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The cozy living room was bathed in the soft glow of lamplight as Dunk sat on the sofa, engrossed in his laptop. He's looking at his health chart from the hospital. Basically lots of wave of diagrams showing his tumor's growth. Meanwhile, Joong, was in the kitchen preparing a late-night snack.

Joong walked into the living room, a bowl of popcorn in hand.

"Hey, Dunk, find anything interesting on the internet?"

Upon hearing Joong's voice, Dunk quickly minimized the browser window, his expression slightly taken aback.

"Oh, just the usual stuff. You know how it is."

Joong raised an eyebrow but choose not to press further.

"Alright, man. Just checking. Anyway, I got some popcorn. Want some?"

"Sure, thanks!" Dunk replied, his eyes darting back to the closed laptop.

When everythings ready, Joong settled down beside Dunk, putting his hand behind Dunk and let Dunk lean on his shoulder.

As Joong munched on popcorn while deeply immersed in the movie, a subtle tension lingered in the air. Joong sensed something was off when he saw that Dunk didn't pay attention to the movie infront of them, but decided to let him have his space. After a few moments, Joong spoke up,

"You've been a bit quiet tonight. Everything's okay?"

Dunk hesitated before offering a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, just had a lot on my mind. Thanks for asking, though."

Joong nodded, deciding not to push the issue any further.

"No problem. If you ever want to talk about it, I'm here."

Dunk appreciated the gesture but kept his thoughts guarded.

"I know, Joong. I appreciate it." Said him while caressing Joong's cheek softly, looking directly into his eyes.

Joong on the other hand felt a whole zoo inside of his stomach everytime Dunk randomly shows affections towards him. He then give a peck on Dunk's forehead.

As the night continued, they found themselves immersed in casual conversation. Despite the unspoken tension, the bond between them remained strong, and Joong silently resolved to give Dunk the space he seemed to need, trusting that when the time was right, Dunk would share whatever was on his mind.

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