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The atmosphere is buzzing with energy as Joong and Dunk, both dressed in character costumes, prepare for their series shoot. The crew is bustling around, adjusting lights and cameras.

"Alright, Dunk, let's nail this scene. It's a crucial moment for our characters." Said Joong who just finished looking at his script paper.

Dunk nods slightly.
"Absolutely, I'm ready."

They start the scene, delivering their lines with intensity. The chemistry between them is palpable, and the crew watches in awe.

Suddenly, Dunk winces, clutching his head tightly.

"Ah, Joong, M...my head is hurting again." Grimace him.

Joong looks at Dunk with concern written all over his face.

"Dunk, are you okay?"

Dunk shaking his head
"I don't know, It just hit me."

The director calls for a break, and the crew members pause their work. Dunk sits down, visibly in discomfort.

Joong placing a hand on Dunk's shoulder and tapping it slightly.

"Hey, don't worry about the scene. Your health is more important."

Dunk looks around, feeling guilty as the crew waits for further instructions

A wave of guilt comes and hit him.

"I feel like I'm letting everyone down again. We were on a roll."

"Dunk, you're not letting anyone down. Health comes first. We can always reshoot, but we can't ignore your well-being."

Then they heard the director made an announcement using a speaker slightly far from where they sat.

"Alright, everyone, we're taking a break. Dunk needs a moment. Let's make sure he's okay first."

"I'm sorry, Joong. I didn't mean for this to happen." Said Dunk appologetically, trying to hold his tears from falling due to his throbbing  head and mix with guilty guts filling his chest.

His welling up tears didn't go unnoticed by the younger.

"No need to apologize, Dunk. We're a team, and your health matters more than anything. Take the time you need, and we'll pick up when you're ready."

Dunk manages a grateful smile, and Joong helps him to a quiet corner to rest. The crew disperses, understanding the importance of Dunk's well-being.


Later when they break for lunch, Joong went to cafeteria to take some warm water for Dunk to take his regular pills. He knows that Dunk prefer warm water more when he's taking his medicine.

As Joong walks past a group of staffs, he heard a hushed conversation among the crew. He then accidentally catched snippets of complaints about Dunk.

"Dunk's health issues are making everything harder. It's affecting the whole production." Muttered a staff that Joong didn't familiar with.

"Yeah, he shouldn't have taken up this role if he can't handle it." Aggred the other staff.

This makes Joong's boiled with anger that makes him interfere.

"Hold on, guys. What's going on?"

Crew members exchange glances, realizing Joong has heard their complaints.

"Well, Joong, it's just that Dunk are causing delays, and it's frustrating for everyone." Said a staff.

"Look, Dunk didn't plan to fall ill. We're a team, and we need to support each other. Instead of complaining, let's find solutions."

Suddenly, another staff cuts him and said

"He's just a burden. Maybe he's not cut out to be an actor." While rolling her eyes, stating that she really didn't like the idea of Dunk being a main character.

Joong's expression tightens, his face scrunched with annoyed and he steps closer, addressing the crew with determination.

"That's not fair. Dunk is doing his best, and he's just as committed to this project as anyone else. Blaming him and calling him a burden won't solve anything. We need to be mature about this and work together to overcome challenges."

"Joong, we didn't mean to—"

"Save it. We're all facing difficulties, and pointing fingers won't make them disappear. Let's focus on supporting Dunk and finding ways to adjust the schedule instead of complaining about others."

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