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The nannies took care of the babies after Lanecea had fed them, leaving Lanecea to lead her older children back into the temple.

"Catherine is in this room," Lanecea gestured toward the chamber where the dryads had placed the seamstress. "Over here, Mr. McLean and his wife are being kept. I thought it was best if they were near the nursery as they will be of great assistance once the babies are brought here."

"How many babies are we getting again?" Llia frowned as her eyes surveyed the spacious chamber that still didn't seem big enough for rescued babies as well as ones from her mother's breeding program.

"Thirty-two. They will be arriving on Friday and everything must go smoothly. Thorson...Thorson?"

Lanecea was certain he had been just behind her a moment ago, but had been distracted. 

"Revna, Darling, will you please look for your brother? We need to go over the plan for Friday as there can be no mistakes and I am still to inform the McLeans on the role they will play."

"Yes, Mamma," Revna turned, retreating to retrace their steps. 

Revna didn't have to go far, the sound of breeding and Catherine's moans coming through the door.

"Thorson, stop! You're betraying the queen! Your priestess - you're going to break her heart!"

"Go away!" Thorson shouted through the locked door, ignoring the sound of Revna's pounding fists.

"Mamma..." Revna swallowed hard as she returned to Lanecea's side. "Thorson, your prince, is breeding Catherine. He doesn't care. I tried to get him to stop but he told me to go away and the door is locked."

The air was knocked out of Lanecea's lungs. It wasn't an accident - not if he could lock the door.


Lanecea wasn't sure how she reached her throne, nor was she aware of her children surrounding her as she knelt on the dias with her forehead pressed against the cold marble.

"Please, My King, return to me," Lanecea began to pray out loud, reaching out to his spirit. "When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I."

Lanecea knew it was a verse in the Bible, one she had memorized years ago, but she continued to pray, changing the words slightly. "When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is taller than I. When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is stronger than I. For you have been a shelter for me. A refuge in the time of storm."

Lani ignored the irony of the storm part as she prayed with all her heart and soul as her heart shattered into a thousand pieces. "You are my strength and my deliverer. My heart and soul cry out to you, My King. Please return to me. When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is wiser than I..."

It was heartbreaking to watch their mother pray, pouring every ounce of her broken heart into her prayer as she called out to her king.

"I can make his cock shrivel," Reaghan, her divine mini-me offered, Reaghan's green eyes flashing dangerously.

Lanecea paused long enough in her pleading prayer to whisper, "No, My Darling. We don't harm boys and men - ever."

"What's the point of being a goddess then?!"

"Cuddle me, please. I need you," Lanecea didn't bother trying to wipe her tears as she continued to pray in earnest, "My god and king, I trust in you. My soul trusts you. My heart trusts you. All that I am trusts and worships you. Hear my prayers, please. I need you..."

Lanecea's children stroked her hair and cuddled her only stepping away when Storm strode into the temple. Unsheathing his scepter, he took a seat on Lanecea's throne a moment before she raised her forehead from the floor, scootching back until she was sheltered between his powerful legs.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now