Chapter 1: Congratulations

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              Light golden hues filtered into the pretty in pink room, shining against the full-size mirror in the middle of the room. The beam of light reflected from the mirror shown bright between the railings of the loft bed hitting the sleeping girl directly in the eyes. "Ugh, Tikki turn the light off, I'm trying to sleep, there's no more school, I won't be late," the young woman groaned out. As only a pregnant silence answered she began opening one eye, just to quickly close it again as the blinding light hit her cornea, causing her eye to water. Rolling to her other side while rubbing her sleepy eyes, she cuddled back into her covers ready to ignore the evil sunlight and get some more shut eye.

           "MARINETTE!" An excited dark-skinned girl with reddish hair, brown eyes and glasses came bursting though her trap door. "Alya no," the sleepy girl exasperatedly responded. "Alya YES! Marinette YES! Girl, I have the scoop of the century and guess who totally qualifies!" Climbing up the ladder to the loft bed where her best friend lay, Alya shoved her phone, bright screen shining right into Marinette's eyes. "What is it with the bright lights blinding me today, all I want is to sleep. All the damn akumas have worn me out Alya, why just why," the girl whined trying to sound as miserable as possible. Pity, she needed Pity. "Ah ha-ha, girl it's one in the afternoon, I know you love sleep, but Nino and I have been up for hours, and we have been right there with you during every fight." With an indignant look to her friend, Marinette pulled herself to sitting, taking her friends phone and squinting at the screen in an attempt to read the content.

                                                                    Love with Adrien Agreste

                                                                             By Alya Cesaire

              Eyes widening at the title Marinette looked to Alya, "You got the interview, oh my gosh Alya this is so exciting. I'm so proud of you!" Bouncing up and down in her bed hands holding Alyas'. "Why thank you Mari, but even though my career is important, it's not as important as this next part of the scoop, "Alya sing-songed. "What part?" Marinette's head tilted to the side; brow raised in question. "Well, turns out that Agreste Jr. has a type and that type screams Marinette Dupain-Cheng! We are gonna get my girl back in the romance game with one Mr. Adrien Agreste! I mean come on Mari your walls used to be covered in his modeling photos. You were head over heels for the guy!" "Alya, come on, who would want this," motioning to her rumpled-up pajamas, messy bed head and wrinkled face where her pillow had been pressing. I am nowhere near model girlfriend material." "As if girl, you are gorgeous, you are intelligent, you are creative, and the sweetest girl anyone could ever meet. Plus, your Ladybug. No one can beat that!" Alya folds her arms with a smirk. Shaking her head at her friend's arrogance, "that's very nice and all Alya, but number one, no one can know I'm Ladybug, number two I don't have time to date because of number one, and number three, there is no way Adrien Agreste would ever be interested in a poor little baker's daughter, still living at home with her parents at nineteen. "Alright Mari, you win, never mind," Alya put away her phone, an idea coming to her. She was not going to let Marinette ruin this opportunity with her self-loathing this time. It was time for a best friend intervention.

             "Marinette, you have mail, please come retrieve it, it says time sensitive," a soft, sweet voice fluttered up to her room. "Coming mom," Marinette responded making her way to the trapdoor to head to her kitchen below. As her mother handed her the letter Marinette couldn't help but be intrigued. It had no return address, instead it said time sensitive. The white envelope was without a clear window and only her name and address accompanied the words. Grabbing the letter opener from the drawer she slowly sliced the envelope across the top, careful not to damage the paper inside. Pulling out a thick parchment like paper and unfolding it, Marinette's mouth dropped open as she almost lost grip on the paper. In beautiful calligraphy it read:

Congratulations Ms. Dupain-Cheng,

You have been cordially invited to participate in the competition to win Adrien Agreste's heart. Included with this official acceptance letter are the rules for the show as well as items to bring and those to leave at home. A town car will come to collect you on May 25th at 0900. Please insure you have all items you will require for the duration of your stay, up to forty-five days. All food and drink will be provided during your time with us as well as laundry and maid services at your request. 

Adrien is excited to meet you, as you check so many of his boxes for what and who he is looking for in love. 

Please text 555.555.5559 if you will not be able to attend for any reason.

Best Wishes,

Natalie Sancoeur
Assistant to Mr. Gabriel Agreste

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