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Lanecea sat on the side of Thorson's bed tenderly stroking his hair as she held his sister, Revna, on her lap, cradling the child against her heart in the darkness, only the light from the hallway casting light on her features as she told the children one of her many epic tales.

"The gods grew foolish, breeding with common women..." Lanecea looked up at Storm as he stood leaning on the bedroom doorframe, once again listening to his queen's story before she looked away - not quick enough to hide that pain he saw far too often before continuing her cautionary tale. "They were, of course, immortal, destined to rule over Atlantis throughout eternity, but their offspring weren't as lucky. Demigods were weaker than their fathers and, unfortunately, they too, followed in their father's footsteps, marrying common women as well although, I believe that by this point there were very few Secret Keepers and goddesses available to marry. Most of the gods hoped for sons, you see, not realizing that daughters were important as well. How else would they produce more sons otherwise? So I guess they couldn't really be blamed for growing impatient, marrying whatever was available..."

"Secret Keepers and priestesses don't grow on trees," Thorson reminded the woman who sat by his bed telling the children stories, "they are as rare as diamonds."

"Yes," Lanecea sighed, her heart filling with pride in the astute young man as he brushed a kiss on her fingers before focusing once again on her story. "You are correct, of course. Well, the vampires were lying in wait, very impatient, I must say, but they knew their time was coming. It wouldn't be long before the descendants of the gods were powerless with all that common blood running through their veins. The other gods, however, weren't as foolish, also waiting to strike. They had been wise, marrying among their own women who were worthy of them and their children were strong, men of valor, and their daughters were precious and wise - treasures. The Atlantians were no match for them when they decided to strike, but of course, all of that could have been avoided. The vampires knew their time had come, called out from beneath the earth through an act of treachery. 

The god, Zudderell, was unaware that he had been betrayed by his own blood and when he found out, he was so angry that he smashed the ground with his fist, accidentally cutting off the passageway to the underworld. That is how we have been stuck with vampires living among us ever since."

Storm inwardly groaned as Hadja tugged on his hand, attempting to drag him to their bedroom. She, of course, couldn't see Lanecea's soul regaling his children with the history of their people, nor was she aware that Lani was just getting to the good part - recounting their father's exploits against the dreaded vampires. She likely wouldn't have cared had she heard the story, but Storm pushed that out of his mind as he stepped into his bedroom, closing the door behind him. Lanecea always stayed until the children were sound asleep before disappearing. If he held off a little while longer, she would be able to finish her story before vanishing, unable to bear the sound of the bed squeaking. 

He owed her that much.

Lanecea swallowed hard as Hadja led Storm away, her heart constricting as she hurried to continue the very important history lesson, this time skipping the parts where their father was a hero. 

"The Celtic armies held back, weakened after fighting the English instead of joining the Black Sun legion who were attempting to keep the vampires at bay. Had they joined forces, that would have changed history, but it was not to be. The vampires gained the upper hand, conquering nation after nation, and enslaving them. No one would defy their vampire rulers... It was clear a hero was needed - a great leader who would arise and save the day..."

"Daddy," Revna whispered.

"Perhaps. No one knows his true identity yet. It's a secret but we are all hoping and praying a great leader will arise and save us from our vampire overloads. Perhaps one of your children will be our great and noble leader, but that won't happen if you marry a common man or woman. Greatness begets greatness, as the Atlantians learned the hard way. I need to hurry, you two. I'm almost out of time, but I'll return after the next festival when the veil between the worlds is thinnest to continue the story if you'd like."

"I wish you were here all the time," Thorson admitted, giving Lanecea a hug before she stepped away from the bed, Revna in her arms.

"Oh, I wish that were possible too... Goodnight, My Darling Prince. Dream of greatness."

"I will," Prince Thorson promised before Lanecea closed his bedroom door behind her, her soft voice floating through the slight crack, "and as for you, Young Lady, you will be a great queen one day with a kingdom of your own, but you must always be worthy like the great Secret Keepers of old. I will always help you and one day, perhaps you too will have as many children as there are stars and be very, very happy."


King Storm grinned at his queen as she glided across the throneroom, her gown billowing around her legs as she drifted to her knees.

"You're late," Storm ran his fingers through his queen's hair as she settled between his legs, purring with pleasure at his touch. "Go ahead and worship."

"Oh thank you," Queen Lanecea was breathless as her fingers trailed reverently over his scepter. "Have you already begun the story?"

"No, we were waiting for your return. What story did you tell the children tonight?"

"The history of the Atlantian gods and their fatal mistake, but I didn't tell them about your exploits tonight. My heart was squeezing too much when Hadja returned..."

Lanecea didn't need to explain further, Storm's fingers stilling in her hair as Lanecea poured out her pain as she worshipped with great intensity. There was nothing he really could say.

"I know you want to tell me how you are feeling. Go ahead, My Love."

"Thank you. I'm feeling very empty."

"Then I will have to remedy that before I begin to read, won't I?"

"Yes, please, My King. I would like that very much."

Please, of course, was the magic word.

Storm sent his queen careening in the throne room as he bred her hard and fast, filling her body to overflowing once again with his hot seed as their children, all fully gods with Centaur and Elvin characteristics as bonuses, watched their parents breed like animals in heat, not in the least worried that they would never have mortal bodies. 

"Oh thank you!" Queen Lanecea was breathless as her king made her dizzy, eternally devoted to the woman in his arms, mother of gods.

His body, however, lay in his bed listening to the relentless thunder rumbling just overhead. Storm's balls were heavy and full, with his poor cock swollen and dripping with need as the god and his goddess bred over and over again, the parallel earth trembling as chains of lightning struck the ground.

Storm's soul was very, very lucky and he knew it. Raking his fingers through his hair, Storm was determined to find a way for Lanecea's soul to return to her body, and then that body to find its way into his bed. 

There had to be a way. After all, anything was possible on the nights when the veil between the worlds was thinnest. Besides, that relentless, rhythmic thunder was driving him crazy, his hips beginning to thrust in desperation. Storm groaned, knowing how happy his misery was making Lanecea's little heart as she watched him, likely licking her lips at that very moment.

He wasn't wrong, Queen Lanecea now on her knees as her king bred her from behind as she watched Storm's misery through the pond on her right, her attention diverted only to make sure one of her babies didn't fall into the water as they watched the swans drift gracefully on the tranquil water, their necks entwined.

"You're miserable and suffering greatly, My King," Queen Lanecea grinned. "I don't think you can forget me."

"That sounds about accurate," King Storm paused mid-thrust to shift her hips higher, pushing his entire length deep within her body. "You're unforgettable."

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now