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Anntonia Porsild POV

While I was walking and also calling my boyfriend, I bumped into someone, when she looked back and looked at me, it was Michelle Dee, the powerful Michelle Dee.
The shock is visible in her eyes, it looks like she just saw a ghost or something. While me? I like looking into her eyes, they look like the eyes of a black cat, when she smiles at me, that moment I melt. But I have to act like I don't care, I have to act strong after seeing her smile, I'm a strong person y'know.

"Babe I'm gonna call you back, I'm still busy, bye. I love you" I said
"Sorry I didn't see you the-"
"No, no, it's fine hehe"
"Anntonia come over here" I heard someone shouted
"I'll be there" I answered
"Sorry again, I have to go now," I said in a rush.
Ugh, I wanted to have a convo with her so bad, why do they have to call me?

6:00 PM

I went to the dinner venue alone for some reason, the reason is... I wanted to have dinner with Michelle, If I sat alone at my table and she saw me eating alone for sure she would come and eat dinner with me.

"Ugh that is such a smart plan" I quietly said to myself

There I found a table, an empty table finally. I didn't touch my food for 20 minutes hoping to see her and we could eat together but, I was getting really hungry and I couldn't wait to eat.
I gave up, I'd waited for too long, my stomach was angry, I had to eat now, when I was about to eat my dinner I saw Miss Laos and Miss Mexico coming to me, huhu thank god I'm not going to eat alone at this table.

"We'll sit here" Miss Laos demanded, we've been friends since the first event started, and we have been very comfortable together.
"Yeah sure"
"You waiting for someone?" Miss Mexico asked me
"No, not really? I'm waiting for..... you. guys? I replied

While I was eating, I heard my phone ring, It was Irfan calling, my boyfriend.

"Hello? Babe?" I said on the phone
"Hi baby, I miss you already, did you have dinner already?"
"I'm currently having it right now"
"That's good, I'll call you back after you eat okay?"
"Of course baby, you can call me whenever you like"
"Bye, love you"
"Love you mwah" I ended the call

I haven't finished my dinner yet when he called me again

"Babe, how was your dinner?"
"Irfan, I'm not yet finished," I said while I sarcastically fake crying
"It's just I miss you and I can't wait to talk to you, I missed your voice already, and I miss your hugs already"
"I know baby, just wait for me, it's not gonna be a long wait, I promise... I have to go now, I have to finish my dinner"
"Okay bye miss you" He replied sadly

10 minutes later I saw her, the girl I'd been waiting for, Michelle.

"Michelle come here" I shouted

When she searched using her eyes to see who was calling her, everything suddenly went slow, and the crowd was suddenly quiet not sure how that happened but all I could see was her, only her. When I realized what was happening, I immediately went back to my senses.

"Michelle here" I shouted again
"Come here, I reserved a seat just for you," I said while winking trying to play flirt with her.

"Hi. Hi Miss Laos, Hi Miss Mexico" Michelle said
"Here have a seat" Melissa said, she sounded so welcoming and soft with a big big smile on her face.

"You're not gonna eat?" Melissa asked Michelle again, I can't even have any alone time with her. Ugh gosh.
"Eh? So why did you go down here, you should have stayed in your room and have some rest" Melissa asked again
"I got bored there, so I just decided to go down here and meet some of the candidates. I haven't met all of them haha" Michelle replied, I'm just listening to their talking, it feels like me and Karla are not here, it's like they have their own world when suddenly,

'trrrrr trrrrrr trrrr'

Irfan is calling me again FOR THE THIRD TIME and I'm not yet finished with my food ughh.

"I have to take this guys" I told them
"Babe, haha I'm not yet finished with my food? Is there anything you need from me?" I asked
"Yes I need you huhu, I'm missing you so much and I can't really wait talking to you"
"Irfan but, I am really busy right now and also I need to focus on the big pageant, I know you miss me already but you have to wait wherever I have time"
"Sorry babe, I didn't mean to annoy you or disturb you, I just want to hear your voice and you of course"
"No, you didn't disturb or annoy me, It's fine for me if you call me but, but I can't answer it every time since I'm busy"
"Ok, I'll just text you if that's fine Baby luv you so much"
"Texting me is fine babe haha, luv you too bye" I ended the call

I immediately went back to the table hoping I could talk to Michelle, when I got back they were talking about something so I disturbed their conversation

"Sorry bout that guys haha, so what are you talking about?" I started
"We were just talking about the.... Food" Karla said
"Yeah, the food, Michelle is missing out haha" that's what Melissa said
"Yeah, the food is really good haha, we should go beside the pool after dinner, y'know to get some air, I checked the pool it looks like relaxing there" I said
"Yeah yeah that's a good idea" the two said while I wait for Michelle's answer
"Sorry guys I don't think I can go with you, I feel very tired, I'll just go back to sleep" Michelle said
"Naurrrrrrrrr I need you to be there," I thought to My self
"Aw, it's ok maybe next time"
"Bye guys, see you tomorrow," she bid goodbye.

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