(Season 7/ Quadstrike) Vampire Shu Kurenai x Maid Reader

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Requested: AiriShizuka

Thanks for the request and this one you are Shu's maid in Crimson palace and that albino was the king of vampire.

Type of the story:
(🙃 + 💔 + 💞)

Alrighty then, onto the story!!!


In the palace
At the main place,

(Reader's POV)

Sweeping the dust on the floor with the broom, many maids were keep glaring at me like I was doing something wrong.

I ignored those glares and continued sweep the dust off. The reasons these maid glared at me because I'm vampire king's personal maid.

I become his personal maid last week because I never disobey his request or order like follow his rules and let him drink my blood.

Ever since my parents killed by rouge vampire, the vampire king brought me here when I was 10 and become his personal maid for many years.

I had no idea why King Kurenai choose me not other maids who were interest on him because he was handsome? Maybe.....

"My little maid, are you done your work?" Well, speaking of him, the king is here now. I glanced to him bowing.

"I almost done, your highness." His cold hand hold my chin and lifted it up to face him. He smirked devilishly at me.

"That's good to hear. After clean, come to my room. I had a words with you, little maid. Understand?"

"Understood, your highness."

"Good." His cold hand move to my cheek and caressed it. I feel a lil bit heat on my face. The maids glaring at me in jealousy.

"I'm going now. I had so much work to do and as for you all maids here!" He glanced to maids with cold look making them were fear of him.

"Prepare all the decoration, foods and more before the Night ball tonight, are you all clear?!"

"C-Crystal clear, your highness." They said in fear look at him. King Kurenai nodded as he left.

Many maids were groaned in annoyance and do what he told. I sweep the last time as I went off to vampire king's room.


At Shu's room

I slowly knocked the door in respectful. Then, I heard the king's voice from inside of his bedroom.

"Come inside, little maid." I groaned lowly because I really hate that nickname he gave me.

I entered to his room to see he......

Half naked?!!!!

I look away while went to his room and stood looking on the ground before I saw he was smirking at me.

"What's wrong, little maid? Embarassed to see me half naked~" He said in teased tone as I feel he was so closer to me.

"N-No, I'm not your highness." He chuckled amusement.

💖 Shu Kurenai x Reader One-Shot 💖 (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now