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Under the bright sun, Joong, Dunk, Pond, and Phuwin step into the vibrant world of the theme park, filled with laughter and the distant sounds of rides. This event had already being planned by them for past few weeks already.

But due to everyone's hectic schedule, they push this to the other time. So here they are, spending their Saturdays at the local theme park.

"Guys, today is all about thrills and spills! Where to first?" Said Joong enthusiasticly, eager to let his energy out.

Dunk looked around and saw a massive roller coaster with lots of cartoon character hanging.

"How about the roller coaster? It's a classic!" Pointed Dunk.

Upon hearing the idea of riding a roller coaster, Phuwin felt something churning in his stomache.

"Aren't that a little early to ride something extreme? How about we start with something else like marry go round." Said Phuwin

"Seriously Phuwin? Marry go round? How old are you, five?" Said Joong sarcastically.

"He's afraid of height, thats why." Said Pond.

"You guys can ride it, I will stay with Phuwin down here to record both of you." Pond

"No need, you can go. I can wait here by myself." Phuwin said to Pond.

"Are you sure?" Ask Pond, Phuwin reply with a nod.

"Then, can you hold our bag for a while~" Ask Dunk with a plea tone, shoved his bag towards Phuwin's face.

"Ughh.. Sure. Go now."


They explore whimsical rides, from majestic looking carousel with vibrant horses spin gracefully, (well, they rode that because Phuwin beg them to, or else he wont go home),

bumping cars with electric buzz of excitement as cars collide, creating sparks of laughter and friendly chaos, also pirate ship that swings back and fourth as high as it can, suspended in mid-air. (Ofcourse Phuwin didn't join them for that swingy thing), and much more!

"That was Sick!" Shouted Joong excitedly after they left the pirate ship.

"I felt like throwing up back then, it's swayed so fast" Said Pond rubbing his stomache.

"Who's up for some cotton candy?" Ask Phuwin as he saw a stall selling lots of candies

"Me! Cotton candy is a must when comes to theme park." Stated Dunk.


Laughter fills the air as they navigate through mirrors, funhouse mirrors distorting their reflections,  transforming them into whimsical caricatures, as its wavy surface plays tricks on the eye.

"I seem to have turned into a stretchy alien." Laughed Pond moving his head up and down.

Joong who saw Pond's hilarious reflection instantly took his phone out to capture it.

"Please, I need to save this picture for future reference."

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