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"Daddy! Daddy!" Revna ran through the hotel entrance, attempting to get Storm's attention before Lanecea could maneuver the stroller through the door.

"What's wrong?" Storm asked as he assisted Lani, his attention on his breathless daughter.

"Mamma's famous!"

Revna's declaration made Lanecea laugh but Storm frown. He wasn't nearly as impressed.

"It's true!" Revna crossed her arms over her chest, unsure why her father was frowning at such fantastic news. "She's really and truly famous! I heard it with my own ears. Mr. McLean said he's heard of Mamma in a letter..."

Lanecea shook her head as she scooped her babies out of the stroller, heading down the hall while father and daughter sorted things out. Lanecea had far too much on her plate.

"Lani..." Storm's voice stopped her in her tracks. "Is this true?"

"Of course it's true!" Revna was growing increasingly indignant.

"Yes, to an extent although I don't believe Mr. McLean truly realizes I am she...uh, we are one and the same. Revna is just excited that I'm so famous, but it is nothing - really."

"Lani, it is something. You shouldn't have used your own name. Spies have an alias."

"I hadn't thought of that," Lanecea sighed as she her eyes met Storm's, the man seeing the depth of her exhaustion. Surely he'd let her indiscretion slip as he was one of the reasons why she could barely stay awake, about to fall asleep where she stood.

"Think of an Allias," Storm reached for the babies before leading the way down the hallway.

Lanecea looked over at Revna but both couldn't couldn't think of a single name for a long moment before Lani succumbed to a fit of very tired giggles.

"I could totally pull it off," Lani attempted to catch her breath. "How does Mrs. Cumming sound? It's so perfect isn't it, Mr. Cumming?"

Lanecea swiped at her tears of laughter unable to see Storm grin as Lanecea began to practice her new name until she could keep a straight face.

"Mrs. Cumming, Mrs. Lani Cumming, Mrs. Lanecea Cumming...Mmm...all three suit me so least I think so."

"It's naughty, but I like it," Mr. Cumming Jr. announced before kissing Lani. "So, you were successful today?"

"Of course," Lanecea sighed as she unlaced her bodice. "We've been invited to dinner at the McLean's tomorrow if Mrs. McLean is feeling better. I thanked James but didn't agree to the invitation as it will be far too much of a hassle for a recently bedridden woman. We met Catherine and her sister, Abigail, today as well. Catherine was more than willing to supply gowns in time for the hotel opening..."

"I thought you got the idea of running a brothel out of your head."

"I have. A hotel isn't a brothel. Don't you just love the tweak in my plan?"

Storm watched as Lanecea gestured to the oak grove just behind the hotel, the view impressive from where they sat in the spacious room. The location was perfect, the dryads ready to strike at a moment's notice.

"Thorson, you're a smart boy. I know I can trust you to keep things running smoothly and Lani out of trouble in my absence while I return home for a little while. The vampires need to be looked after and I have things I need to take care of..."

" King?"


"If we were to be able to generate a great deal of income on my missions, would you be able to stay with me longer?"

Storm didn't answer which twisted Lani's heart although he didn't need to give her an answer.

"I'll return as soon as I am able. Stay put - I need to know where I can find you but if you must travel, send your wolves. They know how to find me."

"Yes, Sir," Lanecea whispered, wishing she had made better use of the short amount of time he had for her, but it was too late for regrets. Besides, Lanecea was already formulating a plan that Storm wouldn't be able to refuse. He'd want to be with her.

One can hope.


Storm had left at some point during the night and Lanecea was annoyed with herself that she had been far too tired to notice him leave the bed. There was no telling when he would be back but Lanecea also needed to focus.

"I think the hotel should remain closed to the public - for now," Lanecea ran her fingers through her hair as she gazed out at the Oak Grove. "I've been thinking..."

"Here we go," Thorson teased, hoping to make Lanecea smile, the woman already going through Storm-withdrawls.

Lanecea couldn't help but smile as she cuddled her triplets while Revna balanced on her lap.

"We need to make money so your father will stay with us. That has to be a high priority now, so I think we should stay longer - put down some roots. We won't be nearly as suspicious if we behave more like a well-to-do British family than a group of wandering gypsies, especially after the angel of death strikes. We wouldn't want to be linked to such an event as word spreads quickly. I've given it a lot of thought and your father was correct to be concerned that people across the ocean are already hearing of Lady Lanecea. We can't be too careful."

"I'd give my life for you," Thorson vowed.

Revna released Lani's boob long enough to add, "I'd use a potato peeler on all of your enemies to protect you."

Lanecea laughed although her eyes were teary with happiness.

"Thank you, My Loves. All for one and one for all."

Thorson, Lanecea, and Revna made a perfect rendition of the Three Musketeers.

"And you heard your father - we don't need to stay put. All we need to do is send my wolves to him so he knows where we are."

Mischief was in the air and the world was their oyster. After all, now that Storm had officially given his blessing - at least in their minds - anything was possible and adventure was always waiting just around the corner.

"Alright, Mr. and Miss Cumming. Shall we strike?"

"We thought you'd never ask," Thorson reached for the door handle before the three and the babies stepped out into the morning air while the dryads held their breath.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now