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Dunk sat at his study room table, surrounded by textbooks and notes. The soft glow of a desk lamp illuminated his focused expression as he worked on his assignments. The room was quiet, except for the occasional shuffle of papers.

As Dunk delved into his studies, the door creaked open, and his little sister, tiptoed into the room. She hesitated for a moment before pulling up a chair beside him.

"Hey, Dunk. Whatcha working on?"

Dunk looked up, a small smile forming as he saw his sister.

"Just some assignments and stuff. What's up, Dnie?"

"I saw you alone, and I thought I'd join you. You seem kinda stressed."

Dunk sighed, putting his pen down.

"Yeah, it's been a bit hectic lately. How about you? How's school going?"

"Ugh, it's tough. I'm struggling to keep up with everything. Academics and all these club activities are driving me crazy."

Dunk reached over and ruffled Dnie's hair.

"You'll get through it. Remember, it's okay to ask for help when you need it. Don't let the stress overwhelm you."

Dnie looked at Dunk, her eyes filled with gratitude.

"Thanks, Dunk. You always know what to say...

But, can I say something too?" Ask Dnie

"Sure, what is it?" Reply Dunk putting his all focus on her.

"You know, Dunk, it's impprtant to express what you're feeling. Don't bottle it up. It's okay to let others in."

Upon hearing his sister words, Dunk's expressions instantly drop. He didn't like it when someone know about his weakness.

"What do you mean?" Ask Dunk, acting clueless.

Dnie try not to frown as she felt her brother try to act clueless.

"I can see it Dunk, you always try so hard to makes people only see a happy-go-lucky version of you. You need to stop being silent."

Dunk didn't utter a word, he knows what Dnie said is true and he didn't have any excuses. He avoided her gaze, eyes fixed on the books spread out before him.

"Maybe you have your own reason why you choose to be that way, but I'm just saying that maybe it will be much better if you let it out."

She gazed at her brother with eyes full of love, care, and sympathy, her expression soft and tender as if she could heal his worries with her concern alone. She leaned slightly forward, pulled him in a warm hug. Her body language open and attentive, silently offering her support.

"I love you so much Dunk, so so so much." Said Dnie hugging Dunk tightly, try to give reassurance to her brother, tapping his shoulder slightly with lots of care.

"I love you too, sis." Said Dunk, melting on his sister embrace.

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