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In the soft glow of dawn, Joong and Dunk found themselves entangled in the warmth of shared dreams and a quiet morning.

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, Joong stirred from slumber, finding comfort in the peaceful rhythm of Dunk's breathing beside him. The traces of a restful night lingered on their faces, casting a serene aura over the room.

In a whimsical impulse, Joong buried his head in Dunk's belly, seeking the familiar comfort that brought solace. Dunk, still lost in the remnants of dreams, felt the ticklish touch and stirred with a soft chuckle, awakening from his peaceful repose.

"Morning, Dunk Dunk." Said Joong with muffled voice.

"Morning, Joong. What are you doing?" Ask Dunk with sleepy laughter, stroking Joong's hair slightly.

"Just found the comfiest pillow in the room." Said Joong sheepishly.

"My belly?"

"It's surprisingly comfy. You're like a human pillow." Said Joong while poking Dunk's belly.

"Well, glad I could be of service." Grinned Dunk.

Joong suddenly leaning in and left a soft peck on Dunk's cheek. Looking for Dunk's reactions who smile affectively towards him. Then he continuously kissing both of his cheeks making Dunk whines and try to escape from the mess.

"Just wanted to start the day right. How about a morning kiss for good luck?" He pokes his own cheeks showing that he want to be kissed too.

"It's a bit early for all that sweetness, don't you think?"

"Come on, Dunk. Just one little kiss." Joong start to pout.

With a teasing smile, Dunk ask.

"And what do I get in return?"

"I'll make breakfast for us." Said Joong with a promising tone.

"Breakfast, huh? What's on the menu?" Ask Dunk.

"Whatever you want! Pancakes, eggs, bacon—name it, and I'll whip it up." Grinned Joong.

Dunk give in and lean for a quick kiss.

"There you go. Now, get to work on that breakfast, Chef Joong."

"You got it! Today's breakfast will be the best you've ever had."

Said Joong while standing and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. Before he reach for the door, Dunk called him.

"Joong, can you give me 5 more minutes? My head is spinning. Please wake me up if the breakfast is ready" said Dunk stroking his head slightly.

"Headache again? Do you want me to get you a painkiller?" Ask Joong worriedly.

"No, just wake me up later"

"Sure baby."

3rd person pov:

This is the hundred time Dunk tell him that he had a headache. He start to feel somethings wrong when Dunk continuously felt dizzy and vomit when they at the set shooting for their series.

He then ask Dunk about his condition and what did the doctor said after he went for a check up. Dunk said that he lacks of rest and did not eat properly that makes him come to this circumstance.

Since then, Joong noticed that manager team will always try to not include Dunk in lots of hectic event. He always thought that they did that because of Dunk's condition and he keep it by himself.

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