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Dad wasn't impressed. In fact, he was very upset with Lanecea when she returned home and brought him up to speed on why he hadn't been able to reach her, the woman finally realizing in her excitement that she had completely forgotten to ask for his permission. Neither was he impressed with her delighted chatter on just how Bernier was going to save her country, but she chalked it up to him being an American and couldn't possibly understand that the politician was their last beacon of hope. 

"I guess there is no harm in you canvassing. It is good exercise but he will not win the election. You're getting exercise but are wasting your time otherwise. Have you thought to look into his political background?" Dad began after he'd lectured Lanecea on her foolish behaviour and what could have gone horribly wrong. She wasn't common - how many times did she need a reminder? And to make things worse, none of their men would have been able to reach her in time - none had attended the rally. 


"You need to learn to watch the other hand."

"I don't understand."

"Think about it. They show you what they want you to see. Everyone is looking at their right hand, but you need to learn to automatically look at the left hand - what they aren't showing. What are they hiding? Think critically."

"Yes, Sir. I still like him though. Out of everyone who is running for prime minister, he is the best option, don't you agree?"

"Unfortunately, but they are all the same."

"And if we Old Stocks don't vote, then all the immigrants will and they will destroy what is left of our country. Trudeau has bought their loyalty."

"Canvas, but I'm telling you again, he will not become Prime Minister."

For the first time since Dad had entered her life, Lanecea really wanted to prove him wrong. She couldn't bear to see her country be destroyed, but at what point does one jump off the side of a sinking ship? As an Old Stock, she would be the last to flee, holding on to the very last second. The ancestors would be so proud...or would they think she was a fool? After all, they fled to America during The Great Deportation. 

"Mom?" Deklan interrupted.


"When are you getting me a dad?"

"I'm not. You don't need one."

"But you said!"

"You're not listening, Dekkie. You don't need ONE dad - you need MANY. If I can get to South America, we could set up a community of freedom fighters and of course, among us will be great men who protect the women and children. D.A.D.S - plural. They will look out for you boys and teach you how to become great men too. You know my plan is perfect - admit it!" Lanecea grinned as she tickled her son.

"But Paul said you can't do it."

"Yes, he did. He said I wouldn't be able to make it on my own but I won't be alone. There will be a mass exodus of Canadians with us and maybe, if I ask nicely, Paul will be like Moses in the Bible, leading the way. It is kinda funny to imagine him like Moses leading us out of Egypt, don't you think?"

"I like the idea. Let's do it."

"Not yet, Sweetie - it's all about timing. First I need to find a way to be with Dad when he takes his last breath. And then we will head to South America. Or Texas. Those men are gun-slingers and we Canadians will feel so safe with them around."

"Aren't we going to Argentina?"

"Let me tell you a story about vampires..."


Deklan, however, didn't drop his dream of having a dad after all.

Lanecea never watched mainstream news, but today was an exception as mother and son curled up together on the couch, watching in horror the footage of their historical monuments being torn down. Deklan was a big boy and didn't cry often, but he was shaking as tears tumbled down his cheeks.

"They don't care about our ancestors!"

"No they don't," Lanecea agreed as she held her son tight while swiping at her own torrent of tears. "I can't bear it."

"I need a dad, Mom! I need him to teach me how to be strong. I want to chain them up and pull their teeth out and then while my dad shows me how to be scary, I am going to take maybe a broom handle and stick it up their butts!"

Laneca moaned and laughed at that vivid image, once again crossing her legs tight.

"Oh gosh, that would be quite the sight! You'd be so fierce, I think they'd think twice about dishonouring our ancestors."

"They would," Deklan puffed out his chest. "Dad and I will give them nightmares."

"For sure! I love the idea. It would be amazing not to feel helpless. If those creeps thought twice before running for the hills..."

"They wouldn't get very far with us chasing them. We'd hunt them down... Mom?"

"Yes?" Lanecea pulled her dreamy thoughts back to the present.

"You know how you always say you are so sorry for what you did? You wish you had never met that shapeshifter?"


"Maybe it isn't such a bad thing after all. Just think about it. I look like a shapeshifter and can infiltrate them. They won't suspect a thing. Then, when I get the intel, I can report back to headquarters. You know I'm loyal. That's how I will fight back until I have a real dad."

"It'll be dangerous and that scares me. What if they find out you are a secret agent or a spy?"

"C'mon Mom, you've gotta trust me. I've got moves you've never seen."

Deklan managed at that moment to reduce his mother into a fit of breathless giggles, yet a plan was percolating in both of their craniums. If successful, vampires and shapeshifters wouldn't stand a chance.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now