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Anntonia Porsild POV

That day after my brother left, I decided to go to a cafe, and I chose the cafe that had small customers going, ordered some coffee, sat at the corner table, and drank my ordered coffee, it was a nice day in Switzerland but when I was about to go out at the coffee I bumped into someone. The body, the presence, and the voice were familiar, she was kinda rushing so I didn't get to her face well but she was so familiar, I saw her walk out the door......... Michelle.. it is Michelle... But that's impossible this is Switzerland, why would she be here right? Maybe I just missed her so much that I started seeing her everywhere.

I decided to not go home yet and went for a walk, sat on benches, and walked again, it is really nice here in Switzerland.

The sun is almost down so I decided to walk home

"Are you prepared to meet the person you've been waiting for?
haha silly sign, it's for a dating show, I should join there, then Michelle would join too and I didn't know about it until I saw her, then we'll fall in love with each other again, I mean I didn't stop loving her, then at the end, we'll end up to each other and marry each other"

"Are you prepared to meet the person you've been waiting for?haha silly sign, it's for a dating show, I should join there, then Michelle would join too and I didn't know about it until I saw her, then we'll fall in love with each other again, I me...

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what am I saying?

While I was walking home, I decided to go for a shortcut way.
Well I made a wrong decision, I'm still new here, why did I think there's gonna be a shortcut here, and now I'm lost, what the fuck.

But I saw a garden with a pond here wahhhh it's so beautiful here, so I stayed here and enjoyed nature.

While I was enjoying nature, I remember I'm still lost, so while chilling here, I took out my phone and sought help on Google Maps.
And finally, I know the way, now I can go home, but before going home, I took a picture, I'll be back here and chill again...

 And finally, I know the way, now I can go home, but before going home, I took a picture, I'll be back here and chill again

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