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The vampires were emaciated as they hung from the wall, side by side, their shackles much too lose for the skeletal creatures.

Storm should have returned sooner in hindsight, but he'd not stopped to check in on his prey that memorable night when he'd merged with his body, Lanecea needing him more than ever as her mental and spiritual endurance were tested. He wouldn't have changed that decision, even in hindsight, the man already gripping his cock as he began to hydrate the vampires on his right, his sons already peeing in the desperate, already gaping mouths of the vampires on his left.

"Why?" Dieter stood back watching as urine splashed against the vampire's parched faces.

"They're thirsty, Sir. We don't want them to die," Fintan answered without taking his eyes off the vampire choking on his ration of urine.

"But why?" Dieter repeated.

"I think he is trying to ask why we pee in their mouths instead of letting them drink blood," Thorson clarified for his younger brother before turning his attention to Dieter as he stepped away from the vampire he had just watered. "They don't get what they need. It teaches them their place and it forces them to recognize our dominance, isn't that right, Dad?"

"Well said," Storm agreed as he moved down the row much faster than his boys who were enjoying feeding the vampires far too much, making a game of it as they drew wet designs on the hapless prey. "They will never get a taste of our cum, so urine is the next best thing to bring them into submission to our cocks. The vampires have no choice but to submit to our natural dominance if they do not wish to die a slow, agonizing death."

Dieter couldn't fault the king's logic.

"I could provide blood to supplement their diet. Lorenzo would be more than happy to assist, and he would have plenty. I believe giving them a small amount of even cow's blood at least once a month would increase their strength, making the vampire battles more interesting when you decide to host the gods."

Storm couldn't help but notice the glimmer of hope in the vampire's soulless eyes, the creatures desperate for blood, human or not.

"Open wide," Storm frowned.

Like his queen, Storm also enjoyed seeing the vampires' hopes dashed, but Dieter might have a valid point. A drop of blood here and there might enhance their performance.

"Taran, bring me that dish of blood please."

"Yes, Dad," Taran wiped the blade of his dagger before balancing the bowl of blood, careful not to spill a drop.

"Thank you," Storm reached for the dish before turning his attention back to the vampire in front of him. "Open wide and tilt your head back."

The vampire paled more, if that was possible, his paper-thin skin nearly translucent, fear in his eyes as Storm poured his comrade's cold blood down his throat. "Thorson, tell the guards to keep an eye on this one. I want a daily report detailing changes in appetite, aggression, etc. I do like your suggestion, Dieter, and think I will enjoy watching vampires feed on each other's blood."

"That's why they wish they were spiked," Fintan informed Thorson who hadn't attended the raid, keeping their mother safe while vampires were hunted without mercy, their sun-bleached skulls still adorning spikes. "Lugh cut off the head of every vampire he killed, putting it on a spike and Dad said it is because Lugh wanted it to be a warning."

Thorson looked over at his sibling as he reached for a goblet of mead. His brothers hadn't spoken about the raid since they'd joined them on the farm, Thorson naturally assuming his brothers were focused on adjusting to the new family dynamics. Empathy filled his eyes as he realized they must have been exposed to things that ensured nightmares.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now