Chapter 8

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Clarinia's Pov

After I talked with Nya for a few more minutes, I head to our room and change into street clothes since I absolutely hate fancy clothing.

So I then walk out my room about 5 minutes later wearing black pants, a black shirt, and purple converse, with some mascara on. I then spent the next 30 minutes waiting on Kai until he walks out in some street clothes. He must be wearing his ninja suit underneath. He looks kind of fat.

"You ready?" He asks me nervously..

"I've been ready for about 30 minutes." I reply slightly mad.


Kai then took me to the amusement park. It was so much fun! I even forgot it was a date until we were going back to The Bounty. We decided on using his motorcycle to go back and cut through the forest.

As we were speeding through, I immediately knew where we were. My training area before I was kidnapped. So I tell Kai to stop, because I was in a nice mood and wanted to show him around a little bit.

So we both had gotten off the motorcycle and I showed him around when one question popped into my brain. Where's James? Anyways, I think he caught on when he saw the training course and the vines hanging everywhere.

But Kai kinda cut it short when he said we should head back. Buzz kill. Anyways, so we head back to the Bounty to be met with night training. Night training?! Really?

"I better change." I turn to Kai before leaving quickly.

Kai's POV

Claire then leaves and I let out a small groan. Tonight was perfect but I wanted her to stay a tiny bit longer. I then sigh and shrug my shoulders before using spinjitzu and had my ninja attire on.

"So, how did it go?" Jay questions as soon as I walked over to the boys.

"It was fine, it didn't even feel like a date. But we did run into a few serpentine. Nothing too special." I told them as I glance back to see Clarinia walked out with Mason.

Mason's POV

Clarinia told me she would be training me separately from the others. So we both stopped in front of the training course from earlier today. Then she pressed a button and then course appeared. Then demonstrated it again before handing me a wooden sword.

"Alright go whenever."

 She tells me. I nod, looking for the perfect- I go for it and hit the wooden dummies with the sword and did a few flips before tripping and landing on my back, hard. I groan before getting back up and starting over again. As I passed the part where I tripped, I let out a sigh and finished.

"Okay you seem tired already so I'll let you get some sleep. And when Sensei comes back, we'll both have our final test."

"Okay, now what, Sensei?" I ask smirking.

"Ha ha very funny."

Clarinia's POV

"Follow me, we're first going to learn to master lightning since I haven't mastered it yet." I explain to Mason, he's not getting let off that easily.

"Hey Jay, can you please teach us to master lightning?" I ask politely since I scared him earlier.

"Um sure I'm not busy training Lloyd till tomorrow." He says suspiciously.


I smile at him. It was about 4 hours of trying to master lightning since Jay was distracted with Nya. Can you not dude? After those 4 very long hours, he asks the both of us to show him what we've learned.

"How, if you were distracted half the time?" 

I ask Jay, laughing along side Mason. I mean Jay is still my best friend, along with Mason.

"Just show me!" 

He says getting angry. It took us about 13 minutes to show him and then we went to bed. Lloyd was waiting by the door for me before I could go inside. What now?

"Lloyd, what's wrong?" I ask as Mason goes to bed and Lloyd and I walk over to the railing.

"It's my dad, why didn't he tell me I had an older brother?"

"Well to be fair, you're technically a year older than him." I say.

"Just answer my question."

"He knew Mason was the Gray Ninja, he didn't want you finding out since you were probably going to destroy him." 

I told my cousin. Just then, the other four walk to Lloyd and I.

"What do you guys want?" I ask them very annoyed.

"We wanted to talk to you."

Cole says nonchalantly. I say a quick goodbye to Lloyd, before following the ninja into their shared bedroom.

"Is there a reason I'm not talking to Lloyd right now?"

 I ask the 4, crossing my arms in anger. Looking at each of them, I was as Jay leaves the room. Okay? What the heck is going on?

"Which out of the three of us do you like?"

Kai asks. I immediately deadpanned. They're joking right? Please tell me that this is just a prank. Realization then hit me. Now I know why Jay left.

"Listen, I don't have time for this, I gotta go." I say as I push them aside.

"What am I going to do now?" 

I ask myself as I walk outside. I walk over to the rail and watch the night sky. Not really caring how I was glowing a little bit. Myself being focused on much more important things at hand in the moment.

"Mom, what should I do?" I ask out loud.

"Follow your instincts." I hear her say.

"I know I don't like Zane. But I like Kai and Cole. I went on a date with Kai tonight and had to take out some snakes... Maybe I like Cole... Mom, I- I can't decide." I shake my head.

"I can only give you this." I felt something in my pocket before pulling it out.

"What is it?" I ask.

"It's something your father gave me that made him know I was the one for him. Now it's yours. It will show you who's the one for you."

"Thanks, I wish I could hug you right now."

"I wish I could too." She says sounding a bit sad.

"I think I'll go to bed now." 

I tell myself and her. I walk past the guy's room and decided not to go in. Since of course I'm still not in the mood to talk to them, and for the fact being I'm super tired. The whole date and snakes crap, and the fact that I got excited when I showed Kai the one thing that still holds a place in my heart.


I had no idea what time I had woken up, but it was still dark out, and Nya was fast asleep a few feet away from me. Now what could've woken me up? Some really weird noises out on the deck, but who would be out here so late?

So I got up out of bed, still for some reason wearing my ninja suit. And just to be safe, I also took a sword that was literally lying on the floor in the middle of the room. Gosh darn it. Anyways, then I ninja styled my way out the hallway and onto the deck. Garmadon?

"Uncle, what are you doing here?" 

I whisper loud enough for him to hear. Suddenly he blasted me with his powers sending me flying back into a wall with a loud crash. Damn, what the hell is with him?! Wait, no my sword is all the way over there! God damn myself and my butter fingers! Claire, focus! Sorry brain. Now I wish the guys were awake-


I scream, a delayed reaction, hopefully that woke them up. A few seconds later, I hear footsteps and soon the ninja were fighting Garmadon. Mason then walked out and shot lightning at his dad. He disappears in the shadows. My mom was then awake and I was glowing.

"Mason, thanks. Oh, thank you guys as well."

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