Chapter 9Bella!

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"Are you sure you're okay?" Raymond asked.

It is time that they are doing their concert. There are so many people out there. Raymond was waiting to go on stage. Simon, Ethan, Aiden, and Jane were already on stage playing.

"Yeah, i'm fine."

There really was alot of people. I don't know how he gets up there and performs in front of all these people. He is very brave, hell they all are brave to do this for a living. I am very scared actually but I will never tell anyone. I need to be brave too. I know he does not believe me at all, but I smiled and nodded so he can go do his job. He nodded, then went running onto the stage and began to sing. I really need to tell someone about Bonnie. Like she really has me creeped out, she actually took a picture of me and Raymond. We were on the bus, which means she was literally outside of the bus and knew where it was. So she is watching me, that is just not right. Who does that?

I was watching System, how they moved. How lucky I am to experience this. I will be forever grateful for this opportunity to be on tour with them.

"I'm sorry about earlier."

I looked over to see Ben standing there. I wasn't sure what to say. I thought he didn't like me.

"I'm just looking out for my boys." He continued.

"Oh, it's okay. I understand."

Maybe he can help me about this situation with Bonnie. I knew Raymond and them want to help but I would rather they worry about themselves and music. Well he might get mad with me again, he did not like me to begin with. What if he thinks I would need to leave before I put System in any danger? Which I would not blame him, not one bit. I see no other option. He must know someone that can stop this.

"You look frightened, you okay?"

He was definitely watching me. I'm not sure how I looked to him. At this point I did not care what he thought or if he got mad.

I took his hand shaking my head telling him no. I led him to the nearest restroom. So he could hear me better so I was not screaming in his ear. He definitely looked very confused as to what the fuck I was doing. I sighed, okay here goes nothing.

"No I am not okay. I am actually pretty creeped out. Here read these messages and look at these pictures."

I handed him my phone. He still looked confused, taking my phone. He read my messages. He handed me my phone, he looked pissed and annoyed at the same time. I will completely understand if he tells me to leave.

"Do you know how she knows where you are? She is definitely weird." Ben said.

"Well I work with her, so she knew I was going on tour with System. That is how she knew. I just don't know how she knew about the bus. I never told her or anyone. She is stalking me."

"She is here right now?"

"I don't know. Ethan helped me block her."

"Do you have a picture of what she looks like, so I can tell the security guard about her."

"Yes, I do."

I pulled up a picture of her to show Ben. He took my phone and sent himself the picture of Bonnie.

"Would you like to go back to the bus? I'll send a security guard with you."

"Yes, though I think the bus should be moved."

"I'm on it, you think she will harm you? Should I get the police involved?"

"No, I don't think so because if she wanted too I believe she would have killed me by now." I said doubtly.

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