Chapter 12

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Jame's POV

I was definitely amazed that they can transform their weapons to vehicles just like that! And the ship. Literally, it was a freaking flying ship. Now that's what I call cool. As soon as we got on board, I immediately spot Claire and walk over to her.

"Clarinia, care to elaborate for me?" I question, becoming serious.

"Sure, whatever. Umm... I've been going on missions with the ninja. My first mission was to find my light a.k.a. my mother. I reached my full potential and thats why I'm wearing purple." She simply explains.

Okay then,wait - her mother? She has a mom? Full potential? These boys better not be hurting my best friend, or I'll have a say in all of this. But thank God she and the ninja came when they did. Wait - Is Mason here as well?

"And hows your boyfriend?" Where did that come from?

Clarinia's POV

I look at him, completely confused until it hit me like a ton of bricks. Before I was kidnapped, when Mason, James, and I would train in the mornings, we would sometimes work on our own. So one day James came over to me, which was the day Scales kidnapped me right? Well he tried to kiss me, resulting in me running away, and getting caught by the snakes.

"James, I'm sorry. I forgot. I mean with the ninja, mis-"

"Its fine. Trust me." He assures me.

"Well, I better get going." James adds quickly.

"Wait - The snakes are still lurking around the base, stay here till the coast is clear, please?"I  beg him..

"Fine. Will I at least be training with you guys?"Y es!

"Totally. Oh, I found out Mason is my cousin." I told him nonchalantly.

"Wait, doesn't that mean..."

"Yeah, son of Lord Garmadon. But he's good. He's been getting to know his brother Lloyd. The destined Green Ninja." I explain to James.

Kai's POV

Once we were on the ship, James immediately went over to talk with my girlfriend. Oh he better not kiss her or I swear I'll beat him to a pulp. Unless I'm over reacting, then yikes. Or maybe I'm not. What the crap are they talking about over there?

"Kai? Kai!"

"What?!" I yell only to find out it was Mason.

"Are you jealous?" He grinned as Jay came walking out.

"No!" I blush.

"Someone's blushing." Jay  crosses his arms.

"Fine, I'm jealous. Yeah, so what?" I ask the two.

"So what? James is alright that you and Clarinia are together. He's not the type to get all crazy. Trust me, if he's like that, then somethings seriously wrong with him or he's not himself." Mason explained.

"I guess your right." Damn it.

"How about we get to training?" Cole suggests, when did he get here?

I look over to see Clarinia talking to James about training I guess. Or maybe they were plotting on getting together behind me back. Or maybe Mason is right. Maybe they are just talking about stuff... Or maybe not!

Mason's POV

I walk over to Zane to learn ice while Clarinia was working with James on the training course. Zane of course, kept talking and talking. But about 3 hours of training pulled off. And after that, Sensei came out and asked about James, and was okay with him him staying here for the time being.

In my opinion though, I would've so snuck him in, if Sensei had chosen otherwise. But anyways, after talking with Claire and James themselves, he came over to Zane and I. Okay, what's gonna go down?

"Mason, I will see you tonight with Clarinia and James." Oh.

Wait James? What's James got to do with this? He's been here for not even a day, maybe he has to take a test to stay? No, that's stupid. I bet Zane was wondering why as well. I then realize it was Cole's night to cook. So I walk over to James, leaving Zane behind.

"Don't eat dinner. It'll kill you." I smile.

By this time Clarinina came over. Okay, where the heck did she go off to?

"What'cha talking about?"

"Coles cooking." I reply.

"Don't get me started on that." We all start laughing.

"Do you know what I just realized?" I asked the other two.

"What?" James asks me.

"The trio, you know, remember that packt we made. The Three Musketeers. All for one, one for all?" I ask / explain.

"I remember. That day we were at training." Clarinia says.

Cole's POV

I finally finish cooking dinner. So I then go outside and tell the rest of the crew, whom didn't seem to happy. Going back to the dining room, I sit down and realize Clarinia, Mason, and James weren't here. Oh well, their loss.

Sensie Wu's POV

I walk to dinner to see Clarinia, Mason, and James training. Good. James will need the training. I eat dinner, which was a little on the bad side for my ruling, and bring out another destined weapon. Shurikens.

"I see you have been training." I state walknig into the open.

I then procced to watch as Mason finishes doing his spinjitzu.

Jame's POV

I wonder why I'm out here in the first place, and why I couldn't be inside already. But I then watch as Mason does these crazy things with a tornado thing. I thik it was called spinjitzu or something funky like that. After he was done, Sensei told him he passed. Passed what?

"All of you, come forward." He says.

Really confused, I stood next to Claire. Now I'm pretty sure she's lost too. Why would I be here, I don't even know how to use that tornado thing. But I can handle a weapon, which is good I suppose.

"James, there is a reason you are here. You have a destiny as well. You are a ninja. The ninja of combat."

The Purple Ninja: Clarinia's Ninjago AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now