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"Miss Universe Philippines 2023 is....... Michelle Dee"

That's where everything started when I got called to be the new Miss Universe Philippines. I couldn't believe it, I was shaking, my knee suddenly got weak, and I didn't know what to feel, all I knew was that I am going to represent the Philippines in the Miss Universe in El Salvador.

And now, I'm lying on my bed, still processing, half ready to fly to El Salvador. I heard a knock on my door, and when I checked it, it was Ken.

Ken is my Trainor, he is also like a brother to me, my advice giver, my best friend, he is everything to me.

"Michelle, are you ready to go? We need to be at the airport at 9" Ken said
"Yeah Yeah, I'm almost ready I'm just gonna fix my hair and ready to go"
"Where is your luggage? I'll put it in the car. After you get ready just go to the lobby we're all waiting for you there"
"Oh, my luggage? It's over there. I'll just finish getting ready myself"

It's time. It's time to go to El Salvador and I'm so ready for it. I trained a year for this and I'm ready to give my best shot to make the Filipino people proud.

8:10 AM

We are on the way to the airport, I feel very excited and also nervous, I can't believe this is happening.

9:10 AM

When I arrived at the airport I saw a lot of cameras and reporters trying to interview me. They asked me a lot of questions and I answered them confidently when Ken interrupt me

"Michelle we have to go now"
"Ok I'll just finish this"

El Salvador

I arrived in El Salvador together with the other candidates. The airport is full of reporters and cameras, trying to interview the other candidates.

"Woah, this is just unbelievable." I thought to myself
"Michelle! Michelle!"

I heard my name in the distance, and when I looked back, it was the Filipinos. Nervousness left my body after I saw them. Seeing them is just, overwhelming. Seeing Filipinos come here to El Salvador just to support me makes me even more excited to win the pageant.

6:40 AM

When I entered my hotel room, I got confused because why were there two beds here? Do I have a roommate? While I was processing, I heard the door open. It was Miss Indonesia and she is gorgeous.

"Oh hi" I chuckled a little "I guess you're my roommate, I'm Michelle Dee from the Philippines"
I said offering my hand to her
"Hello Michelle from the Philippines," she said in a sarcastic way
"I'm Fabiënne Groeneveld from Indonesia," she said while shaking my hands

This interaction is very awkward, we haven't met each other before, we are completely strangers and suddenly we're roommates.

It's been 15 minutes since that interaction happened and no one wants to break the silence. while fixing our things, things started to get very very very awkward, so I broke the silence

"Uhm.. is it fine with you if I choose this bed?" I asked nervously
"Yeah it's fine," she said while chuckling

7:05 AM

I was lying on my bed feeling so tired when I tried checking on Fabiënne on her bed, she was not there and I didn't even noticed that she left me, she didn't even say a single word.

'trrr trrrr trrrr trrr'

"Is that my phone ringing?" I asked myself
When I checked it, Ken is calling me, I answered it immediately without any hesitation.

"Michelle, where are you? Have you heard the news already?
"News? What news?"
"The news. You are not going to represent the Philippines in the Miss Universe, you were replaced from the competition, Christine Juliane Opiaza will replace you" Ken said in a sad but also angry tone.

At first, I was speechless cuz I didn't understand what just happened, I just arrived in El Salvador earlier and they broke the news to me just like this

I was about to ask Ken why is this happening when I felt a pat on my hand

"Michelle wake up, someone's calling you"
When I opened my eyes it was Fabiënne
"Huh, what?" I said
"Your phone is ringing multiple times already, I think it's important"
"Oh yeah, it's Ken, thanks for waking me up," I said in confusion

So it was all a dream ugh, thank goodness

"Michelle Dee!!! Where are you?! You have a fitting session in 20 minutes, come on!!"
"Oh my god, sorry, I was sleeping, ok. I'll go get ready right now"

When I checked the time it was already 4:00 in the afternoon. I rushed to fix my hair and make-up and immediately went to meet Ken.

After the fitting session, Ken and I went to meet the other candidates. All of them are pretty.
I went to introduce myself to them and I immediately made friends.

While we were sitting and laughing in the corner, "Hi Miss Philippines" I heard a pretty good voice call me but I couldn't seem to find who it was, so I chose to ignore it.

After those interactions I had earlier I really need rest and sleep and prepare myself for tomorrow's events

Monday 9:50 PM

The first event went successful but I haven't eaten any single food yet and I'm also very tired.

Tuesday 10:36 AM

Everyone's busy with their work, and me? Im busy staring at Miss Puerto Rico

Wednesday 11:11 PM

We just arrived at the hotel and I was exhausted when I arrived at our room, I rushed to the bathroom and took a shower after that I went to sleep.

Thursday 4:15 PM

We were heading back to the hotel when Fabiënne said something to me

"Girl, have you already met Miss Thailand?"
"Miss Thailand? Yeah, I've seen her multiple times already, but we haven't talked to each other yet, she looks intimidating tho.." I said whispering
"She's also really pretty, I talked to her earlier she's a nice person, you should go try talking to her, I feel like you guys will be good friends." She said
"You think so?"

Friday 5:00 AM

I woke up early today, feeling very excited, I wonder what's going to happen today.

9:34 AM

When we arrived at the event's venue, while I was walking someone bumped my back, when I looked back it was Miss Thailand. I smiled at her before hearing what she said on the phone.

"Babe I'm gonna call you back, I'm still busy, bye. I love you" I heard her say on the phone
"Sorry I didn't see you the-"
"No, no, it's fine hehe"
"Anntonia come here" someone shouted
"I'll be there" she shouted back
"Sorry again, I have to go now" she rushingly said

Saturday 6:13 AM

"Oh yes, finally the last event this week, I can finally sleep tomorrow" talking to myself, when I felt someone was coming into me and when I checked who it was, it was Anntonia.

"Is there someone sitting beside you?"
"No, no, here have a seat" I replied
"Oh my god, the Anntonia Porslid is sitting next to me." I thought to myself

This is when I realized riding a bus is not boring at all as long as you're beside this pretty smart girl.

For the whole day, we spent all hours talking to each other. It feels like we've known each other for years.
And the fact that all of those hours I spend with her, I feel so relaxed and safe with her.

This is the most memorable day of my first week here in El Salvador and I hope this lasts.

Sunday 9:00 AM

I'm lying down on my bed thinking about the happenings yesterday, I can't seem to move on about it. Damn, all I want to do right now is hang out with her for the whole day. I think I found my new bestie.

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