ─the green-haired man opened his eyes and turned around, facing each other, with a frown─. Why not?

Because you always get lost along the way ─Dede covered his mouth to keep from laughing before turning around again.

AH!? And how do you know that, idiot!? ─the embarrassed swordsman shouted at him.

But Dede was already asleep.

Damn narcolepsy-


Short chapter because I want to and I can lol

PS: the third episode begins :D

PS2: Comment if you like this story, because we feel like it's shit... 💀

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