Chapter 1

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This, is the revised version of my book (so far, unless I've finished. Then, I'll change this authors note 😊). This book with have many rhetorical devices such as foreshadowing. So please point out what you believe to be more than what it seems to be.


When Clarinia was 16, she went home. The young girl sighed heavily, shrugging her shoulders, her dark brown colored hair moving slightly behind her. She began walking once more through the Forbidden Forest, a place of tranquility, and evil.

Evil. Like that stupid snake- Scales? How could I have been so stupid to have been kidnapped by him, and, taken to Garmadon, all in a day? Clarinia sighed, her ear picking up the sound of hissing, more preferably, a snake. She stopped walking. Slowly, she turned around, only to be surrounded by Serpentine, and the snake who kidnapped her.

The girl opened her mouth to let out a blood curling scream. But a bag was tossed over her head, and a hand covered her mouth, preventing her from making any sound. Clarinia flailed her arms as best she could to try to escape, but as per usual, she didn't succeed. They tied her hands behind her back, the rope chaffing her bare wrists.

Elsewhere, specifically in a control room upon a flying ship, a girl around the age of 17 picked up her microphone to alert the crew of a threat. "Guys, there's been a serpentine sighting in the Forbidden Forest. Go check it out. Over."

Her voice echoed the room, and through the hallways. Silence over came the ship, the only sound for a few seconds came from the hum and beeping of the control panel. On the wall, above the control panel, was a map of Ninjago. The red dots were marked over an old part of the forest, where almost no one goes. So why would the serpentine be there?

"We'll be back by sundown Nya!"

An over-enthusiastic voice spoke, speeding past the doorway where the said brunette girl was. She smiled to herself, blushing slightly. The young man who spoke to Nya rushed onto the open deck, where the rest of his friends were. Footsteps sounded behind him, Nya stood at the doorway to the rest of the deck, watching her boyfriend, brother, and two of her best friends getting ready to leave.

"Wonder that they're up to today."

Zane, a blond young man, wearing a slightly off-white ninja suit, spoke up, trying to create small conversation. "Hopefully it doesn't involve them kidnapping innocent civilians again."

Cole, a dark-haired young man, wearing a black ninja suit replied, pulling out his weapon, his scythe. Behind Nya, a young boy brushes past her. His blonde hair bounced slightly at his fast pace, wanting to go along with his friends to kick some serpentine butt.

Kai noticed the extra member and stopped him from going any further.

"Lloyd, your destiny is still too great. If they get you, we may not be able to get you back this time."

Annoyed, Lloyd retorted, "You're joking right?" Nya, still by the doorway, gave the boy sympathetic eyes, which he returned. For a second, Nya shook her head, looking away, not wanting to cave in.

"Just- you're staying here."

Jay, who was wearing a slightly dark blue ninja suit spoke, his tone strict in front of his girlfriend. Kai and Cole shared a common look with Nya, who smiled.

A few minutes passed, and the boys, minus Lloyd left, jumping off the side of the flying ship. A flash later, each ninja was safely inside their elemental vehicle, and had a front row to see the snakes and a captive. Since when did they take captives? Cole questioned to himself, curious.

As they hit ground level, their vehicles revert back to their golden weapons. Scales heard the loud sound, seeing his enemies. Fearful, he ordered his snake men to take them out, while he would run to safety at the choppers not too far away.


All 4 young men call out simultaneously. Each then are brought into their own tornado of elements, fire, earth, lightning, and ice. Zane and Jay were further ahead of Kai and Cole, fighting snakes to hurry to Scales before he would possibly escape.

Cole, acting as the leader of the group, ordered Kai to try to catch up to the Hypnobrai leader, to at least slow him down a little. Before Kai could react, Zane was moving, fast.


Zane yells out, far ahead from the rest of his friends. The white-suited ninja watches as Scales glances back, slowly slightly, before quickening his pace deeper into the forest. Of course he would not listen.

She could hear yelling through her ears, but everything seemed far away. Though, she felt the vibrations of sound from behind her. Very close by. Clarinia then pondered in her thoughts. Are they going to save me, or leave me behind? Light filled her eyes. Looks like the bag slipped off with my gag.

"You no good son of a-"

The red swirls in his eyes darkened as he looked at Clarinia. "Ssshut your mouth Clarinia, or I will kill you right now!"

The serpent spoke in a threatening voice, glaring at the girl with his swirling red eyes. The said girl flinched. Out of everything that could happen, why me, and why today? Far back, the 4 ninja defeated the last of the serpentine, ready to fight Scales, and take back the mysterious captive.

Scales soon spotted his get away vehicle in the distance. He smiled to himself, ready to dump his captive and head back to the serpentine base. Clarinia continued to keep quiet.

When the due reached the chopper, the serpent dropped the human to the ground with a thud. Groaning, the girl watches in relief as the vehicle flies away without her as a captive.

"I-I'm safe, but for how long?"

Clarinia spoke to herself, breathing heavily. Turning around, her brown eyes narrowed into the distance. Visible to her, was a blob of people. She suddenly felt the ropes on her wrists and stomach become tighter as each second past. These ropes chafe, how lovely.

As the mysterious figures came closer to the girl, she began feeling light-headed. Spots filled her eyes as the world around the corners of her eyes began turning black. Soon after, her body went limp, collapsing onto the ground, unconscious.

The 4 figures ran even faster to the girl until they surrounded her knocked out figure. Each boy shared a common look, worry. Zane spoke up, unsure of the girl's state.

"Is she alright?"

"I mean- she's breathing." The blue ninja commented.

"Well isn't that obvious Jay!"

"Well sorr-y. Let's just bring her back to the bounty."

The mysterious girl felt herself coming out of her unconscious state. She was still on the ground, and opened her eyes the slightest bit to see 4 faint figures. On them, were one color, different from the other person. One had red, another had white, another one had blue, and the other black. Clarinia felt drowsy once more, closing her eyes. The mysterious figures began moving. The girl felt someone lift her up into their arms.

Clarinia opened her eyes a slight bit, to see the color black. The black-suited ninja? Well isn't he a gentleman. She moved her head slightly to see who exactly the other 3 were. Well they seem well built. Her eyes glanced down past their backs, and back up to their masked faces. That's when the blue ninja and her met eyes.

Crap. Clarinia thought to herself, mentally cursing herself off. The blue clothed person gave her a smile, which the girl hesitantly returned. Not wanting to be questioned, Clarinia closed her eyes, leaning into the ninja that was carrying her. Well no shit he knew I was awake.

The Purple Ninja: Clarinia's Ninjago AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now