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The day has finally come!!

Who's excited? Who's ready to dive in with me?

Send a 🎉 in the comments section and let's be happy together. Lol.

What part of this second book made you the most excited?


The deceiver.


That was a name befitting a person able to make a clean kill. Able to throw a person out of existence as easily as it was to raise a finger, and not leave anything left to trace. Except the dagger that was left on the chest of the murdered.

The deceiver, we would call that killer that had, far too long, been mingling with the victim, been enjoying his warmth and kindness, been planning his end so silently, there was believed to have been no clue left.

This killer we call The deceiver stood knocking on a door, trembling inside but trying to look confident on the outside. Hands shook, so they were rolled into balls. Legs trembled, so they paced before the door. Beads of sweat rolled down the skin, so they were wiped away and hidden into the softness of the handkerchief.

"Come in!" Instructed a deep sharp voice.

And everything that had tried to be hidden resurfaced again and the person stepped into the room, looking as nervous as ever.

Perhaps, The deceiver wasn't as fearless as we had thought, after all, the person was only a teenager.

The teenager stared at the floor, hiding balled hands in pockets, blinking back tears, barely able to speak.

"I killed him. I killed Ifeoluwa. Will you leave me be now?"

A man in a formal attire sitting at the far end of the room looked up slowly from his laptop, immediately letting out a laughter that sounded more wicked than good.

"We're not finished. You know that." He said.

The teenager dared a glance at the man, fists tightening and heart agonizing.

"I'm not doing it again. I killed someone innocent. I'm dirty."

"I killed him. I can't kill his sister. Not Otamayomi."

The man's gaze hardened and he stared back intently, dropping his laptop and standing to his full highly intimidating height. The teenager immediately lost courage and looked back down at the floor.

"I'm not asking you to do it." He said matter-of-factly with a frightening edge to his voice. "I'm making you."

Hands gripped tighter, the teenager dared to speak, eyes stinging painfully, tears threatening to burst. "I killed a friend."

"Friends don't matter in this world, money does and their deaths would help me attain it." He said, a cruel smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"No." And the teenager looked the man dead in the eyes. The man got amused and moved closer.

"Then I'll send you back to the wretched place I picked you from. I'm sure you would love to drop out of school and return to the orphanage."

Shocked and petrified, the teenager widened both eyes and felt a startling, almost aching rush of adrenaline.


The man wore a satisfied smile. "Good."

He returned to his laptop, acknowledging the presence of the teenager with only words.

"I want her rid off before your school term ends."

The teenager, pathetic and helpless, dropped the shoulders and blinked back a tear, turning to walk out of the room.

"Yes, Father."

The door opened and a boy the same age stepped in.

"So, who's next?" He asked in a lazy tone.

Oh, how badly the teenager wanted to wound him. Jaw tightened and an angry glare was sent to the boy.

"I hate you." The teenager stated and walked out of the room.

The boy rolled his eyes and yawned. "I hate you too."

And they walked away from each other, the boy slamming the door shut.

The teenager went up the stairs of the house that could never really be called home, and into a room.

Feeling restless, nervous and every bit scared, the teenager brought out a phone from a trouser pocket and ended the timing of the record.

This deceiver might have fooled everyone and made a silent getaway from a dirty work, but maybe, that audio would end it all, help the next victim and loosen the burden on the shoulders of this killer a bit.

The teenager knew that death had caused chaos, the kid knew no one could understand how and why Ifeoluwa had to die at the moment. In a way, the teenager didn't fully understand either, but all that mattered was that the death and everyone's unhappiness was the fault of someone who was only just a student. The kid wanted to fix that.

With the overwhelming echoes of the conscience inside, the teenager pondered nervously, unsure what to do anymore, to send the audio to the police, to send it to the next victim, Otamayomi Ilori to warn her of the danger, or not to send it at all.

The fingers were left dangling few inches from the phone screen and sweat coated skin. The teenager made a final decision and made the eyes go shut. . .

. . .And then, it all began.


Guess who's back!!😜😜


I missed writing soo much. *Dabs tears*

So, I realized that the end of the last chapter in my previous book probably didn't make any sense to a lot of you. Just remember that some deaths happen without warning and may the soul of our Lover boy rest in peace. Amen 🥺

Any ideas on who did it? You know, the killer?

I have a feeling I know the person or people most of you would suspect. I'd still like to know your opinions.

I hope when you guys read the chapter something clicked at a certain statement and you might remember something about that that caused an occurance in the first book. It's one of the clues as to who did the killing.

The next chapter would be on Tammy's POV...🥺Get your hearts ready.

See you soon,

𝚂𝚎𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 #2: 𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍Where stories live. Discover now