Chapter 5: Girlfriend Material

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The sounds of chatter began to simmer as Cynthia and Adrien made their way toward the patio where all the girls were waiting. At the scratching of the microphone all in attendance turned, ready to hear where things were going next.

"Okay girls, the introductions are complete. Adrien has also chosen the girl he would like to take a bit more time with and he has actually decided he would like to have dinner with her alone. So, we will serve the Tapas here, while Adrien and his date eat, then afterward, we will come back together and mingle with post-dinner cocktails. Adrien, would you like to do the honors of selecting your date for tonight?" Cynthia moved to the side, reaching the microphone toward Adrien. However, instead of receiving it, he stepped forward moving slowly through the girls, saying hello again as he made his way to the back corner where two raven haired beauties sat. One holding a rose and light blush and the other sitting stoically, eyes piercing his.

As he approached the two girls, he leaned into Marinette, moving his lips to her ear and whispering to her. Marinette's elevated heartbeat began to slow as disappointment overtook her as he informed her, he wouldn't be taking her on the date, because the producer wanted someone else for the audience, since he gave her the rose. Nodding Marinette looked into his eyes seeing the truth in his words as he moved over to Kagami, grabbing her hand and pulling it to his lips for a kiss.

"Mademoiselle Tugsuri would you do me the honor of going on this first date with me?"

A small smirk formed on Kagami's lips as she glanced over to Marinette. Eyes telling her she hit her target and was best of the group, even if Marinette did get a rose. Kagami moved to stand, hand still in Adrien's as they made their way back toward the greenhouse for their dinner.

"I don't understand, he told me he was going to choose me!" Lila was crying in her seat as the group watched Adrien walk away. Rose and Juleka rubbing her back and trying to console her, explaining that maybe there was a misunderstanding, or the producer was responsible for who he chose this first round. Nothing they said stifled the girls cries though and soon a small purple butterfly was fluttering toward her. Marinette saw the butterfly as it touched Lila's bracelet, and she ran knowing she would need to transform and call the others for help.


From atop the Agreste Mansion Ladybug watched all of the other girls running away from the now akumatized liar or Girlfriend Material which she called herself. The akuma used a tube of lip gloss that spread into bubbles that captured each girl until their skin began to wrinkle making them look many years older. "Adrien will never want any of you old hags, ha-ha-ha, now where is that Tugsuri girl? I'm the only girl for Adrien, once you are all old and ugly, he won't want any of your sorry asses," she continued laughing capturing more and more girls in shimmery lip gloss bubbles.

Ladybug knew she needed to save Adrien and Kagami while Girlfriend Material was busy capturing the other girls, and until she others arrived to assist. Swinging down to the side of the mansion she snuck behind the akuma, staying out of her line of sight as she made her way toward the greenhouse.

Sneaking through the front door of the greenhouse, Ladybug walked to the middle where she knew the bench was placed, expecting to see Adrien and Kagami hidden among the flowers. "Adrien.... Kagami are you here?" she called.

The greenhouse seemed empty, maybe they already made it out and are hiding somewhere, she thought.

"Why hello there Bugaboo, fancy seeing you here, were you trying to win the heart of one Mr. Adrien Agreste," the familiar voice said behind her.

"Chat Noir, why am I not surprised to see you here? What did you do with Adrien and Kagami?" she turned to face him.

"They are fine, out of harms way LB. Don't worry about model boy and the scary Asian chick. You need to worry about yourself," Chat chuckled.

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