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Joseph was still a bundle of wiry energy when he joined Lanecea and her family within the temple. Lani smiled as he pulled up a chair on her opposite side, Wolfstein seated on her right. The children sat with their backs to their father's legs as Lani remained impaled on his cock, Herja kneeling between them licking Lanecea's cum-dripping legs.

"Your wife isn't joining us?" Lanecea drew her attention back to Joseph as she stroked Herja's hair with her free hand.

"She isn't you, Lani, but she did mention how much she loved your speech today. Well-done."

"Thank you, Sir," Lanecea smiled before looking away as the double doors swung open, revealing a long line of young men wearing pristine uniforms and polished black boots.

The men approached their group before stopping abruptly. Soluting their commander, they turned away from Wolfstein before kissing the black sun symbol in front of Storm and Lanecea, a flush dusting most of their fair cheeks before they stood once more. Moving to the side, they stood patiently as they waited for their comrades to follow their lead.

Lanecea's eyes misted with tears as she looked over at the young men whose own eyes were filled with hope. If they weren't successful on their mission... No, she couldn't let her mind go there. Success wasn't an option.

As though reading her thoughts, Wolstein reached over and gently squeezed Lanecea's fingers just before ladies entered the room, all dressed in white.

Lanecea smiled at her priestesses as they saluted Wolfstein before also kissing the black sun symbol. She couldn't mask the tears in her voice, however, when she blessed each priestess in turn as they knelt before her, bestowing on them the blessing of a long, happy marriage and many children. The priestesses didn't seem to notice, or at least didn't mind, how emotional their goddess was as she pronounced a blessing over them, their eyes radiant with happiness and hope before they stood once more before they knelt before their kings.

Lani had seen pictures, although rare, of four couples being married at once, but this was the first large-scale wedding that she had ever seen and she couldn't help but think it may be the first to have taken place in history. Wolfstein stood to the right of the temple priest who would officiate the ceremony as the German kings pledged their eternal devotion to their priestesses and the priestesses promised to worship their husbands throughout eternity. It was the most beautiful wedding Lanecea had ever attended and not just because it was the first priestess wedding either as priestesses were extremely rare.

Herja had paused in her licking to watch the wedding as well and shifted slightly as Lanecea leaned forward while still impaled. 

"Wolfstein wouldn't let the men set off for the Eastern Front before this wedding took place," Lanecea informed her children. "Do you know why?"

"No," Taran frowned. "They may all be widows..."

"Yes, that is a possibility, but it is important that good men know they have a priestess waiting for them. It will keep them focused and, I think, more aggressive when they go into battle. They will fight for their homeland and for Wolfstein, of course, but it is their wives that they will fight to the death to protect."

"Your mother is correct," Joseph assured the children, "this wedding is very important, but the couples were pledged to each other long before today. You see, kings negotiate with other kings long before their daughters are born. They create alliances and strategize. Marriage is not something that is taken lightly as a wife can tear down everything her husband has built. Lani is correct - a man is building his empire and needs a great queen - an extraordinary queen at his side. Your father will negotiate for you as well and you must trust his judgement as it is not taken lightly."

"I'm going to marry a great queen like Mamma?" Fintan leaned forward.

"That's doubtful. There is no other woman of your mother's calibre that I know of, but rest assured, you will marry a great woman who will stand by your side and raise your legacy to be exemplary." Joseph suddenly laughed before adding, "I don't think the world could handle another Lady Wolfstein."

Lanecea laughed as she kissed Storm's fingers. Her king was infinitely patient with her. Lanecea realized how blessed she was, but Joseph was correct. The world could barely handle Wolfstein, let alone more than one of his female counterpart. The idea, however, was very interesting and captivated her imagination for a few minutes before Taran interrupted her wandering train of thought.

"I'm I going to marry a German priestess, Daddy?"

Storm had remained silent, also deep in thought. He had many, many children and therefore many marriages to arrange. It wouldn't be easy to find priestesses for his many sons, but Lanecea was correct in her vision. If Germany could become a nation of priestesses and their influence could spread throughout the world, everything would change. His boys deserved nothing less.

"Perhaps," Storm didn't get Taran's hopes up, the young god seated at his feet needing a fully divine priestess for a bride.

"Is my king in Germany?" Revna asked as she scooted away from her sisters, hoping her father would choose her husband first. 


Revna nearly forgot that pouting wasn't ladylike before Storm continued. "Do you remember that young boy you saw with his mother - the woman who looked identical to your mamma?"

"Of course. Oooh, I like him!"

Lanecea was smiling as much as her step-daughter. She liked the match, of course, but there was only one catch and it was something she didn't want to think of this close to embarking on their mission. Lanecea couldn't bear the thought of leaving her divine children when she rejoined her body. What if she couldn't separate again? She had only succeeded twice and each time it had been due to a deep trauma. Lanecea was happy and content in Storm's arms. It would be impossible to leave her body - she just knew it.

Wolfstein, of course, didn't know what Lanecea was thinking as he rejoined the centaur god and his goddess.

"Are you ready, Darling?"

"No," Lanecea whispered.

"She is," Storm corrected Lanecea as he reassured the captain. "We won't fail. Too much is at stake. Their biggest mistake will be to underestimate my family."

Shivers raced up Lanecea's spine, the sensation as cold as Russian snow.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now