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Lanecea's fingers trembled in earnest as they gripped the kitchen counter. Herja didn't notice with her face buried within Lani's ass, and Revna wasn't aware of much else either with her face buried on the opposite side, his sons still attached to her boobs. Without saying a word, Storm stepped around Lanecea to get a better view, his fingers digging into her ass before instructing Herja to thrust her tongue harder and faster until it perfectly matched Revna. 

"Please, My King...I can't...bear it..."

"You can and will. I want to take a picture of this. It's so damn sexy."

Lanecea moaned, her butterflies swirling at how pleased Storm was as she struggled to maintain control of her body. Thorson, although behaving, didn't help as he reached between Lani's legs before sliding his glossy fingers within his younger brother's lips.

"Suck Mamma off my fingers, Fintan. There is far more to her than just milk. She's a buffet. Dad? I know you won't share anymore, but can we please feast on nectar as well as milk?"

"You have my permission. Rub it on her nipples, then suck it off. Do you like it Fintan?"

Fintan couldn't find words but reached between his mother's legs to help himself.

"No, Fintan. I'm your older brother. You'll lick my fingers if you want a taste - or if I rub it into the nipple you're sucking. Heirchy, Fintan - don't forget."

Lanecea moaned and laughed at the same time. She was the eldest of her siblings as well and totally understood.

"Don't listen to Thorson - he's forgetting he's still grounded. Here, you can take a turn and I'll have boob," Revna comforted her brother before pressing her nectar-glossy lips against his. "Don't worry - I know how to get you what you want. I want Mamma too."

Fintan and Revna, at that moment, found a bond between them that was thicker than blood the two sharing a look that announced that they would be trouble.

Lanecea's Mummy's Boy was as greedy for her pussy as he was for her boobs - quite possibly more - as he located the source of her nectar with his eager tongue just as Hans knocked on the open door before stepping into the house.

"The door was unlocked..." Hans announced before losing his train of thought at the sight of Lanecea being devoured while Storm took pictures. "Oh fuck..."

Storm winked at Hans, after all, the German had every right to be jealous. Lanecea belonged to Storm and he was one lucky man living wild, kinky fantasy.

"I brought clothes," Hans set them down on the table before unsheathing his cock.

"Thank you, Hans," Lanecea smiled as she continued to stroke Thorson and Revna's hair in unison as they sucked her boobs. "Oh nice! You managed to find uniforms for the children. I was hoping they wouldn't stand out. Revna, will you please shower and get changed into your uniform so I have time to braid your hair? You must be full by now, and besides, I'll be bringing snacks for you guys..."

Revna released Lani's nipple before stepping over to the table.

"Brown isn't my color..."

"You'll look wonderful - trust me. Mmm Fintan, gentle please. Mamma's pussy is tender... One more lick then I want you to get ready to go as well. Thorson, you're going to need to shower - you're still covered in cum."

Herja finally realized they had company, pulling her face out of Lani's ass a moment later.

"Would you like me to shower and dress you Lani?"

"Thank you but no..." Lanecea looked over at Storm, searching his eyes once again. 

Everything had changed so she wasn't exactly certain anymore.

"No," Storm reaffirmed that Lani had guessed correctly. "I dress Lani. Get ready to go - we need to leave shortly. Will Eva be joining us, Hans?"

"She's staying behind to prepare for the arrival of the babies. I believe she and Gretjen are collecting last-minute donations and Wilhelm said the priestesses have been pumping since they returned home. I didn't ask what the plan was as I'm sure the ladies have it under control, but there are thirty-two babies we are expecting, not to mention Ella's triplets and your sextuplets and Lanecea is still breastfeeding your brood of gods and...well, you do the math."

Lanecea was standing closer to the table as she admired the dress she would be wearing on this trip before turning her attention back to Hans.

"There will be more wet nurses once my eugenics program is in full swing, of course, but I believe Alice, Ella, I will be able to keep up with the demands in the meantime. I was certain our men would enjoy even larger breasts so won't mind, and I do need to lay low for a little bit as I wasn't careful enough when in France."

"No, Lani. This is just the first mission - you won't be spending your days in a temple nursery - not if Wolfstein has anything to do about it. Gretjen and my wife will come up with a solution. You need to be focused - everything depends on it. Now, I'm not expecting an attack from the vampires today. They wouldn't be so foolish as to come anywhere near the rally, but after dark, it is fair game. Wolfstein is prepared, but he is meeting with his top advisors. You'll be joining him..."

Lanecea nodded, but was distracted as Storm tugged on his clothes - a perfect match to Hans', the silver skull winking at Lani in the soft morning light.

"Oh god," Lanecea gripped the table as she swooned.


"Please try to focus," Lanecea whispered as she attempted to draw Herja's attention away from the back of her tight pencil skirt. "I'm meeting with some leaders today and would prefer it if they didn't know..."

Herja licked her lips but nodded, once more distracted by the fact that Storm had given up on trying to button up Lanecea's matching black blazer and Lani's nipples were threatening to poke through her blood-red blouse.

"I'm just excited, that's all," Lanecea's voice was breathless.

"They might calm down if I suck them for a bit..." Herja whispered against Lanecea's hair.

Lanecea, for a long moment, looked as though she might just take Herja up on her offer as her fingers caressed the dog bones pendant while a soft, breathy moan escaped her lips. 

"Perhaps, tonight, if you've been good.. Alright, I really need to be going. Behave, My Darlings - but most importantly, have fun. This is the opportunity of a lifetime."

Lanecea was breathless as a tall wiry man ran up the coliseum stairs two at a time, a smile lighting up his face.

"Lani! Or do you prefer Lanecea? You are exactly as Wolfstein described! It's such a pleasure to meet you - I've been waiting for this moment...well, you know... I need to speak in ten minutes, but that should give me time to introduce you to the ladies...they are awaiting your arrival as well. We've heard so much about you..."

Storm raised an eyebrow as Joseph paused, still breathless, then apologized. "I'm sorry, I should have introduced myself. There just isn't much time... I'm Joseph...hasn't Lani told you of me?"

Joseph ran his fingers through his hair as Storm still didn't seem to be following what he was trying to say - or not to say, as even at the rally, walls still could have ears.

"You don't know who our Lani is, do you?" Joseph said at last as realization dawned on him. "Good god, woman, you are incredible at keeping secrets. Come on, we will be properly introduced tonight. The ladies are waiting and Wolfstein...well, he's delighted you are finally home."

Storm wrapped his arm around Lani's waist as the adults followed Joseph.

"Who is that man?" Storm asked, his voice low although Joseph looked oddly familiar as well.

"He is me," Lanecea grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

At that moment Storm remembered exactly who Joseph was and what Lanecea had been trying to tell him all along while keeping her identity a secret.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now