Chapter Eighteen: The End

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It was November, the cold hardened slammed against my feet as we took off running. Home. That's where we needed to be. Home. With mom and dad.

Natalie was in front of me and quickening as we race through trees, jumps logs and so forth. She was eager as I was. I just hoped that Spencer was waiting, and that he wasn't mad. He shouldn't. We did it. We killed it. Nothing else will matter.

We broke through the woods and onto the main road. Natalie stopped as a car approached and its headlights blinded us. I stood next to her.

The car door opened and a man stepped out, Ethan.

"Ethan? What are you doing here?"

"Coming to see if we're safe? Are we?"

"Yes." I touched Natalie's apprehensive shoulder to calm her. "Can you take us home?"

"Hop in." he gesture to his luxury Sudan and I sat in the back with Natalie. She hugged me very, very tightly. I smiled, we're safe. We're going home.

Pulling into out driveway. Mom stood at the door, a frown on her face. She aged, not by time, but by stress. It's only been a few months, snow crunched underneath our bare feet when we were running. Dad walked down the stairs to meet Ethan.

"Ready girls?"

Natalie couldn't rip out the door fast enough. She jumped out and slammed into dad, hugging him as tight as she could. She was crying.

"Uncle Markus," she cried, "it so good to see you!"

"Natalie?" he hugged her back with equal force. "Damon! Rowan!"

I climb out next, pain hitting my body finally after the adrenaline wore off. I ached and limped as I walked, face and neck covered in cuts, bruises on my feet, swelling on my arms and legs.

Damon and Rowan rushed out the house. Damon stopped in disbelief and Rowan attacked her daughter, kissing her until she erupted in a mess of joyful tears. Damon slid in, smiling, finally having his girls back.

"Danielle?" mom asked delighted. "Danielle!"

I felt people hugging me, it was painful but worth it. My family missed me. My family was happy to see me.

We moved inside were Grams, Daniel, Jasmine, and Ralph sat on the couch smiling. I looked around. Where's Spencer?

"He's on the balcony," Ralph said as if reading my mind. I looked back and there he was leaning on the railing, drinking a beer.

I stepped through the sliding doors and stood next to him. He nodded at me.

"How long has it been?"

"Not long: 3 months."

"We won."

He smiled, "I know. Finally."

"It's done. We're safe."

"I got an apartment, along the west coast."

What? "Okay?"

"I plan on leaving in a week."

"Congrats." Was he trying to tell me something? That we were through? That he was leaving me here? "Told everyone?"

"They were mad at first, especially your parents. But they knew it had to be. Too much as happened. Too much to handle."

He was leaving me.

I dropped my head away and a single tear slipped. After all I did, he wants to leave. Fine. He can leave.

"Not you too. I thought you would like the idea."

My Agitated Mate Can't Deal with My Alpha Ass [Book 3 of Alpha Mate Trilogy]Where stories live. Discover now