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After a long day of shooting on set for their upcoming series, Dunk and Joong decided to unwind by visiting the local aquarium, a serene escape from the hectic schedule of filming. They arrived just as the evening crowd began to thin out, giving them the perfect opportunity to explore the exhibits at their own pace.

As they walked through the entrance, Dunk couldn't help but glance at Joong, feeling a warmth in his chest every time their eyes met.

"I haven't been to an aquarium in years," Dunk said, his voice filled with genuine excitement.

"Me neither," Joong replied, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Let's make the most of it."

They started their tour with the large ocean tank, where an array of marine life swam gracefully behind the massive glass. Dunk pressed his face close to the glass, his eyes wide with wonder as a stingray glided past. "Look at that! It's huge!"

Joong chuckled, standing beside him, their shoulders brushing. "Yeah, it really is. Imagine swimming with these guys."

Dunk turned to him, his eyes sparkling. "Would you ever do it? Like, dive with sharks and all?"

Joong pretended to consider it, his expression serious. "Only if I had someone to hold my hand," he said, his tone light but his eyes holding Dunk's gaze a moment longer than usual.

Dunk felt his heart skip a beat, and he quickly looked back at the tank. "Well, I guess you'll need to find a brave diving partner then," he said, his voice teasing but his cheeks flushing slightly.

They marveled at the vibrant clownfish darting playfully among the anemones, the graceful sway of the beautiful seaweeds, the gigantic and fierce looking sharks with sharp teeth, and the majestic sea turtles gliding effortlessly through the water.

They moved on to the jellyfish exhibit, where the room was dark except for the ethereal glow of the jellyfish tanks. The bioluminescent creatures floated like living artworks, casting soft, shifting lights across Dunk and Joong's faces. Dunk found himself lost in the beauty of it, almost hypnotized.

"This is so calming," Joong said softly, stepping closer to Dunk. "It's like being in another world."

Dunk nodded, his voice just above a whisper. "Yeah, it's beautiful."

They wandered through the rest of the exhibits, stopping frequently to point out their favorite creatures and share stories. At the touch pool section, they saw lots of kids wander around a pool making Dunk curious about it.

So they went there and saw starfishes. Dunk hesitated before reaching out to touch a starfish, glancing at Joong for reassurance.

"It's okay, they're not going to bite," Joong said with a laugh, his hand covering Dunk's briefly as he guided it to the starfish. The brief contact sent a thrill through both of them.


After they had seen all the exhibits, they found a small café inside the aquarium and decided to grab a quick bite. They chose a table by a large window overlooking the sea otter exhibit, where the playful animals swam and frolicked.

Joong watched Dunk as he animatedly talked about their favorite scenes from the series they were filming. He loved seeing Dunk this relaxed and happy. "You really light up when you're excited about something," Joong said, his tone affectionate.

Dunk blushed, ducking his head. "It's just nice to have some downtime with a friend."

"Yeah, it is," Joong agreed, though he wished he could say more. He wished he could tell Dunk how much these moments meant to him.

As they finished their meal and prepared to leave, Joong suggested they take a walk along the nearby beach. The evening air was cool and refreshing, and the sound of the waves added to the tranquility of their outing.

They walked in comfortable silence for a while, the moonlight casting a silver path across the water. Dunk picked up a small white shell with brown and silver stripe at the side of it , turning it over in his hand.

"Tonight has been really nice,"  said Dunk quietly.

Joong nodded. "Yeah, it has. We should do this more often."

Dunk glanced at him, their eyes locking. "I'd like that."

For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath. Joong reached out and gently took Dunk's hand in his, their fingers interlocking naturally. Dunk's heart raced, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he gave Joong's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I hope we can be like this forever," Joong said softly, his eyes searching Dunk's.

Dunk smiled, feeling a warmth spread through him. "Yeah, me too."

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