Chapter 7

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Cole's POV

My body ached so much. Ugh, where am I? Wait, Cole you should probably open your eyes. So I open my eyes and notice Clarinia sitting beside me. Was she with me the entire time I was out? Wait, how long was I out?

"Claire, how long was I out?" I speak scaring her a little.

"Jesus Cole you scared me! But you were out for about an hour or so." She replies to me.

"But I gotta go talk with my dad, I'll be back when I can." 

She adds. As she's walking out, Jay comes in. As soon as she's out the door, Jay closes the door and turns to me, a grin on his face. What's he planning?

"So, is she your girlfriend yet?" Oh that's what he wanted to know?

"No, she told me she likes someone who's not on the ship." I explain to Jay.

"Zane, do you know if Clarinia has a boyfriend?" I ask him as he suddenly opens the door and walks in.

"I'm afraid I don't know, but I did kiss her yesterday. I had no idea what came over me." 

He answers blushing. This ticked off Jay. Wait, why? So I sit up and swing my legs over the bed.

"Um, Jay... you have a girlfriend, Nya, don't you remember?" I ask Jay.

"Yeah, I remember, its just that Clarinia and I are like, best friends... but what about Kai?"

"What about me?" Kai asks as he walks in.

"Do you like Clarinia?" Jay asks Kai.

"A little, but I haven't kissed her." He explains looking at all of us.

"We should set up a blind date! Just you and Clarinia." Jay says excitedly.

Clarinia's POV

As soon as I walked out the boy's room, I go walk up to Sensei's room to talk. There's something I need to tell him, so I then knock on the door this time and I was let in almost at once. Wait, Mason was here already.

"Hello Mason." I say with a small smile.

"Dad, Mason's the-"

"Son of Lord Garmadon, yes I know, I told him. You can tell him the next part." Dad smiles.

"Mason, your to fight along side me during the Final Battle, to protect Lloyd, your the Gray Ninja." I explain to him, a smile making its way to my face.

Instead of having my reaction, he just looks at me and dad, before getting up and quickly leaving the room. Well that was expected I guess, finding out your the son of the guy who controlled the skeleton army of the Underworld.

And then finding out you're supposed to fight along side your best friend and brother during a battle so big, all of Ninjago depends on it. That'd probably be my reaction too.

"I'll get him." I told Sensei right then.

So I walk out, "Mason,wait!" He stops by the railing.

"I know this is a lot to take in, but look on the bright side, you have a family, you have all the elements inside you. I'll help you train cousin- dude." I say walking up to him quickly.

That made him smile. Yeah, I always call him dude, and I do that to James too, where is he? Clarinia, you're doing it again.

"I still remember the first day we met. We became best friends." He smiles,looking over the railing.

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