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7 month ago.

The hospital waiting room buzzed with the low hum of conversations and the distant echo of footsteps. Dunk sat, his head in his hands, in the company of his concerned parents. The persistent headaches had brought them to this point, seeking answers from the medical professionals.

"Natachai Boonprasert, you may go to room number 4." Dunk heard his name called by a nurse wearing white uniform with a small, embroidered hospital logo on the chest.

Accompanied by his mom and dad, he stood up, nerves evident in his eyes. The nurse led them to an examination room, where a doctor awaited.

"Hello, Natachai. I heard you've been having some intense headaches. Let's run a few tests to figure out what might be going on." State the middle age men doctor.

Dunk went through the routine: weight, height, blood pressure – all seemed normal. The doctor wore a reassuring smile as they proceeded.

"Now, we'll have you go for an MRI just to rule out any potential issues. It's a precautionary measure."

Dunk nodded, anxiety creeping in as he was guided to the MRI room. The rhythmic thuds of the machine and the enclosed space made him uneasy, but he endured it, hoping for answers.

Later, back in the examination room, the doctor entered with a thoughtful expression.

"Natachai, we found a small tumor in your brain during the MRI. I understand this is a lot to take in, but I assure you, we caught it early, and it's not currently active."

Dunk's parents exchanged worried glances, and his dad took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts.

"Can you tell us more about the tumor? What do we need to do?"

"It's a small, non-active tumor. At this stage, we'll monitor it closely. No need for immediate intervention. We'll schedule regular check-ups to ensure it remains inactive."

Silence hung in the room as Dunk, his mom, and dad processed the unexpected news. The doctor continued, offering reassurance.

"I understand this is a lot to absorb. But the good news is, we've caught it early, and there are various monitoring options available. You don't need to be overly worried at this point." Said the male doctor upon feeling the intense knot flooded in the room.

Dunk's parents nodded, grateful for the doctor's guidance, though concern still lingered in their eyes.

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