Chapter 21

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While rewriting this part of the story, I decided to make the previous chapter into 2 parts instead of a really long part just for the sake of clarity. :) enjoy

Clarinia had begun deflecting dark matter that came between her, and her 2 friends who were not far from her. Worry and panic had settled in the moment they split up to stop the chaos that was before their very eyes.

"Claire, chill out! We're gonna be fine, worry about yourself first!" James called out from behind her, slicing at one of the dark soldiers the Overlord brought with him.

Lloyd, and the 4 other Ninja saw their opportunity to sneak up on the Overlord. He seemed too busy trying to position his soldiers and destroy Clarinia, Mason, and James. As the group walked quickly up the side of the building, Cole and Jay were hit from above with Dark matter. They both turned to the dark side within moments.

From the ground, Clarinia bit her tongue. She winced as she watched her best friend and Cole shift over.

Zane stepped in and volunteered to hold them off for as long as it could take. Lloyd and Kai both ascended up the stairs. Both had become anxious with each step closer to the top.

Clarinia raced to the top of the building using her board to ride up the side of the building. As much as she wanted to help out Zane, she knew he could take care of himself.

"Lloyd. This fight is your fight. It isn't mine to take. But I believe in you, and good luck."

The Green Ninja let out a sigh. The Ninja of Fire winked, and left to help Zane hold back Cole and Jay. Lloyd said his final prayers before he took the first step to fight the Overlord.

He saw Clarinia standing in front of the thing he was to fight. Quite quickly, Lloyd hid behind something. Whatever his cousin and the Overlord were about to do, Lloyd did not want to interrupt it.

"You will not hurt my friends!"

Along the way to the top of the building, Clarinia and the Overlord had somehow made a temporary mental link with their minds.

"Oh really?"

The Purple Ninja knew what exactly would happen next. Everything slowed in her head. The Overlord created a black mass of dark energy before shooting it past the girl. She moved away as she watched as it follwed a path towards its destined target.

Clarinia's heart faltered in realization. Her sword was still up in the air as the mass hit a figure wearing orange. Still in a slow speed, she brought her sword down, dropping it from her grasp. The girl fell to her knees and began screaming.

Before the Overlord cut the mental connection, his laughter rang loud in the girl's head.

"No. No. No!"

The girl ran to James.

Out of nowhere however, Mason came to her side and pulled her away from grabbing his orange suit. Struggling with his hardened grasp, Clarinia gave up, and sobbed into her cousin's chest, still on the floor, the battle continued on around them.


Mason loosened his grip on the young girl. She couldn't handle physically losing another person she loved. Clarinia had begun running, but only got a few feet away before Mason stopped her.

"Clarinia," His voice wavered, "Please don't run. Ninjago-Everyone needs us right now. Let's do this for our friends and family. Do it for James."

She turned to her best friend and nodded her head weakly. The duo collected their swords, and took off.

Even through the pain and undeniable dread, the duo fought like never before until a magnificent roar echoed throughout the battlefield of Ninjago City. At the top of the tall building in the centre of the chaos, Lloyd sat upon a beautiful Golden Dragon.

Clarinia watched as objects began falling from the sky. Quickly, she dove down to where James' body was, and shielded it from any more damage.

The sun broke through the clouds as everyone gathered a few yards away celebrating saving Ninjago once more. The male stood up and walked to where his family and friends were celebrating while Clarinia sat. She was still in denial, in shock over losing her brother and best friend.

An older man appeared from over a small hill and hugged Lloyd as well as his mother. Mason's face was still moist with tears as he walked closer to the trio.


Mason hugged his father like it was the last time they would ever see each other again. The young man felt sadness hit his heart. They both let go of the embrace seconds later and Mason faced his uncle, Sensei Wu.

One look from him said it all, he had loved James so much, and seeing him dead must be so awful. He didn't say anything of course, only nodding his head.

"Ninja, listen up."

"Sensei, what's wrong?"

Jay had his arms wrapped around Nya and his smile faded slightly.

"James, is dead."

Mason turned away from the large group. He let the tears he held back fall as he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. Everyone stood silent. Of course, no one was as close to James as Mason and Clarinia were. Wu felt slight discomfort. He should feel some sort of dread or guilt that James was dead. 

But he didn't.

The following day, in everyone's minds was to be reserved for the funeral.

Mason had stopped crying a few seconds later and turned back to where Clarinia stood. She wasn't there, but the Orange Ninja knew exactly where to find her.

After all, it's best to relive the memories of the dead before they're forgotten forever.

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