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Freya didn't make it to the edge of the forest before the headlights from Herja's vehicle lit up the darkness, illuminating the silhouettes of toddlers holding each other's hands as they followed Freya toward the underworld and their mother who was waiting.

"What are you doing out of bed?" Herja frowned as she placed her hands on her hips.

The little gods and goddesses said the only word that seemed to be in their vocabulary, "Mamma."

"You'll see your mamma soon. Let's get you tucked back in. I might not be able to tell epic stories, but I will do my best, alright?"

Two, then four broke the line, toddling across the grass to their stepmother before clutching her hands with their dimpled fingers, but Freya still remained silent. This - Herja's early return - wasn't part of the plan. Although Herja was common and unable to see the fairies, the immortal ladies still backed up until they were standing surrounded by the dryads.

"You failed the test and Lani cannot bear to be separated from her children - they need to be returned to their mother."

"How did I fail the test?" Herja frowned as she clutched tiny hands within her own.

"You turned your back on your husband's children - it is unacceptable and their parents have already been notified of your decision."

"In hindsight, I did make a mistake, but I honestly couldn't find the number for their nanny and was far too distracted when Lani was here to remember to ask before they left. I haven't failed - not completely." Herja released the two hands she was holding in her right hand, transferring them to her left before reaching for her phone still tucked into her back pocket. "Does this look like failure?"

Freya wasn't sure what she was looking at as Herja held out the phone in front of her nose, her recent Amazon order displayed on the screen: bunkbeds, cribs, and a month's worth of diapers to get her started. Herja would have to jump through rings of fire to be able to impress the "team Lani" goddess - or show her the Amazon app.

"You really do love the little imps," Freya searched Herja's eyes, sounding very impressed. "I am terrible at making decisions and don't know what to do now. Lani needs her children but you love them. Oh dear, I think I'm in a pickle."

Herja had no problem making decisions.

"Give me a minute or two to get changed. I'm afraid I soaked my uniform tonight, but it gave me an excuse to come home. The children need me to help them settle in so I should have taken the night off in hindsight. Come back in - I won't be long and then we can make a game plan. Lani does need her babies, I know, but she also needs to learn to be focused. I love her to bits, but she is really scatterbrained attempting to do everything and be everything on her own. She needs my help, even if she won't admit it - yet."

Freya smiled as she led the children back to the house. As long as Herja remained Team Lani, they would get along just fine.


Lani was never happier to see a slave than when Herja walked in the door surrounded by Lani's Littles.

"Well done!" Lanecea stood from the high-backed chair, embracing Herja before she crouched down, hugging her children. "I knew you wouldn't stay away. Where are my babies?"

"They are at the farm with Llia and my friend, Meaghan..."

Lanecea raised an eyebrow as she unlaced her bodice with one hand, hoisting up her long, billowing skirts with her free hand as her littles began tugging on their cocks and rubbing their pussies on their mother.

"Your friend is watching my children?"

"It's okay - I just told her that my husband has a mistress and I'm okay with it - more than okay. It's incredibly sexy and that's how I know firsthand what it is like to suck another woman's boobs. I think she's jealous..."

Lani laughed and moaned at the same time, impressed with Herja. Just maybe the woman was more devoted to her than she realized. 

"This explains so much..." Herja whispered as she watched Lanecea drown in her children, The Littles climbing on her as they helped themselves to their mother's milk and nectar. 

Lanecea looked up from a dimpled cheek that she was smothering in butterfly kisses before grinning at Herja, "I didn't think you'd last an hour. Yes, you screwed up significantly, but I am still pleased with you - and you made the right decision to join us. Thank you for bringing the children to me - I've been aching to be surrounded by my children again! You have earned a shot..."

Reaghan couldn't hide her dimples as she poured the intoxicating mixture of her daddy's cum and mamma's nectar into a shot glass before holding it out to her stepmother.

"Congratulations, Mommy Slave, and welcome to Brussels!"

"Oh god," Herja moaned, pouring the liquid lust down her throat before Lani changed her mind. Licking the last drop from her lips, Herja wiped any lingering cream out of the glass with her finger, then sucked her finger before turning to Lani. "About that....we need to talk."

Lanecea looked away from Herja, focusing on Clanna's ringlets as they spilled between her fingers while she fed between Lani's legs.

"What aren't you telling me, Slave?"

"I think you should know about the secret - or at least have another hint. Hans is setting up a franchise and I was thinking it should be called, 'Worship.' We need to work together, Lani - let me help you. I know what you want and need."

"Do you?" But Herja had captured Lanecea's curiosity. "And I do like the name Worship..."

Eva looked up from Lanecea's neck, aware of her husband's plan.

"It's a secret, Herja, but you will love it, Lani. You need to trust us."

Lanecea wove her fingers through Eva's hair before whispering, "I trust you, Eva, and always have even as a little girl. If you believe I should trust Herja on this matter, I will. In the meantime, I have something I wish you to do for me - it will make me very pleased."

"Anything, Mistress," Herja moaned as she began to lick the overflow that managed to escape Clanna and Ian's tongues. 

"Go ahead and feed, Slave. Eva and Mrs. McLean, I need you to watch the children for an hour, give or take. I'm going to be quite - busy."

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now