Chapter Three: Attacked

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People annoy me. I mean really annoy me. They want to talk, pester and pry into your personal life. They want to gossip, they want rumors and being the Alphas' daughter is like wearing a target on your back.

I was alone in my lake clearing again when the rustling of leaves disrupted my silence. I turned but no one was there.

"Hello? Anyone there?" The rustling continued but no definitive answer. I got up grabbing my things. Yes I might be the Alphas' daughter but I'm still a daughter which translates into a girl who's only about 5'4". Someone can easily dominate me, there's no point in lying about that.

The rustling stopped, but I continued to pack. Once everything was away, I speedily walked towards the direction of home. The rustle grew louder. I heard breathing. I started running.

My skin scratched on every surface of bark, leaves and dirt while running home, the breathing and rustling close behind. A high pitches scream rang out and I ran as fast as I could, disregarding any pain I felt. I felt only fear. The fear if the unknown.

It took a while to get home, about 30 minutes give or take, but when the torrential downpour made the solid ground to mud, bring up roots and creating slides and holes, it took more like an hour. The screaming soared way passed beyond my head and when I turned around, a gust of wind knocked me back sending me on my bottom and making head hit a tree trunk. I could taste blood in my mouth. My vision was blurry, hard to concentrate. I groaned in pain.

A figure, cloaked in black and gray robes, as tall as the tree beside it, knelt down level to me and touched my face with his twig like, charcoal black, cold fingers. With a deep, dry out whimper it gargled,

"Thou shall not cease the cataclysm, but thou shall perish with all. Vampires and werewolves have no claim to this world. Thou is an abomination. Demon thou are. I haven't seen one since the beginning of time, when the witches plotted to control over the three worlds. Die beside your creators."

I squinted my eyes, trying to see the figure, but its face was blurred, almost smeared or etched away violently. Its mouth was distinctive, sewn together but big gaps in between the stitching. I laid back, moving away from the hand like appendage. Allowing the darkness to consume me.


Pounding headache and a bright, warm morning was what I awoke to. I sat up, trying hard not to vomit from my apparent concussion and looked around. I wasn't on my normal path, this was completely unknown territory, must have detour off path while running. My shades were next to me broken, my shoulders, legs and abdomen sliced. A large gash in my right upper arm. I groaned, standing up leaned against the nearest tree for support. I turned to where I was lying and right at the end of my feet was a large, darkened spot. The grass, flowers and dirt died and turned black. I swallowed knowing I was alone again and that thing could come for me again.

"Danielle!" A voice shouted from the west. I frowned and looked up.

"Danielle!" It was another pack member. It's mid morning, maybe even noon and I haven't been home. They sent a search party for me.

I couldn't get the energy to speak so I bent down, grabbed a tree branch but slid down while grabbing it. I whacked it against the tree hoping to grab someones attention.

"I think I hear something," they were close with ear shot of normal conversation. "Danielle!"

I whacked harder.

"Over there." Someone said breaking through the clearing and spotting me. "Danielle."

Two guys came over in their early 20's and knelt down beside me. Jon and Steven. I've seen them around, real clowns but are excellent trackers.

My Agitated Mate Can't Deal with My Alpha Ass [Book 3 of Alpha Mate Trilogy]Where stories live. Discover now