Astronomy Project

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Pansy was late.
She was so annoyed.
She was partnered up with this Aelia Fairhall.

She didn't knew much of her.
She thought about how she never actually knew who she was.
She had heard from others that the slytherin girl had been very good friends with some Griffindoor girls and had been in a relationship with a griffindoor boy.
What suddenly all ended.

Since then Aelia seemed to be always alone.
No one ever saw her much.
Pansy wasn't even sure if she had the right girl in mind.

Pansy stumbled into the corridor where they wanted to meet.
They wanted to study for the astronomy project.
She looked around.
There were not many people this late but her eyes stopped at a girl.
Pansy froze.
This was her?
Leaning on a wall was a short girl.
She was rather chubby, but it looked so adorable.
She had long dirty blonde hair that reached to the middle of her back.
It wasn't completely straight but not curly.
More like golden waves.
Her skin was rather pale.
She was still in her school uniform.
The skirt complimenting her hourglass figure.
She was reading in a book so pansy couldn't quite see her face.

She got closer.
It was no secret in school that Pansy was bisexual.

*there goes another crush*

she thought laughing slightly.
She approached the girl.


She looked up to Pansy.
She was simply stunning.
She had such chubby cheeks that were slightly pink, a cute small nose and so beautiful lips.
And her eyes.
Pansy couldn't stop looking at them.
They were blue.
But not like a bright light blue.
A deep and dark blue.
It was mesmerising.

„Hey. You must be Pansy. I mean I know your Pansy"

she laughed nervous.

„Oh you know?"

Pansy asked confused.

„Yeah. I mean we're in the same year. I recognise the most people even when they don't know me"

she shrugged slightly and smiled.
The way her nose scrunched slightly when she smiled or laughed was so adorable.
Pansy took a deep breath and smiled.

„I'm very sorry you have to be here. I heard you wanted to pair up with Astoria. I tried to convince the professor to let me work alone but she denied"

„You actually would have worked alone because of that?"

Pansy asked completely taken aback.

„Oh yes I'm used to it. It wouldn't have been a problem. So I'm sorry you're stuck with me"

„Oh don't apologise. I heard you're very good so maybe this can save my grade a bit. And ehm it's always cool to talk to new people right?"

„Well yeah we will definitely get a good grade. I promise. This project isn't very difficult. But I'm a bit hesitant when it comes to new people. So don't be offended when I'm not so talkative sometimes"

She looked so shy.
Pansy felt like she wanted to hug her and protect her. That was so weird.

„Oh don't worry. I talk enough for 2 people"

she laughed.

„So do we wanna go?"

„Oh yes sure"

They made their way up the astronomy tower.
Before they could go up to the normal platform Aelia stopped Pansy

„Wait I know a better spot. It's more quiet there"

Pansy looked at her confused but followed her through a small door in a corner.
Pansy had never been there.
The door lead up some more steps to a smaller platform.
Almost like a balcony.
Two small benches and a railing.
Not more.
But the sight was amazing.
They could see over the grounds to the black lake and to the forbidden Forrest.


Pansy said leaning on the railing.

„I didn't knew this level"

she grinned.

„Oh not much people do. I found it in my second year. I don't tell much people about it so consider yourself lucky"

she smiled sweet and sat down on one of the benches.

„Oh thank you. I really appreciate it."

They got out their work and started.
Aelia explained Pansy everything.
And she was good.
Pansy suddenly understood things that seemed so complicated for her.
Listening to her was so soothing.

Pansy couldn't deny she found her attractive but noticed quickly she wasn't quite the girl she would go out with.

But nonetheless she wondered even more why she had no friends.
She seemed so genuine and nice.
After a couple of hours they just sat there.
Pansy had talked a lot about her life and friends.
Aelia just listened.
It was quite late.
They stared up in the sky.



„Can I ask you something?"

„Sure Pansy"

Aelia looked over to her.
Pansy hesitated slightly.

„So uhm I wondered-„

„Why I don't have friends?"

Aelia completed her sentence.
Pansy nodded slightly ashamed to ask something like that.

„Don't worry. I'm not mad or something"

Aelia smiled softly and looked back up.

„There are a couple of rumours about me. Heard any of these?"

„Uhm no not really. I only know that you used to have a boyfriend and some friends in griffindor."

„Yeah. Used to"

she said quiet.
Her eyes were fixed to the stars.

„You know what you seem very nice.
I like you.
I'll tell you"

she said without looking at Pansy.
Pansy stayed still.
She didn't wanted to make her uncomfortable.

„So yes I had a boyfriend.
We were a couple since second year.
I had a couple friends in griffindor.
Including my best friend.
Everything went great. I was happy.
Till I found out that he was sleeping with her.
And all of my friends were covering them.
As I confronted them they only made fun of me.
They spread the rumour that I had cheated and that were the reason they were no longer my friends.
I was so broken. So I isolated myself.
Getting through school alone went pretty good so far. I guess I'm just too afraid that this could happen again. Trusting is hard"

Pansy could see how her eyes were glistening with tears.
She signed deep.

„I'm so sorry that you had to experience this. Really. And I appreciate that you told me.
I feel really special now"

she nudged her shoulder.
Aelia actually laughed a bit.

„Well maybe. It felt actually really right to tell you"

she finally looked at Pansy.
She smiled slightly.
Pansy wanted to know more about her.
She was so invested.

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