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Wolfstein was gone before dawn, much to Lanecea's disappointment when she awoke before the last of the stars faded from the sky. She couldn't help but wish he had said goodbye, at least, but there was no time to dwell on the fact that men, in general, often disappeared without warning as was Storm's habit as well.

"Seriously? I have to wear this again?" Thorson frowned as a maid curtseyed but didn't raise her eyes as she draped the clothing the royals would be wearing on the bed.

"I still think it makes you look incredibly handsome. You know how much I love history," Lanecea encouraged Thorson as she held the black gown up to her shoulders.

Black was a good choice, today's mission a solemn one.

Thorson dressed in record-breaking time before giving Lanecea a kiss that made her brain cells go on strike.

"You're perfection," Lanecea smiled when he finally raised his head. "So handsome and perfect for me. Thank you for that kiss - it took my breath away. Are you excited to go to the questioning?"

Storm stood behind Lanecea, tightening the laces on the back of her gown so tight it nearly cut off her air supply as her boobs spilled over the satiny fabric, the bodice only covering her nipples. Unable to see how sexy she looked, Lanecea was certain Storm was being thoughtful, ensuring she wouldn't leak through her dress until they returned.

"Of course I am. They are actually going to torture people in front of us this morning?"

"Yes. Not many people are lucky enough to watch the process, most only getting to attend the ensuing trial, but from what Hans has informed me, the magistrate has made an exception so we will be attending all three, observing the process from start to finish although...well, I'm looking forward to it. I've been thinking over the past weeks that I would like to have a dungeon that is attached to my temple..."

Storm swore under his breath before kissing Lani so thoroughly that she forgot what she had been trying to say. It didn't matter, both Storm and Thorson were already fully onboard with her idea. A dungeon located beneath the ground would be nothing short of perfect.


Lanecea was far braver in her mind than she was in reality, the poor woman ghostly pale as she stood with her men in the dank, dimly lit room. If it had been vampires who were being tortured, Lani may have been able to bear the sight, but it wasn't the undead who were at the mercy of the Jesuits and the magistrate, but her own people.

"I can't bear it," Lanecea whispered a second before Storm pulled Lanecea into his arms, shielding her from the gruesome sight as grown men howled in agony.

It wouldn't be for much longer, Hans already orchestrating the switch. All Lanecea had to focus on was captivating the magistrate and deciding which of the implements of torture were her favourite. It wasn't a difficult task, but Lani was struggling in earnest.

"It is too much for such a genteel lady," the magistrate summed up the situation, Frey translating for the Frenchman before Frey added, "You can do this, Lani. Keep his attention. Tell me which you like the best."

"The ass-splitter," Lanecea whispered, barely heard from where she'd buried her face against the crook of Storm's neck, her fingers almost twisting Thorson's off as she clung to him.

Frey laughed before informing the magistrate that the trembling woman especially liked their device for forcing open assholes.

"And? Surely there are others you are enjoying. Tell us why you enjoy them."

Lanecea had the magistrate's full attention as he turned to her, waiting to hear what excited the notorious woman. He, of course, wasn't aware of Hans entering the room surrounded by two of his men as they quickly made the switch.

"It's done," Storm whispered against Lani's hair.

In that case...

Lanecea still held onto Storm with one hand, her free hand clutching Thorson's but now she no longer cared if the man impaled howled his head off. He'd be screaming when they set fire to him later.

"I do like the idea of the cage that allows the birds to pluck them clean for all to see. It would be such a morbid spectacle, but it would put the fear of god into those who stand against us. They would think twice..."

"I thought you were going to say quartering? You don't like the idea of horses tearing their limbs apart?"

Lanecea thought about it for a moment, imagining her centaur army doing just that.

"I do. It would be an incredible spectacle at one of my parties, don't you think?"

Frey translated for the magistrate's benefit, the burly man beaming as he listened to Lanecea's twisted imagination. Perhaps, if he played his cards right, he'd get an invitation as well.

"Let me show you how they work..." He offered as the magistrate gestured for one of the Jesuits to begin demonstrating on the vampire switch who looked an awful lot like the Wolf Charmer doppelganger.

Lanecea, however, was afraid that they would be discovered.

"Please, Sir, I wouldn't like to see him in the cradle. I prefer to see this man intact when he is burned. Will you please avoid the methods that will puncture him? What about this device? How does it work?" Lanecea pointed to a wooden object that looked like a miniature version of the stocks but didn't have holes for the arms and head.

"Oh, you'll like this, I'm sure," the magistrate licked his lips as the Jesuit dragged the vampire over to the device before shoving his full balls onto the center of the wood. Lifting the top portion, he let it drop without warning, the vampire's balls crushed between the two.

"Please?" Lanecea begged Storm. "It would be perfect!"

"Of course - and it looks easy to make. You'll have several so we can do this on a wider scale."

"Oh thank you - I love it!"

Soulless eyes could glare.

"And this? Will you show us how it works next, please?"

The magistrate waved his hand toward the table before the vampire was tied down, his ankles bound together with his arms bound above his head.

The executioners began to question the vampire, but Lanecea didn't understand a word they said. It didn't matter, her attention was captivated as one of the men began to turn the crank which caused the vampire's arms and legs to be slowly pulled in opposite directions, his body straining painfully.

"So this device is to pull the arms and legs from their sockets?" Lanecea stepped away from Storm's arms to get a better look at the vampire's arm socket which was closer to where she stood. "How do you know when you've succeeded? Does the arm go limp or is there a pop?"

Frey shook his head as he translated, dangerously close to rolling his eyes although he was smiling at the woman who never ceased to amaze him with what came out of her mouth, even though he was a god. The magistrate stood so close that Lanecea could feel his erection pressing against her as he leaned forward to show her what they were looking for. Storm was as fast as a panther, lifting the magistrate by the neck before tossing him aside. Lani had been so focused on the joint that was about to pop out of its socket at any moment, that she hadn't noticed the magistrate's indiscretion until he fell in a heap onto the floor. The magistrate was humiliated. Most were afraid to raise their eyes when in his presence, his eyes flashing dangerously as he glared at Storm before he laughed so loud that he nearly drowned out the sound of howling.

"I would have done the same if she were my wife," the magistrate admitted when he finally caught his breath. "That woman is one-of-a-kind. I'm more than willing to assist if you wish to set up your own torture chamber for her pleasure. My men will deliver replicas to your manor..."

It was very thoughtful but they wouldn't be staying in France indefinitely and couldn't tell the magistrate about Lanecea's temple or it might be her on the rack instead.

"Thank you for the offer. I need time to consider it as we will not wish to draw attention should anyone spot... You have succeeded in exciting my lady - she is very pleased."

The magistrate came dangerously close to soaking himself as his cock saluted Lanecea.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now